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  1. #181
    Community Member Ballrus's Avatar
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    Suggestions / questions in red:

    Bronze Dragonscale Belt Belt
    Minimum Level: 15/29

    Constitution +8/+21
    Healing Amplification +30/+85 > Ins healing amp 15/43%
    False Life +29/+81 > Ins false life ???/???
    Lifesealed +24%/+50%

    Solar Eclipse Large Shield
    Minimum Level: 29

    Impact V
    Shield Bashing +20% >>>>>> Any change to 1 sec cooldown on auto shield bash?
    Light Damage on Hit10d6
    Vorpal > Sovereign Vorpal

    Bastard Sword: Shattered Hilt of Constellation - Cold Iron, Untyped Damage, Legendary Polycurse - upgrade to add Fetters of Unreality > Leg Polycurse, what effects? I'm curious...

    Thanks in advance.

    Ps. Good job on heavy armor dps set!

    Edit. This make sense:
    Quote Originally Posted by Claver View Post
    ...Why are you doing light damage on a shield named "Solar Eclipse"? This should be negative energy damage instead, both for better flavor and for more variety of effects.

    You already have another big shield called Rising Sun that deals light damage on hit.

    Rising Sun = Light = Light Damage

    Solar Eclipse = Darkness = Negative Energy Damage
    Last edited by Ballrus; 04-03-2019 at 08:22 AM.
    No fun, no $$$

  2. #182
    Community Member Thar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cocomajobo View Post
    Set 1 (Tank Focused) - Guardian of the Gates:

    Set Bonus: +10% Armor Class, +15/30 PRR, 75% Threat Generation

    Watch Captain's Platemail Heavy Armor
    Minimum Level: 15/29
    • Fortification +94%/+214%
    • Physical Sheltering +19/+54
    • Healing Amplification +30/+85
    • False Life +29/+81
    Ironheart Docent
    Minimum Level: 15/29
    • Fortification +94%/+214%
    • Physical Sheltering +19/+54
    • Repair Amplification +30/+85
    • False Life +29/+81
    Standard Issue Faceplate Helmet
    Minimum Level: 15/29
    • Melee Threat +25%/+62%
    • Intimidate +16/+22
    • Insightful Physical Sheltering +9/+27
    • Insightful Fortification +53%/+107%
    Citadel's Gaze Raid Helmet
    Minimum Level:29
    • Melee Threat +64%
    • Intimidate +22
    • Higher Caliber Command Morale to Cha Skills, hide penalty
    • Healer's Bounty
    Standard Issue Wristguards Bracers
    Minimum Level: 15/29
    • Magical Sheltering +19/+54
    • Fortification Saves +6/+17
    • Spell Saves
    • Parrying
    This set seems like items effects are split up to lesser versions just because. Why not sheltering instead of splitting up into physical on one and magical on another. Why not all saves instead of spell saves AND fort saves on the same item with parrying that does more saves. ghostly would be a good addition. not sure tanks really need more fort saves as they are usually con based to start with.
    Member of "Guild of the Black Dragons" & "Swords of the Light" on Sarlona. Proud "Last" member of Caffeine - we aint stragicially savy.

  3. #183
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cocomajobo View Post
    These items are found in Sharn's quests and Raids, but do not belong to a specific set bonus.


    Cracked Core Necklace
    Minimum Level: 29
    • Insightful Constitution +10
    • Quality Constitution +5
    • Soundproof
    • Alchemical Conservation

    I love this item to increase the survivability of my wizard/rogue. It is really hard to find constitution items (specially insightful or quality) which are not class oriented as this one.

    Could I just suggest to give us the option via the crafting/improving mechanic to choose between Alchemist's Lore and alchemical conservation?

  4. #184
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    > Are the increased stats set in stone at 29? +4 to all stats when complete seems a bit higher bump than expected.
    > Any chance the Raid equipment items gets the superamazing dual slot treatment like slavers gear?
    > For the ranged items, any chance for insightful accuracy slotted?: I would suggest the gloves slot[distantdiversion] swapped.
    > Could spell DPS raid hat use some evocation+conjuration augmentation instead of the metamagic spell saving? I personally never felt strong about the spell point reduction on metas, and these are pretty "high profile" effect slots for them.
    > I would probably make the Silver Dragonscale Capelet a bit more crazy, yup , because it has Dragonscale in its name :P


  5. #185
    Pale Fox
    LightBear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    There is a Light Crossbow in the Quest Loot and a Heavy Crossbow in the Raid Loot.

    You are going to lose your mind. Sharn's equipment is the best looking stuff in DDO, hands down. None of the new appearances for armor have been hooked up yet on Lamannia, but hopefully you'll get a chance to take a look soon, and it's going to knock your socks off. If you'd like to get started on looking at appearances, the Shields and Weapons (and Runearms) on Lamannia contain the correct appearances, although they are - as everything on preview is - subject to change.
    You just added a pay to win tree + iconic which combined is for the better part devoted to the light crossbow.

    Would make sense to add a light crossbow.

  6. #186
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    Default Notes on first look-through

    Generally good on consolidation of effects front; I agree with others that there wasn't any need to go past +20 stats though.

    Specific points :

    - Hruit Influence Set : 1) needs medium armor and 2) why the constant splitting of elements for druids?! one of the beauties of the class is being able to switch forms easily!!

    - Arcsteel Set : 1) needs light armor and 2) Quick Draw on raid item is redundant

    - Wallwatch Set : didn't raid items have an extra effect? Crown of Bitter Thorns needs insightful tendon slice at least...

    - Weapons : no longsword?!

  7. #187
    The Hatchery Hoglum's Avatar
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    I’m actually curious about the min level 29 decision. It seemed you were on the right track with the different tiers of raids and it’s been nice being able to use the threads of fate to buy down some items to use them longer.

    My understanding of the intent of having minimum levels on items is to make sure people aren’t using overpowered weapons/gear at lower levels. For instance, if you were level 1 wearing some of these items, you couldn’t possible balance level 1 dungeons since characters would have god like powers compared to what would be appropriate. Thus, you make sure gear people can wear is in line with the dungeon’s challenge level.

    So, I don’t understand where the harm could be in dropping the min level on these items. Let’s say the min level was level 27. What dungeons are you going to crush at character level 27 in an inappropriate manner since you wear these items? I doubt any. At level 27 you’ll likely be playing level 30+ dungeons. Face it, that’s all the dungeons there are any more. If anything, people playing level 27 need a boost rather than more limits in order to play.

    I really liked that some of the older stuff was re-tuned so you can buy it down and when you find new gear it’s a level or 2 lower than it used to be. I don’t know what happened to that endeavor but please consider making most items 27 or 28.

    Thank you!

  8. #188
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    Since you are bringing back Nearly Finished, please consider adding the Cannith Combat Infusion to some of the gear. It is a cool and unique effect.

    Also, nobody is going to use the Molten Adamantine Gauntlets because anyone that would be interested in them is locked into using the Part of the Family set gloves. Make the raid gloves part of the set too if you want anyone to ever use them.
    Last edited by Fivetigers33; 04-03-2019 at 11:01 AM.
    Stratis on Khyber

    Solo/duo raids and solo R10s. Come see what a bard can do.

  9. #189
    Community Member Akoriv's Avatar
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    Default Melee Armors

    Set 1 (Tank Focused) - Guardian of the Gates:
    Set Bonus: +10% Armor Class, +15/30 PRR, 75% Threat Generation

    Watch Captain's Platemail Heavy Armor
    Minimum Level: 15/29
    • Fortification +94%/+214%
    • Physical Sheltering +19/+54
    • Healing Amplification +30/+85
    • False Life +29/+81

    Set 2 (Melee DPS) - Part of the Family:
    Set Bonus: +10/15% Doublestrike, +10/25 Melee Power, +5/15% Helpless Dmg, +2/5 All Saves

    Enforcer's Plate Heavy Armor
    Minimum Level: 15/29
    • Fortification +94%/+214%
    • Physical Sheltering +19/+54
    • Healing Amplification +30/+85
    • False Life +29/+81

    You have taken away Parrying on all our melee armors, and give us on other source.

    EDIT: I totally missed Parrying on the Tank Bracer. You STILL take it away as a decent option from everyone but the plate tanks. See my comments below.

    Add this to the armor set bonuses for all the melee sets. You should probably add it to set bonuses of ALL the armor sets, period.

    Unless you have made the mobs in this xpac weaker than RL and are tuning down how hard everything from like update 30ish and up hits. you are nerfing our defense acroos the board.
    Melee already has problems living long enough to get a heal in reaper content. So, why are you taking our max possible AC & Saves if we use this gear?

    This another reason why I call your loot design the "throwing darts at a dartboard" method.
    It looks like are trying to deliberately nerf our survivability, or you really do not understand what the gear you are designing is meant to do.
    Last edited by Akoriv; 04-03-2019 at 11:10 AM.

  10. #190
    Community Member legendkilleroll's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post

    There are a lot of Handwraps - including a super spicy pair of Raid Wraps that will get a pretty significant facelife from their appearance in the notes in this Preview - in Sharn. These are a pretty tight niche, I admit it, but the idea is too good to lose. If these aren't worth it, I'll make em worth it! :P
    Will the other raid weapons get a facelift too? im looking at the repeater and gaining vorpal as the upgrade doesnt seem all that great. Thats like what .5[w] and the actual vorpal effect seems to work better during heroics.

  11. #191
    Community Member Akoriv's Avatar
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    Default Prr

    You have taken away the 20 Profane PRR we could get on the Adherent of the MIsts set and given us nothing to compensate for it.
    There are no good

    In RL you have 2 item which gave a combiination of Ins PRR, Qual PRR, Ins Con & Ins Dex. That is a lot of survivability in two small packages

    You do not have 5 pieces of gear that can replace this 2 piece combination.
    Granted the 2 piece combination was schizophrenic in all other ways, but at least it had good defense in a tight package.

    The way you have set up this gear is a straight up nerf to PRR & MRR, as well as to AC.
    Whether it is a deliberate nerf or lack of though, I do not know, but I will assume it is just carelessness and not deliberate.

    Ravenloft was bad because your design approach was all over the place with the gear seeming to have no theme Ie: Defense, melee DPS, Caster DPS. Healer was about thing that had straight up gear for it. Most pieces of gear were a mishmash of stats/effects that made them optimal for no playstyle, and you duplicated effects all over the place. I think there four or fives sources of Stunning. Why?

    Sharn has the same lack of thought in how you set up the gear, only worse. We don't even have some the effects from earlier xpacs available at all.

  12. #192
    Uber Completionist kain741's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    I will throw a little sauce in the Set Bonus to make it a little more enticing, no worries!
    Hey Lynn, I've had a chance to get a bit more organized on the loot and have done a full comp vs a currently optimized tank on live. This is what has shaken out:

    AC bumps up by one (parrying went from 9 to 10)
    Intim dropped by 4 (lack of feesible ins cha item offset by bump up in 1 exception cha skills)
    PRR dropped by 14 (+10 to aritifact, offset by -20 loss to profane and -12 to quality)
    MRR dropped by 25 (loss of artifact and quality offset by step up in insight and enhancement)
    Dodge unaffected
    Healing amp dropped by 15 (loss of Profane offset by +5 on armor)

    some thoughts and feedback on items and changes above:

    The wayward set is still the best option for shields do to lack of natural armor or protection options in sharn. This makes quality mrr near impossible to figure out which compounds on loss of KoS set bonus to MRR. Since a tower shield is in the raid loot there should be some compelling reason to get it. I'd suggest maybe increasing in MDB on the tower shield to somewhere around 6 and dropping ins PRR as that is very redundant with rest of gear (on the standard issue helm). On high skull raiding dodge is so very important that tower shields just can't be used. This may also give people a reason to roll a dwarf instead of auto selecting aasimar An additional option would be to allow the raid tower shield to fit into the tank set allowing someone who wears the shield the flexibility to drop one of the helm/armor/bracers allowing them more gear flexibility. Let's face it...the TS is being pointed at these people anyways.

    If i was to be compelled to go with new sharn shield now I have no weapon that directly makes me a better tank. I'd pick one of the array of weapons and give one a tanky flavor. Maybe something that incentivizes tanks to swing every once in a while instead of just turtleling up. Something like the enhancement in renegade master that builds ac as you swing. Instead of AC though I would probably do PRR/MRR since you're exposed while your swinging.

    I mentioned the crystalline gauntlets last night and i'll bring them up again. Spell absorption is a swap item and it is tough to swallow farming a pair of gloves for a swap only. I could wear them all the time but then the spell abs would run out and not be useful when i need them. I suggested last night that maybe have them come back over time instead of per rest but that is a bad idea as that will lead people just sitting in place for a long time to get their charges back. Instead maybe make it so they work kind of like healers bounty and they earn a charge back on hit or spell attack. This will give them staying power, a reason to wear all the time and make them unique...something good for raid items.

    A universal save items would be a great piece to work into tank gear. There is a shortage here and while some builds don't care about them a tank definitely needs all three! There also isn't a logical ghostly item to pick up for a tank.

    I do like the combination on the armors. Healing amp has been something that has been a chore to work in and having it a part of the default gear set up helps me not have to sacrifice so much. This will also allow many tanks that I know don't take it the opportunity to help their clerics out I will say as a whole the consolidation of necessary enhancements does help a bit but it is redundant in places. Any time I look to slot something that wasn't included in sharn I find that 3 slots are wasted just to slot one thing (like quality mrr or prr). I can slot quality PRR on the crusader cloak but then it becomes the only benefit of the items as i duplicate ins con elsewhere. It is very tough to slot an item for only one benefit at the cost of 6% hp from an additional opposition set. I like to have tough choices in making gear selection but in these situations it's very obvious the best option is to exclude it in lieu of HP.
    Whynnd | Xantroos | Cyridven | Justys

  13. #193
    Community Member Iriale's Avatar
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    1) The split of resistance in three stats is not good. If you split the stats, you need at least to do easy slot all them putting in mandatory items. Here it is not only difficult, but impossible (there is no will items, unless I see). Nor do I understand the mania of separating sheltering. Seriously, it's one of the worst ideas you've had. What if you add resistance to the artifacts? We would all appreciate it very much.

    2) We have the same ravenloft forecast problem, in that you do not see that there are stats that are universally necessary for all classes, all builds. Those stats are fortification, resistance, sheltering, parrying, ghostly, constitution. And here not only is it difficult to slot the 3 resistances, but parrying is also almost impossible to slot. Please, make universal items with universal stats, outside the sets. And leave the sets for the typical stats of each archetype. And if not, add at least parrying to all the armors. The armors have been frankly weak since RL. Or add parrying to more non-set items

    3) Set 3 (Primal Casting) - Hruit's Influence. The armor in this set is heavy armor. Druids have proficiency with medium armor (not heavy), and a druid caster (unlike a melee) has no reason to invest in heavy armor, and heavy armor proficiency is in an enhancement melee tree that does not even give wis, so it is unlikely that a caster druid invest 11 points in it. Please, change this armor to medium, or give proficency with heavy in the own armor or in the set (or add a medium armor to the set)

    4) Artificers with improved construct essence really do not have options. I wish there was some light armor with repair amplification. I would also like some set oriented to hybrids (artificer, druids, divines, EKs). You know, with a mix of DC casting and melee or ranged dps. The lack of adequate itemization has always been the biggest handicap of this type of builds. They could receive bonuses that are not the best of both worlds, but they could make that mixed style more viable. Arcsteel Battlemage for example is not bad, but it does not cover all the hybrid archetypes.

    5) Please, do not create a quartestaff as the only raid caster weapon. Two handers are almost universally hated as caster weapons because they do not compensate in DDO. It would be necessary to renounce the new orb, for example, which would be impossible in the first place if you are a pale master (You need the negative healing stuff, which currently only comes in orb or in LGS), and probably does not compensate with any other build. It's not that the items with insightful ability abound, after all. There are people who will still want to carry an LGS, or the set orb / trinket de rage ... seriously, caster two handers, just as you designed them, they do not compensate. If you want to compensate they have to compensate for losing the item off hand.

    6) Set 7 (Spell DPS) - Esoteric Influence: we need a light armor option. there are really many builds that use armor, only wizard and sorcerer use cloth, and they might be interested in this set. Warlock, for example

    I can also say that Shield Bonus to Armor Class in the esoteric caster set is pretty useless, a caster does not have a viable AC in any case. Here parrying (or insightful resistance) or ghostly would be much more useful.

    The set also has one less INT/WIS/CHA than other sets. Weird for the caster set per excellence

    7) Nothing for impulse (force spellpower) Why? Can we get some of this in a non-set item?

    I would have preferred the expansion to give options instead of increasing the numbers, but I suppose that to wish that is useless.
    Last edited by Iriale; 04-03-2019 at 11:30 AM.

  14. #194
    Community Member legendkilleroll's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iriale View Post
    4) Artificers with improved construct essence really do not have options. I wish there was some light armor with repair amplification. I would also like some set oriented to hybrids (artificer, druids, divines, EKs). You know, with a mix of DC casting and melee or ranged dps. The lack of adequate itemization has always been the biggest handicap of this type of builds. They could receive bonuses that are not the best of both worlds, but they could make that mixed style more viable.
    As i was looking over it i thought about this too, my arty uses construct essence and seems all armors are for positive amp.

  15. #195
    Community Member Iriale's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ned_ellis View Post
    Generally good on consolidation of effects front; I agree with others that there wasn't any need to go past +20 stats though.

    Specific points :

    - Hruit Influence Set : 1) needs medium armor and 2) why the constant splitting of elements for druids?! one of the beauties of the class is being able to switch forms easily!!

  16. #196
    Community Member Iriale's Avatar
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    Cracked Core Necklace
    Minimum Level: 29
    Insightful Constitution +10
    Quality Constitution +5
    Alchemical Conservation

    Can you create versions of this item in other slots? Keep in mind that constitution is one of the universally necessary stats, and having it in a single slot is problematic given the diversity of builds and ddo classes. Universal stats should be easy to slot whatever your build.

  17. #197
    Community Member Iriale's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HuneyMunster View Post
    Is this set meant to apply to both Druid Season's Herald and Sorcerer Savants? Neither Druid or Sorcerer are automatically proficient in Heavy Armor. Druid's can gain Heavy Armor Proficiency from Nature's Protector while Sorcerer's can get Medium Armor from Eldritch Knight. But, would still require purchasing 3 feats to be able to take Heavy Armor.

    Why does the set ignore Acid and Lighting? Both Druid and Sorcerer have these types of spells. You can also say that Warlocks have Acid as well as a subset of Air (Sonic), but they get Light Armor unless they take Medium from Enlightened Spirit. Though Acid does have Mountainskin Set available to them, but Air seems totally excluded.

    Is this set meant only apply for Artificer? It seems it would also fit well for a Wizard Eldritch Knight, but not a Sorcerer Eldritch Knight.

    This set is also restricted to wearing Cloth where not all casters are cloth wearers. The set also has one less INT/WIS/CHA than other sets.

  18. #198
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    Default And now for something completely different...

    Hey Lynn,

    Thank you for being so responsive in this thread. I know that it makes people feel that the Devs care to get *any* response, much less actual item changes in response to their feedback. With that said, and with the realization that what I am asking may be "outside the bounds" of what can be done given the state of the expansion, I have a few items to suggest that fill some of my personal itemization needs and I think would allow for some nice combos.

    1) Raid Weapon: Caliban (Light Mace) - Sonic Damage, Electric Damage, Resonance, Magnetism - Upgrade: Legendary Tempestuous (see the old composed affix that added Lightning Strike, Slicing Winds, and Voltaic/Electric Damage)

    2) Weapon: Filtaylor (Dart) - Feat: Dart Expertise (as Shuriken Expertise), Armor Piercing, Seeker / Deadly, +1 Crit Multiplier

    3) Items: Proving Grounds (Belt)
    Min Level: 15 / 29
    Intelligence: +8/+21
    Insightful Intelligence: +2 / +5
    Feat: Insightful Reflexes
    Last edited by Maelphistez; 04-03-2019 at 11:56 AM.
    Andrialla / Archellus / Kadarin / Mercantile Joe
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  19. #199
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iriale View Post
    1) The split of resistance in three stats is not good. If you split the stats, you need at least to do easy slot all them putting in mandatory items. Here it is not only difficult, but impossible (there is no will items, unless I see). Nor do I understand the mania of separating sheltering. Seriously, it's one of the worst ideas you've had. What if you add resistance to the artifacts? We would all appreciate it very much.

    2) We have the same ravenloft forecast problem, in that you do not see that there are stats that are universally necessary for all classes, all builds. Those stats are fortification, resistance, sheltering, parrying, ghostly, constitution. And here not only is it difficult to slot the 3 resistances, but parrying is also almost impossible to slot. Please, make universal items with universal stats, outside the sets. And leave the sets for the typical stats of each archetype. And if not, add at least parrying to all the armors. The armors have been frankly weak since RL. Or add parrying to more non-set items

    3) Set 3 (Primal Casting) - Hruit's Influence. The armor in this set is heavy armor. Druids have proficiency with medium armor (not heavy), and a druid caster (unlike a melee) has no reason to invest in heavy armor, and heavy armor proficiency is in an enhancement melee tree that does not even give wis, so it is unlikely that a caster druid invest 11 points in it. Please, change this armor to medium, or give proficency with heavy in the own armor or in the set (or add a medium armor to the set)

    4) Artificers with improved construct essence really do not have options. I wish there was some light armor with repair amplification. I would also like some set oriented to hybrids (artificer, druids, divines, EKs). You know, with a mix of DC casting and melee or ranged dps. The lack of adequate itemization has always been the biggest handicap of this type of builds. They could receive bonuses that are not the best of both worlds, but they could make that mixed style more viable.

    5) Please, do not create a quartestaff as the only raid caster weapon. Two handers are almost universally hated as caster weapons because they do not compensate in DDO. It would be necessary to renounce the new orb, for example, which would be impossible in the first place if you are a pale master (You need the negative healing stuff, which currently only comes in orb or in LGS), and probably does not compensate with any other build. It's not that the items with insightful ability abound, after all. There are people who will still want to carry an LGS, or the set orb / trinket de rage ... seriously, caster two handers, just as you designed them, they do not compensate. If you want to compensate they have to compensate for losing the item off hand.

    6) Set 7 (Spell DPS) - Esoteric Influence: we need a light armor option. there are really many builds that use armor, only wizard and sorcerer use cloth, and they might be interested in this set. Warlock, for example

    I can also say that Shield Bonus to Armor Class in the esoteric caster set is pretty useless, a caster does not have a viable AC in any case. Here parrying (or insightful resistance) or ghostly would be much more useful.

    The set also has one less INT/WIS/CHA than other sets. Weird for the caster set per excellence

    I would have preferred the expansion to give options instead of increasing the numbers, but I suppose that to wish that is useless.
    I have been seeing a lot of hate for the rl gear in my guild because of the splitting of stats on gear, many in guild run with slavelord pieces to compensate, a 2+ year old system by now?

    I have made several posts about it the last year, it's nice to see others doing the same.
    I hope that with enough feedback like this, the devs will change their thoughts on this issue

  20. #200
    Community Member lyrecono's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by whoolsey View Post
    I have been seeing a lot of hate for the rl gear in my guild because of the splitting of stats on gear, many in guild run with slavelord pieces to compensate, a 2+ year old system by now?

    I have made several posts about it the last year, it's nice to see others doing the same.
    I hope that with enough feedback like this, the devs will change their thoughts on this issue
    Pffff, don't hold your breath, it took years for devs to come of their high horse and introduce prr and mrr on more gear during the armor up update.
    If you realy want to get the devs attention and get things changed, get an angry mob together and create some bad press, that bottom dollar is what motivates them, not good arguments. The devs are too busy catering to cashcows (aka ranged and casters, otto boxes, exp& slayer pots, etc), where would some of the devs be without their favorite xbow class? XD

    Back in the day we stood up for what we believed in, we didn't pat eachother on the back with +1, we took to the streets (of the wayfinder marketplace)
    Quote Originally Posted by FlimsyFirewood View Post
    I play a guy with a two-hander not just in this game, but in every game that has 'em.
    Quote Originally Posted by J-mann View Post
    Not to derail the thread, but then can you make 2hf NOT suck so much compared to 2wf or swf?
    Quote Originally Posted by FlimsyFirewood View Post
    8 pages in, that train has already sailed. The dead horse is canned into cat food by now.

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