Originally Posted by
1) The split of resistance in three stats is not good. If you split the stats, you need at least to do easy slot all them putting in mandatory items. Here it is not only difficult, but impossible (there is no will items, unless I see). Nor do I understand the mania of separating sheltering. Seriously, it's one of the worst ideas you've had. What if you add resistance to the artifacts? We would all appreciate it very much.
2) We have the same ravenloft forecast problem, in that you do not see that there are stats that are universally necessary for all classes, all builds. Those stats are fortification, resistance, sheltering, parrying, ghostly, constitution. And here not only is it difficult to slot the 3 resistances, but parrying is also almost impossible to slot. Please, make universal items with universal stats, outside the sets. And leave the sets for the typical stats of each archetype. And if not, add at least parrying to all the armors. The armors have been frankly weak since RL. Or add parrying to more non-set items
3) Set 3 (Primal Casting) - Hruit's Influence. The armor in this set is heavy armor. Druids have proficiency with medium armor (not heavy), and a druid caster (unlike a melee) has no reason to invest in heavy armor, and heavy armor proficiency is in an enhancement melee tree that does not even give wis, so it is unlikely that a caster druid invest 11 points in it. Please, change this armor to medium, or give proficency with heavy in the own armor or in the set (or add a medium armor to the set)
4) Artificers with improved construct essence really do not have options. I wish there was some light armor with repair amplification. I would also like some set oriented to hybrids (artificer, druids, divines, EKs). You know, with a mix of DC casting and melee or ranged dps. The lack of adequate itemization has always been the biggest handicap of this type of builds. They could receive bonuses that are not the best of both worlds, but they could make that mixed style more viable.
5) Please, do not create a quartestaff as the only raid caster weapon. Two handers are almost universally hated as caster weapons because they do not compensate in DDO. It would be necessary to renounce the new orb, for example, which would be impossible in the first place if you are a pale master (You need the negative healing stuff, which currently only comes in orb or in LGS), and probably does not compensate with any other build. It's not that the items with insightful ability abound, after all. There are people who will still want to carry an LGS, or the set orb / trinket de rage ... seriously, caster two handers, just as you designed them, they do not compensate. If you want to compensate they have to compensate for losing the item off hand.
6) Set 7 (Spell DPS) - Esoteric Influence: we need a light armor option. there are really many builds that use armor, only wizard and sorcerer use cloth, and they might be interested in this set. Warlock, for example
I can also say that Shield Bonus to Armor Class in the esoteric caster set is pretty useless, a caster does not have a viable AC in any case. Here parrying (or insightful resistance) or ghostly would be much more useful.
The set also has one less INT/WIS/CHA than other sets. Weird for the caster set per excellence
I would have preferred the expansion to give options instead of increasing the numbers, but I suppose that to wish that is useless.