and here we go again:-
Nightmother's sceptre all 8 slots
4 x ottos + 2 dcs all spells
3 x eye of the beholder + 1 x eye/grave + 2 dcs all spells
Gauntlets of Iron Council
3 x grave (int+neg heal + prr)
should give + 1 int (NOPE), Neg heal amp (Don't know as don't use), + prr (working)
so now I should have a 4 piece grave set giving 10 universal spell power/ 2 will saves and 2 dcs to necro spells
What I actualy got is +9 spell power (NOT 10), NO +2 will saves and NO +2 necro dcs. So NONE of it worked as intended
Ozzgood 51, 51, 27, 42, 115. Ozzbad 51, 51, 27, 42, 100. Ozzugly 45, 51, 27, 42, 145. EvilOzz 51, 51, 27, 42, 135. Ozzistheworst 39, 51, 16, 18, 75. Ozzthegreat 5, 5, 2, 0, 15. and Alts on Khyber
Past Lives: Heroic, Epic, Iconic, Racial., Reaper Points,
The minor artifacts look interesting, and adding new ways to increase the use of filigrees is appealing. After reviewing the Preview:1 Loot I was wondering if it was intentional creating a conflict between some of the sets and the more obvious minor artifact choices that could go with those builds? Example: the Hruit's Influence set requires a combination of armor, gloves, and necklace. Reviewing the set bonus and the bonuses on the necklaces in the set, these appear to be geared toward Sorcs and Druid caster builds. The minor artifacts that most directly support those builds The Zarash'ak Ward and Sigil of Regalport are also on necklace so they could not be used with the set. The Gauntlets of the Iron Council, which might have been a good alternative choice supporting a secondary stat Con, also conflicts being in the gloves slot. The only remaining options in line with those builds would be the Stolen Signet of ir'Wynarn on ring slot, which with quality potency 41 isn't a bad choice for a Sorc, although less appealing for some than quality spell focus mastery. However, for caster Druids the only minor artifact that would support their primary casting stat is the Radiant Ring of Taer Valaestas, which looks like it was constructed for non-casters in mind. I wasn't sure if this was by design to create tough choices, or if it was incidental and might receive additional review. Thank you.
Sigil of the Triumverate Ring Minor Artifact
Minimum Level:29
Maximum Filigree Slots: 3
- Dexterity +22
- Insightful Accuracy +17
- Quality Deadly +5
- Fire Absorption +53%
Insightful accuracy is already on 3 other different pieces of Sharn Loot (Stygian Cowl, Wildwood Wrists, Molten Adamantine Gauntlets) but insightful seeker is nowhere. Can we make this insightful seeker instead? Or Ins. Armor Pen?
Last edited by Tilomere; 04-08-2019 at 08:37 PM.
Spell resistance has to be brought up to significant values to give noticable effects. My monk has 106 SR and the amount of blue forcefields I see makes me smile. I think barbs can get it even higher. Reaching these levels outside monk/barb involves... Spell Resistance spell? Cannith crafting?
On that note, I'd like to see Insightful Spell Resistance added to some of the new items.
I'm also wondering about mythic/reaper bonuses on these, and hoping they don't only drop in the raids (like that Covetous gem). Will the helms (or other gear slots) be able to get that sweet-sweet reaper ability bonus?
Are we getting any new augments to take advantage of three-slot items? Been a long time since we had new augments. Someone posted a good idea about including the likes of a Sapphire of Healing Amplification, or a Ruby of Deception. New named augments would be cool too, or even crafted augments.
How about adding Emeralds, Ambers, and Amethysts that can only be slotted in Green, Orange, and Purple slots?
Last edited by ThreadNecromancer; 04-03-2019 at 10:54 PM.
Key of Rhukaan Draal Necklace Minor Artifact
Minimum Level:29
Maximum Filigree Slots: 3
Intelligence +22
Insightful Accuracy +17
Wizardry +481
Cold Absorption +53%
Band of Diani ir'Wynarn Bracer Minor Artifact
Minimum Level:29
Maximum Filigree Slots: 3
Intelligence +22
Insightful Accuracy +17
Insightful Deadly +8
Sonic Absorption +53%
Sigil of Regalport Necklace Minor Artifact
Minimum Level:29
Maximum Filigree Slots: 3
Charisma +22
Quality Spell Focus Mastery+2
Spell Resistance+52
Acid Absorption +53%
Well... We already have two minor artifact with int +22 and insight accur, would it be possible to remove the insight accu from the key of Rhukaan and add quality spell focus mastery as in Sigil of Regal?
The first thing that hits me is a lot of overlapping, there is no incentive to want more than one of them. I understand this is an early stage, maybe future iterations will change my mind.
Not sure how I feel about these. On the one hand, 3 filigree slots is nearly enough reason to equip an artifact, in and of itself. On the other hand, the pre-set bonuses on the items don't feel that special, or like a reason to make it a cornerstone of a gear layout. If anything, with the current stats, I'm more likely to plan out the rest of my gear then pick an artifact that fits the slots I have left. I'm not really sure what the best way to change this would be though. Giving each artifact a powerful unique effect not found (or rarely found) on other gear would be a really cool way of doing it, which would also reinforce their unique identities, but would, I imagine, be difficult to implement. The other option is to give artifacts the sort of base-line bonuses everyone wants, in every situation. This doesn't really do anything to make them unique, but could make them useful enough to gear around.
In either case, I'm really not a fan of the absorption effects common across these. Absorb is either really useful, or totally useless, to the degree it's something I'd want to swap into a gearset if I know I'll fight that element a lot - cold absorb to fight whisps, chaos absorb for Killing Time, things like that. It's not something I'd want equipped all the time, which is what these artifacts do. Negative absorb especially has limited use, with the availability of the deathward spell. Is there any chance of seeing these effects replaced with something more universally applicable?
I don't think we need even more gear at 18; many cannith crafting effects gain a number at 18, and so I and the other power gamers have crafted sets at 18. We really need more itemization in the ML 20 to 25 range. That said, making this available in heroic as a teaser would be kind of neat.
This is a real point. Augments are seriously outdated. Only red augments hold up against current power creep, and then only because they stack with everything. Colorless, Blue, and Yellow augments all compete with on-item stats, but clock in at tiny numbers.
What is the design intent for the augment system?
Currently we have two tiers of augments.
The "strong" augments are ones with unique (Ruby of Eternal Night) or rare (Master's Gift) effects, that mostly stack with gear, or conflict with so few pieces of gear that they may as well stack. You always want these. For red augments, you're forced to choose, and the choice isn't always the same. Red augments are in a very good place right now. I just looked through the list of red augments, and I can honestly say, I've used everything except the basic +typed damage ones. They're all valuable. For unique non-red augments, it's easy to get enough slots to slot them all, and so you do, and there's no choice or thought involved. This makes the first few augment slots valuable, but beyond that, more slots are less valuable. Ideally, the unique augments would all play like red augments: desirable, situational, and impossible to get enough slots to simply use them all.
This could be a good way to ensure that it's hard to just use every unique augment: put them only on rare slot types. Of course, Orange and Purple have serious problems under the current design too; with Red augments being in such a good place, it's really hard to make new Orange-only or Purple-only augments both fit into the system, but not add unnecessary power creep. To be desirable when you have the right slot, they would need to be better than enough Red augments to be worthy of consideration, but then you're forced to add a ton of power creep to all weapons with multiple "red" slots.
Orange and purple slots need a real role beyond simply being second and third red slots.
If I may make a suggestion: consider consolidating the augment system to make most augments only fit their exact color - I.E. red goes in red but not purple or orange - at the same time as moving all the unique highly-desirable augments onto specific colors.
Augments that I see as unique, or rarely-conflicted:
Good Luck, Max Dex Bonus, Arcane Spell Failure, Master's Gift, Spooky Int/Wis, Globe of True Imperial Blood, Crushing Wave Guard, Golem's Heart, Blind Ward, Fear Ward, Deathblock, Enhancement Spell Focus, Draconic Soul Gem, [all red augs].
The "weak" augments are ones that offer standard stats, but at tiny numbers. Items give 20+ to one attribute, the very-rare drop augment offers 7. Items offer 50+ sheltering, the ML28 augment offers 14. Items offer 80+ elemental resistance, the named augment offers 35. These sorts of augment lessen the penalty of not including a given stat into your equipment layout. Since +7 CON augments exist, you "only" lose 13-15 CON by not having a CON item, instead of the full 20. Around the time these augments were new, +8 attribute items were about as high as it went. In those days, having a stat on an item was only marginally better than having an augment slot. Today, power creep has eroded the value of augments relative to other mods by about 65%.
Is the intended design for "extra" augment slots to cover holes in itemization? What percentage of "regular" items is the correct amount for augments to provide?
Today, many stats' augments offer a mere 33% of a full item. Originally, this was 88%. Picking the correct ratio is critical to balancing the value of augment slots. If it were 100% of a full item, then any item with a "real" stat on it that has an augment form would actually be worse than simply having an augment slot, for lack of options. As power creep pushes it ever closer to 0%, the value of augment slots drops. I can see the team acknowledging this by offering ever more items with two or even three augment slots.
In summary:
The basic dichotomy of augments is a good design. Some augments and slot types being highly-desirable unique effects from which you're forced to choose a subset, and other augments and slot types filling holes in itemization is a good design. It plays well into the gear puzzle, and it makes different colors feel unique.
The system also has a few flaws.
- Orange and purple slots behave like red slots, because it's rarely a good choice to put anything other than a red gem into them.
- Non-red augments mostly have not kept pace with power creep, and this is compromising their role in covering for itemization gaps.
- Newer core stats like healing amplification do not have augments, and this is also compromising slots' role in covering for itemization gaps.
If the power raise is inevitable on these items, would not artifact bonus to ability stats +4-5 instead of +22 make more sense?
Sigil of Regalport 's acid absorption does not seem to connect with the theme (unless im missing somethin obvious here), if the absorption is set in stone, it may make more sense to add water/fire theme.
That aside, I would rather see something more interesting than absorption, ~ is mostly a situational item swap effect.![]()
Last edited by janave; 04-05-2019 at 05:33 AM.
How about you guys do something wild and crazy and have the stat bonuses on the artifacts INFERIOR to other gear? Then we would weigh out whether or not the boost to set bonuses from their filigrees are worth equipping them.
Pretend that all packs are released at the same time, please
Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
Proud Knight of the Silver Legion, Cannith: Saekee (main) and some others typically parked at some level to help guildies and other players
Are there more of theese in the drawing board ? I see 3 neckies but only one pair of goggles. And no raid minor artifact ?? Wouldent that be a good idea ? I would have wished for theese items to have been a little more customble like the nearly finished items. I would have been much more usefull for everybody.. Perhaps even just with the choose between +21 stat ( you craft) and the +10 insightfull along with the 3 augemnt slots i think alot of people would have been happy with that. For none of my builds is theese items gonna be a win ecspect ofc from the filigree, would be nice if the item was actully going to be Unique.
Deltabravo I have come here to FROG things up!