With Racial completionist your picking up Stats along the way, the Class completionist bonuses are negligible in comparison. IMHO. You used to need the Spell pen and DC in endgame but even that is arguably not necessary especially with the up coming ED changes. Maybe the HD for monk is irreplaceable? I don't know.
Paladin Past Lives are nice for everyone
Wizard past lives are nice because the +6 Spell Pen stacks with everything.
If you are going to be an Undead Turning Cleric/Paladin, +6 levels for Undead is nice.
Beyond that? Nothing supremely exciting. Maybe +9 damage for thrower/Inquisitor builds?
Class completionist is a lot less exciting than it used to be.
No one in the world ever gets what they want
And that is beautiful
Everybody dies frustrated and sad
And that is beautiful
I would say the spell penetration past lives are not just nice, but effectively mandatory if someone plans to be effective help in highend SR heavy content. It helps tons with gearing, may save feats and actions points. Almost anything that helps landing DC Actives is too good to ignore.
The completionist feat should not be class-dependent. It is a signature of player endurance, if anything it would worth considering to make these BtA, granted on each new character once unlocked. But making it auto granted per character is fair enough.
Devs really need to get a top-down view of how reward systems work in DDO if they wanna keep it going and growing. From what I ve seen the servers are pretty empty, seems like people have no issues skipping on grinds to enjoy the summer, and choose "entertainment" instead..
If you're a moving DPS striker (like TWF with Dodge bonuses and Reflex specialization) it helps to not have your damage rolls occasionally fail. Also these bonuses grant inherent Dodge and Dodge Cap improvements.
>And with regard to OP, +1 AGREED
I always end up taking Completionist on my Caster and I would like to use that slot for something else. That said, it isn't too bad the way it is now, just a little unfortunate that I can't have the cake and eat it too.