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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Sorcerrer spells nerf after update?

    Dear SSG,

    Is the spell change intended or not?
    I only checked with fireball, it might be more spells (due to it being a bread and butter with tiefling i noticed it with that spell first)
    The actuall spell was literally cut in half which will be shown in the pscreen below.

    Please change, i do not want to be forced to play warlock again, this is entirely bad with the release of tiefling, to nerf the class that has the most synergy with it.

    No it is not a tooltip error, im getting half of the damage dice numbers before the update.
    I did around 5 lifes as sorc back to back while running the same content on the same gear, it is not a change in my playstyle, it was right after this update.
    A week ago and today, different numbers from the same spell.
    It can also be possible that the spell has been nerfed in its entirety as i did some tests on alt as i alternate spells, its a 14 sorc build, the damage numbers should be much higher on the new scalingof the spell
    Last edited by Kebtid; 03-28-2019 at 09:31 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    There is no shortage of content in this game for the weakest 5% of players.

    For most content, they have three difficulties designed solely for them, Casual, Normal and Hard.

  2. #2
    Community Member Jaxtan's Avatar
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    Something negative is going on. It's taking a lot more spells and sp to kill the same mobs. Plus, some spells are now just misfiring. The animation begins, but then nothing comes out and the mob takes no damage. The spell goes on cool down and sp has been deducted, but nothing negative happens to the mob. Maybe the large amount of lag is messing it up?

  3. #3
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    Default Its not just spells either

    I run a mech rogue right now and i just ran tears of dhakaan and about 1/3 the time I shot at targeted mobs there was no bolts coming out, but the animation of my repeater was sure going like normal.

  4. #4
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    It looks like only Fireball was affected.

  5. #5
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    Just did some digging and it looks like what is actually happening here is I forgot to update the text on the actual Fireball spell that appears in everyone's spellbook when we implemented the spell pass in 2018. The reason there's a discrepancy from your SLA to your spellbook is that the SLA is using the enhancement's description, which did get updated, and the base Fireball's did not. They should absolutely be doing the same damage, though. I noticed that you are a multiclass with some Barbarian levels, would you mind giving me as much information as you can about anything that you think could cause a spell damage discrepancy?

    For the record, if anything did change, it was purely unintentional. I would make sure that you have the same Metamagic settings on both your SLA and Spell hotkeys. If it turns out something is bugged, we'll definitely take a look
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  6. #6
    Hero apocaladle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jaxtan View Post
    Plus, some spells are now just misfiring. The animation begins, but then nothing comes out and the mob takes no damage. The spell goes on cool down and sp has been deducted, but nothing negative happens to the mob. Maybe the large amount of lag is messing it up?
    I am having this issue as well

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    Just did some digging and it looks like what is actually happening here is I forgot to update the text on the actual Fireball spell that appears in everyone's spellbook when we implemented the spell pass in 2018. The reason there's a discrepancy from your SLA to your spellbook is that the SLA is using the enhancement's description, which did get updated, and the base Fireball's did not. They should absolutely be doing the same damage, though. I noticed that you are a multiclass with some Barbarian levels, would you mind giving me as much information as you can about anything that you think could cause a spell damage discrepancy?

    For the record, if anything did change, it was purely unintentional. I would make sure that you have the same Metamagic settings on both your SLA and Spell hotkeys. If it turns out something is bugged, we'll definitely take a look
    Yes that was on my alt on 2nd account where i could get acess to both slas to test with no base spell power at all beside from cores.
    I am testing the base spell on my main w and i see my fireball damage not scaling as it should scale.
    Actually at lv 10 now my scorch sla deals condireably more damage, same as the spell then fireball.

    When coupled with vulnerable enemies the difference becomes even more visible. Scaling wise that should not be possible.
    Im sure that fireball is using the d3 dice now for damage instead of d6
    Last edited by Kebtid; 03-29-2019 at 08:35 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    There is no shortage of content in this game for the weakest 5% of players.

    For most content, they have three difficulties designed solely for them, Casual, Normal and Hard.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by apocaladle View Post
    I am having this issue as well
    To be honest i had a lot of these before the patch as well. About 15% of the time, is it worse now?
    Quicken meta on globally.

  9. #9
    Community Member Gilga1's Avatar
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    I can confirm that fireball went back to the original version
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  10. #10
    Community Member SpartanKiller13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jaxtan View Post
    Plus, some spells are now just misfiring. The animation begins, but then nothing comes out and the mob takes no damage. The spell goes on cool down and sp has been deducted, but nothing negative happens to the mob. Maybe the large amount of lag is messing it up?
    Quote Originally Posted by apocaladle View Post
    I am having this issue as well
    I had this a bit, but I think it's when you're hard targeted on a mob that dies during your cast animation. If you're ground targeting I haven't had any issues, or when firing spells at healthy mobs, but when throwing a Meteor Swarm into a melee it's not uncommon for someone else to kill a mob.

    I haven't tested though, just that's my gut feel. I don't have much lag though, so possibly a different issue?
    -Khysiria of Cannith
    Quote Originally Posted by zehnvhex View Post
    Warlock is basically a ghetto Shiradi Sorc. You gives up some of the damage and self sustain for the ability to just hold down left click and yolo blast your way to victory.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    It's DDO. There are probably 6 different types of Evil damage.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    Just did some digging and it looks like what is actually happening here is I forgot to update the text on the actual Fireball spell that appears in everyone's spellbook when we implemented the spell pass in 2018. The reason there's a discrepancy from your SLA to your spellbook is that the SLA is using the enhancement's description, which did get updated, and the base Fireball's did not. They should absolutely be doing the same damage, though. I noticed that you are a multiclass with some Barbarian levels, would you mind giving me as much information as you can about anything that you think could cause a spell damage discrepancy?

    For the record, if anything did change, it was purely unintentional. I would make sure that you have the same Metamagic settings on both your SLA and Spell hotkeys. If it turns out something is bugged, we'll definitely take a look
    I've also noticed that resist elements gets scrambled. With an 1fighter/11druid/6lock sometimes the spell lasts 11min and sometimes it lasts 6min (always using the lv11 druid version of the spell). I've seen this behavior on 2 different lives now.

    Maybe something is buggy with multiclassing?

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