A bit late to the party, but I'll toss this out...
At level 1 and 2, yeah, kinda. Locks have no AoE attack and just don't have the juice to kill fast enough, at least not to solo Elite very easily (which is kinda the benchmark). They even can have a tough time Soloing Cannith Crystal, which is enough to make anyone sad.
However, starting before Level 3, you have enough AP (minimum 5) to start getting Chain and Utterdark, which is where the change starts (min 9 AP total*). Another 2 AP gets you your 2nd Strong Pact before Level 4, 11 AP and you're set.
(* if you only have 2 AP in Feigned Health, which is workable to start with. 10 AP if/when you put all 3 AP there, or you can grab the 2nd Core first if you prefer for a larger Depravity pool. But we're splitting hairs at this point, ymmv.)
When I'm making a disposable Favor Runner with Vet 1 (starting Level 4, 12 AP), I'll often start Barb 1/Warlock 3, and that crushes everything in any Level 2 quest out there on Elite (or even R1, if I'm bored of E). I can take Barb 1 (for the run speed) without hurting my AP spending, and it actually helps when I have to kite the occasional group of champs/reapers. This is obviously a 1st life build, and could be 28 pts np (in fact, I prefer Drow for this, but ymmv).
For this, 1 Feat is Evocation, to reduce saves by -1 (but you could do both for -2). At this level, gear can be all droploot - +3 Charisma, +1 Evoc, +~50 Fort, +Con, some false life, and a pair of decent Spell Power/Lore weapons. If(!) you want to get serious, farm up a
Runic Trinket for +14 to each spellpower, done. There is certainly room for other useful/desirable effects like Featherfall or +Jump, or +Str for Carrying Capacity, etc., but that's all gravy.
Lowbie 'locks don't have "attack" spells, they have defense/utility spells, which are far from "useless".
- Shield (critical if going Reaper)
- Jump (to get out of awkward kiting situations)
- Web (for an unreliable* CC - but it helps, esp if you can keep kiting your pursuers back through it)
(* If you started with 20 Charisma, and can find room to slot a +Conjuration item (or take Feat(s) +Conjuration), then it becomes far more reliable - ymmv as to those tradeoffs. The inevitable problem is that altho' it is initially a Ref ST, mobs then get Str checks to break free, so it all depends who/what you're trying to web.)
I then slot the auto-granted Featherfall on a handy hotbutton, and spam it for a cheap "Mass" Feigned Life. (Other spells vary w/ Pact, but again, none are "useless".)
But, the bottom line is - yeah, shortly after hitting level 2, and with a little (droploot) gear, Locks are just fine as-designed.