Should bring the AP cost of this down to 1 per rank to match the same enhancement cost in the Falconry tree...
Or vice versa... but no one wants 6 AP costs for all 3 no mercy.
I think they have the high cost to hurt Shintao monks
Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
Proud Knight of the Silver Legion, Cannith: Saekee (main) and some others typically parked at some level to help guildies and other players
Do you realize that there are different AP costs for the same ability in lots of different trees? In theory not all classes or trees should be able to take a skill as proficiently as others. Should we argue to bring brutality down from T5 Ravager as well since they now have to go to T5 to get it? Or why do druids get helpless damage at T3? Why can't all the trees just be the same? The point is there will be variation and everything doesn't have to be uniform. There are far bigger AP issues in the game at the moment than No Mercy in ninja spy in my opinion.
ZERGWhynnd | Xantroos | Cyridven | Justys
Except they are both T4, add the same exact values, and called exactly No Mercy... the only difference is AP cost and Class bound/Universal access.
A class tree should definitely not have a disadvantage over a universal one, class is far more limiting.
Ninja Spy aside throwers is mostly "abandonware".
That is your opinion. The class has access to both so will be able to double the benefit and thus maybe the extra cost is needed. Dwarves are restricted down to a race so why is their shield mastery more than Sacred Defender or Stalwart? The ability to stack benefits can have additional costs. It is easy to justify anything if you want it bad enough but that doesn't necessary means that it has to be. If I could reallocate the costs of many of the trees I would but I think there are far bigger problems than no mercy with people stacking plenty of helpless damage already.
ZERGWhynnd | Xantroos | Cyridven | Justys