I have 3 toons, all rangers, 1 is Aasimar w/ falconry tree.
I originally had a dex based ranger/rogue/monk w/out 10K starz.
Now my build is an Aasimar w/ wisdom hit& dmge.
Ive noticed the dps is much lower than my old dex builds, (I used strintoms acid build)
I have +6 tomes, and several human, ranger PL's w/ moderate gear. & low level crafting.
I want to utilize the extra healing hands, and the falconry attacks, but my guild mates on cannith had differing opinions on how I should maximize this build.
Im lost, I feel the wisdom based true ranger builds can be decent and even great.
I was told the doubleshot is what I should strive for, but I cant get a good grip on AA or Sniper for T5 or the core's w/ doubleshot.
The points are spread out too much for my limited knowledge on using falconry tree.
Thanks in advance.