Everything seen on the preview server, Lamannia, is not final and is subject to change or removal before live release. Specific extra disclaimer on the current visual appearance of Tiefling and Tiefling Scoundrel.
First, if you haven't already been there please check out the U41.4 Preview 1 Main thread.
How to Access
You can access the Inquisitive Universal Enhancement Tree on the Preview server by speaking to Lord Poincelot in the center of the Test Dojo and then purchasing it in the Lamannia DDO Store.
The Inquisitive Universal Enhancement Tree is a new Universal Enhancement Tree coming soon. Based on the Master Inquisitive prestige class in the 3.5e Eberron Campaign Setting, Inquisitives are investigators who specialize in solving mysteries and shedding light on the darkest secrets. In DDO, those who use the Inquisitive Universal Enhancement tree will gain skills that focus on Diplomacy, Law/Chaos damage, finding hidden things, and a new Dual-Crossbow combat style.
In the same way that Vistani Knife Fighter has a Tier 1 enhancement that changes your combat style, Inquisitive has a Tier 1 enhancement that changes the way Light and Heavy (non-repeating) Crossbows are used. With this enhancement, any Light or Heavy (non-repeating) Crossbow you equip splits into two smaller hand-crossbows in your hands, each firing a shot every time you attack. Both of these shots use the stats of your single (equipped) Crossbow. You'll notice there's one such new crossbow in this year's Anniversary event; this might be a good time to stock up!
With a fairly versatile set of options, the Inquisitive Universal Enhancement Tree ought to open interesting new builds for most of DDO's classes; get ready to hit the streets of Sharn and solve some mysteries!
This tree involves many new animations for all of DDO's various races; please let us know where things don't look right.
Enhancement Tree
- Cores
- Inquisitive +1 to Attack with all weapons. +1 to Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Bluff.
- Hit the Streets You gain an additional copy of Diplomacy on a separate cooldown timer. This timer is shared with Half-Elven Social Grace's Diplomacy. 1 Minute Cooldown. Passive: +2% Dodge. +3 Diplomacy skill, if you are a Half-Elf, this bonus is instead +10.
- Mind like Iron +3 to Will Saving Throws. You no longer automatically fail Saving Throws for Fear, Enchantment, or Illusion effects on a Natural 1. You will automatically perform a Search check to locate traps and secret doors when you are in range to Spot them, although this Search check occurs at a -4 penalty. In addition, you gain +2 Damage dice with Law on your Side.
- True Seeing You permanently gain the effects of the True Seeing spell. You gain +1 Competence Bonus to Critical Threat Range and Multiplier with Light and Heavy (non-repeating) Crossbows. In addition, you gain +2 Damage dice with Law on your Side.
- Undaunted +10 Ranged Power, +3 to all Saving Throws, +4 to the Max Dex Bonus of equipped armor. You gain the Slippery Mind feat (You can wriggle free from magical effects that would otherwise control or compel you. You gain a second saving throw versus enchantments.). In addition, you gain +2 Damage dice with Law on your Side.
- Master Inquisitive +2 to all Ability Scores. +10 Ranged Power. While wielding a Light or Heavy (non-repeating) Crossbow, your Vorpal hits will knock down targets hit on a natural 20 + confirmation for 6 seconds without a saving throw, as a Great Crossbow. In addition, you gain +3 Damage dice with Law on your Side.
Tier 1- Dual Shooter While you have a Light or Heavy (non-repeating) Crossbow equipped, you instead fight with a Hand Crossbow in each hand, with each mimicking the damage and effects of your equipped Crossbow. +1 to Attack and Damage with Light and Heavy (non-repeating) crossbows.
- Eye for Accuracy 1/2/3 to Attack with weapons.
- Conjure Bolts SLA: Conjures a stack of 1000 bolts for use with a crossbow. These bolts have a +1 enhancement bonus. These bolts dissolve into nothingness after logout. 30/20/10 SP.
- Law on your Side Toggle: Your Light and Heavy (non-repeating) Crossbow attacks deal 1d8 Law damage on hit to non-Lawful creatures, scaling with 200% Ranged Power. Lawful creatures take 1d4 Law damage, scaling with 200% Ranged Power.
- Inquisitive Skills +1/2/3 to Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Bluff. Rank 3: +1 to Will Sav
Tier 2- Crossbow Adept +1 to Attack and +2 to Damage with Light and Heavy (non-repeating) Crossbows
- Wand & Scroll Mastery +25%/50%/75% damage and healing of your wands, scrolls, and other items that cast spells. Adds +1/2/3 to the save DC's of your offensive wands.
- Observation When you use Diplomacy on a enemy, you gain one stack of Observation (+2 to Armor Class, +2 to PRR, +2 to MRR). Each stack lasts for 20 seconds before being removed. This stacks up to 5 times.
- Improved Law +2 Damage dice with Law on your Side
- Action Boost: Skills Activate to gain a +2/4/6 Action Boost bonus to all skills for 20 seconds. Cooldown: 30 seconds.
Tier 3- Crossbow Adept +1 to Attack and +1 to Damage with Light and Heavy (non-repeating) Crossbows
- First Things First Multiselector. Choose one of:
- Shoot First: Bow or Crossbow Attack: +3[W] damage. On successful damage, this causes your opponent to take "Shot Wound". (Cooldown: 6 seconds) Note: Shot Wound deals 1d6 damage per Character Level every 2 seconds for 12 seconds. This damage scales with 200% Ranged Power.
- Ask Questions First: Activate this skill to gain +20 to Diplomacy and a 10% reduction in the cooldown time of Social Skills for 60 seconds. When you use Diplomacy on a enemy while this is active, you gain a stack of Preparation (+2% Dodge that ignores Dodge Cap). Each stack of Preparation lasts 12 seconds, and acquiring a new stack resets the duration. Preparation can stack up to 5 times. (Cooldown: 2 minutes).
- Improved Observation Each stack of Observation now also grants you 5% Fortification Bypass.
- Stop in the Name Active: Targeted enemy must save (DC Diplomacy+d20 vs. Will) or be Dazed for 10 seconds. Daze is removed on hit. Bosses are immune to Daze. 18 second cooldown.
- Ability Score Choose an ability to improve:
- +1 Strength
- +1 Dexterity
- +1 Constitution
- +1 Intelligence
- +1 Wisdom
- +1 Charisma
Tier 4- Crossbow Adept +1 to Attack and +2 to Damage with Light and Heavy (non-repeating) Crossbows
- Later Things Later Multiselector. Choose one of:
- Ask Questions Later: Requires Shoot First. When you use Diplomacy on enemies who have at least one stack of Shot Wound, they take a Crushing Despair effect for 30 seconds.
- Shoot Later: Requires Ask Questions First. Bow or Crossbow Attack: +5[w]. This attack has +2 Critical Threat Range and Multiplier. Cooldown: 15 seconds.
- Inquisition Multiselector. Choose one of:
- Divine Inquisition: You count Light and Heavy (non-repeating) Crossbows as Favored Weapons, regardless of your Deity.
- Arcane Inquisition: You gain +15 Universal Spell Power while holding a Light or Heavy (non-repeating) Crossbow.
- Martial Inquisition: +5% Doubleshot with Light and Heavy (non-repeating) Crossbows.
- Dashing Inquisition: You can Swashbuckle while wielding a Light (non-repeating) Crossbow.
- Greater Law +2 Damage dice with Law on your Side.
- Ability Score Choose an ability to improve:
- +1 Strength
- +1 Dexterity
- +1 Constitution
- +1 Intelligence
- +1 Wisdom
- +1 Charisma
Tier 5- No Holds Barred Action Boost: You may activate this ability to enchant your Light or Heavy (non-repeating) crossbow to instantly reload itself for 18 seconds. (Cooldown: 30 seconds. ) This shares charges and a cooldown with Endless Fusilade. If you also have Endless Fusilade, you gain +10 Ranged Power while No Holds Barred is active. Passive: +5 Ranged Power, +10% Doubleshot.
- Arresting Assault All nearby enemies take -10 Melee, Ranged, and Spell Power for 20 seconds and 5 stacks of Vulnerability. In addition, nearby enemies must save (DC Diplomacy+d20 vs. Will) or be subjected to a 10-second Daze. (Bosses are immune to the Daze, but not the Power reduction or Vulnerability). Daze is removed on hit. 1 minute cooldown."
- Improved Uncanny Dodge: Grants the Improved Uncanny Dodge feat. Activate that ability to gain a temporary 50% Ddge bonus and a +6 Reflex Save bonus. That feat also grants you a 1% passive bonus to Dodge at levels 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 20.
- Inquisitor's Path Multiselector. Choose one of:
- Optimistic: +2 Damage Dice with Law on your Side. +10 Ranged Power, +30% Alacrity with non-Repeating Crossbows.
- Jaded: Your damage dice with Law on your Side are now d8s for all enemies, regardless of alignment. +10 Ranged Power, +30% Alacrity with non-Repeating Crossbows.
- Vigalante: +1 Damage Dice with Law on your Side. Damage from Law on your Side is now Chaos damage, with non-Chaotic creatures taking d8s of damage, and Chaotic creatures taking d4s of damage. +10 Ranged Power, +30% Alacrity with non-Repeating Crossbows.
- Diplomatic Immunity Toggle: While active, your attacks with Light and Heavy (non-repeating) Crossbows have a chance to automatically trigger Diplomacy around you.
Currently Known Bugs
- There are some work in progress animation issues scattered amongst the various races and genders. If you find them, please let us know.
- "Shoot First" tooltip still makes mention of stacks even though it now can only apply a single stack.
- Arresting Assault hits party members
Bugs fixed since Preview 1
- Numerous unfinished/polished animations
- Glamering does not currently affect Dual-Crossbow appearances.
- "Shoot First" tooltip is a string table error.
- "Shoot Later" tooltip is a string table error.
- Dual Crossbows do not appear on login is you already were in that style when last logged out.
- "No Holds Barred" (Tier 5) does not grant +10 Ranged Power while active if you also have Endless Fusilade.
- Various missing icons have been added
- Tier 4 - Ability is Listed a Strength
- Tier 3/4 - Icon is Not all selectable Stats
- Activating any of "No Holds Barred", "Arresting Assault", "Hit the Streets" causes your Crossbows to disappear
- Ask First's icon buff is placeholder
- Dashing Inquisition does not allow you to swashbuckle while wielding Light (non-repeating) Crossbows.