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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Some Harper Tree polish to make it more attractive

    Could make this tree significantly more useful than dibbing in for KtA.

    *) CHA to Harper T3, T4 ability selectors
    *) Weathered Traveler 2/4/6 to resists.
    *) T5 Harper Enchantment of Magic: + (20) Harper bonus to Universal Spell Power.
    *) T5 Versatile Adept: +3/+6/+10 MP+RP+SP
    *) Moment of Clarity:
    a) 3 minutes cooldown, to same effect
    b) 1.5 minutes cooldown, to half effect

    *) Harper's Freedom:

    Capstone idea a)

    Permanent Freedom of Movement,
    Multi Selector 4 CHA / DEX / INT

    Capstone idea b)

    Freedom clicky 2minute cooldown
    20 spell power
    5 ranged power
    5 melee power

  2. #2


    all the melee/ranged T5s have a crit multi and/or expanded threat. I just don't see harper working without that for those two styles
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  3. #3
    FreeDeeOh PsychoBlonde's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saekee View Post
    all the melee/ranged T5s have a crit multi and/or expanded threat. I just don't see harper working without that for those two styles
    They need to up the spellpower grants. My suggestion would be to make Agent of Good III (level 18 core) also grant something like Exploit Weakness from Swashbuckler, but for spells AND attacks, so like this:

    Every time you damage an enemy with a spell but do not crit, you gain a stacking +1 bonus to your spell critical chance. Every time you damage an enemy with an attack but do not crit, you gain a stacking +1 insight bonus to critical threat range until you successfully crit. When you critically hit with a spell or melee, all stacks of both bonuses are removed.

    And then, they need to improve the Tier 5 Harper weapon enchants to look more like this:

    Harper Enchantment of Deception: Your weapon gains an additional +1 to its Enhancement bonus, Improved Deception, and +4d6 sneak attack dice. Your Point Blank Shot range is increased by 10 meters.

    Harper Enchantment of Magic: Your weapon grants an additional +30 bonus to Universal Spell Power and +25% spell critical damage multiplier.

    Harper Enchantment of Righteousness: Your weapon gains a stacking +3 enhancement bonus to attack and damage, an additional +2 to attack and damage against evil creatures, your weapon is considered good-aligned, and your crits with enchanted weapons inflict a stack of Vulnerable.

    And, honestly, they could stand to add a multi-selector that would let you use Dex for hit/damage/know the angles. Maybe even Cha, although from the way they've been handling cha-to-damage that might be considered OP. At this point, I really wouldn't consider it OP, and it'd bring some options to the table for bards and paladins to have Harper actually be a decent standalone tree and give cha as an option. The Dex is more of a gratis thing just because the tree grants dex, and while it may not radically improve any existing builds it would at least be an option for future stuff.
    Last edited by PsychoBlonde; 03-11-2019 at 09:18 AM.
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  4. #4
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    Thumbs up

    Good ideas above guys

    I would certainly love the cooldown adjustments because there are many shorter instances than those long cooldowns :P. Harper has a lot of potential to synergize with many classes and multi class builds,so i hope devs can fit this in down the line. The capstone and right side ability scores may be easy to add too.

    The missing T5 slot could perhaps add another useful feat for hybrids. Maybe allowing a choice of:

    a) Force of Personality
    b) Insightful Reflexes
    c) Mobility
    d) Mobile Spellcasting

    These arent especially deal breaking, but helps classes with few feats build in some more utility/defense.

  5. #5


    Interesting. At one point I had theorycrafted using T5 for an EK monk hybrid since the tree gives both MP and Spell power but I could not justify it. EK's tier 5 became too good.
    Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saekee View Post
    Interesting. At one point I had theorycrafted using T5 for an EK monk hybrid since the tree gives both MP and Spell power but I could not justify it. EK's tier 5 became too good.
    Yeah, EK T5 is a bomb

  7. #7
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saekee View Post
    all the melee/ranged T5s have a crit multi and/or expanded threat. I just don't see harper working without that for those two styles
    I dont want to codify the precedent that all T5 has to include crit bonus. Especially since Harper isnt specifically a weapon-focused tree like VKF or Inqui.

    I think you could put something in T5 that would make it attractive to a broad swath of builds, and keep it thematic with Harper...maybe a Heal SLA. Being able to add self-healing to any build would be a very attractive option, especially ones that dont have a whole lot in their own T5.

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