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  1. #141
    Community Member UurlockYgmeov's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OrodelaSol View Post

    Hey look it's snowing.

    Seriously. It is snowing. Supposed to get another foot.

    At least have DDO!

    Happy 13th! And many happy more!

  2. #142
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    Quote Originally Posted by OrodelaSol View Post
    Sweet! i didnt know you could now cannith craft a Pinion! or a Sireth!? oh yeah and a Twilight!? Awesome...
    Because all of my chars were 2013 around as Most of the players, we got
    1-2 pinions, twilight or the other magic stuff already.
    Even then I used only pinion for a bowbuild.
    What would you advice for caster or monkbuilds?
    I think we got more then enough compensation already.
    But if something like a raiders Box is given out,
    it should be a use to most builds and not only named thrash
    in my opinion.
    Best regards

  3. #143
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    Default A little confused

    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    Hello everyone!

    Once again, we do wish to apologize for the lengthy downtime we recently experienced. This message will serve as a singular location to learn more about where we sit for bonuses, events, sales, and more.

    First off, anyone with outstanding billing questions or in need of purchase and account assistance can contact Customer Support here:

    The Anniversary Event has been extended through March 20th.

    Last week's DDO Store sale has expired. This week's planned DDO Store sale is now live, and will be extended to last for the regular sales duration. Meanwhile, next week's sales will begin on Thursday as normal.

    The current sale:

    Honor Your Guild!
    Get 20% off:
    Astral Shards
    Guild Renown Elixirs
    50% off Guild Charters
    50% off Guild Airship Beacons

    Finally, we wanted to let you know that we are working to put together a package of things to say thank you for being patient with us as we've worked through various data center-related issues in recent days. NOTE: None of the following Coupon Codes, DDO Points, or VIP time extensions have yet been granted or made. We will provide more information in the coming days, probably early next week.

    All players will receive:

    +10% Heroic and Epic XP through Wednesday, March 13th
    Double Daily Dice through Wednesday, March 13th
    A Coupon Code for 3 Excellent Experience Elixirs and a Raider’s Reward Box

    Additionally, VIP players will receive:

    A VIP subscription time extension.
    250 DDO Points automatically granted to their account if they have logged in during the previous 30 days.

    Premium players who have logged in during the previous 30 days will receive:

    250 DDO Points

    Please be patient as we work to deliver these items. Thank you again for being here.

    So It is march 11th, and my first chance to log in since the servers have been back up. I didnt expect any kind of compensation but was happy to hear that we would be getting some goodies. Did some searching around and have not been able to find any clue of this supposed Coupon code for the elixers and raider box. So I assume it will be given out later???
    Then i Log into game and roll my dice only to find, no double xp.....
    checked my ddo points, and did not receive the 250 ddo points...

    Is this just an elaborate trolling??? Or am i missing something??

    Either way I really dont care, just happy to be back in game.

  4. #144
    Community Member AAH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sheersalt View Post
    First in response @Fedora1 and @AAH

    Having gotten time added to my VIP status in the past after a server shutdown, I was not just spouting. If you lost time from your VIP status
    A) Have a modicum of patience
    B) Contact CS through the address I re-posted above
    C) Stop treating everyone who disagrees with you like the anti-Christ
    D) Have a little respect for the hard work and attempt at an apology from the staff.

    As to the Daily dice rolls and Gold dice rolls... As I was not watching the spin and didn't see the results I admit I may absolutely be wrong or it is also possible the bonus rolls have not been activated and will be held off until "early next week".
    That's interesting. I simply put forth the fact that my sub had expired exactly when it was scheduled to. No matter.

    Perhaps you're on to something.

    Indeed, if the backend was under my control I would have all downtime noted, planned or unplanned, and when the trigger for a subscription to be renewed (or cancellation) arrived, I would advance the end date and time by the amount of downtime recorded since the subscription began. Not hard to achieve. A little extra for the player.

    Indeed, if the backend was under my control I would be emailing a subscriber, who has cancelled their sub, in advance to offer some sort of deal based on their time as a subscriber. Customer retention they call it but does SSG do it ... no. In fact if you make a post about leaving the game, and I've both seen and experienced this, the thread gets shut down. That's such a nice way to treat a departing player. It's kind of like, be quiet, we don't care if you never come back. More importantly, I'd be dead keen to know why a player has left the game and especially if it was because of the gameplay, I'd want to know.

    Indeed, if the backend was under my control when the downtime issue evolved I would have directed the team/person responsible to suspend all account expiration/renewals in the preparation for a blanket time extension to all valid accounts for a meaningful period, say 1 week, and then directed the team/person responsible to prepare the scripting for that, which could have been (assuming the system has been designed well) initiated while the downtime was in progress because one has to assume that before world servers are brought online the account server needs to be up first. No conditions, just punch it through the database and announce it when the worlds are back online. That's respect for the paying customer.

    And you think I should respect them ... for what? Making me chase something they've granted me.

    This game could be so, so much better, in the right hands. Having said that I can expect an infraction now because high sensitivity is a common observation from my chair.

  5. #145
    Community Member AAH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarkhavenBrave View Post
    So It is march 11th, and my first chance to log in since the servers have been back up. I didnt expect any kind of compensation but was happy to hear that we would be getting some goodies. Did some searching around and have not been able to find any clue of this supposed Coupon code for the elixers and raider box. So I assume it will be given out later???
    Then i Log into game and roll my dice only to find, no double xp.....
    checked my ddo points, and did not receive the 250 ddo points...

    Is this just an elaborate trolling??? Or am i missing something??

    Either way I really dont care, just happy to be back in game.
    Quoting Cordovan. "NOTE: None of the following Coupon Codes, DDO Points, or VIP time extensions have yet been granted or made. We will provide more information in the coming days, probably early next week."

  6. #146
    Community Member Aeron1976's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Sincere thanks

    Just wanted to say thank you for your hard work!

    The offered goodies are pretty nice and should (hopefully) silence the more aggressive posters.

  7. #147
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    Quote Originally Posted by jwelch View Post
    If this isn't doable, or something you want to do, I understand, but as someone who works in a datacenter, i'd love if y'all could put together a reasonably detailed after-action report about what happened, what went sideways and how you fixed it. I read the heck out of those things, over the years, they've been a real help to me in checking for things that could happen in my "office" and planning to avoid them.

    They're a real help to datacenter operators everywhere in keeping things running smoothly, and greatly appreciated by all of us.
    I would love to sign an NDA and have an after action report of some type. As an Infrastructure guy as well who has done a few Datacenter moves (without any real downtime), I'd really like to be able to learn from moves where things either didn't go as planned (or they went exactly as planned but ultimately took longer then expected). Knowing what went wrong and what to think about for future moves is extremely helpful.

  8. #148
    Community Member Brandwynn's Avatar
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    I am certainly thankful for you working it with the Kobold Union. It must have been tough negotiations.

    Truthfully, I thank you all in SSG for getting this done. It has been a tumultuous few days. Thanks to your hard work and dedication to bring this game back on line. There can never be enough thanks.

    On a side note. Just how many shiny pretties did you have to promise and are the kobolds going to be recognized as a worthy race. Never thought that the Kobold Union could be that tough.......

  9. #149
    Community Member mistress_minx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarkhavenBrave View Post
    Did some searching around and have not been able to find any clue of this supposed Coupon code for the elixers and raider box. So I assume it will be given out later???

    Then i Log into game and roll my dice only to find, no double xp.....
    checked my ddo points, and did not receive the 250 ddo points...
    The codes will be given out sometime this week, as will the DDO Points. "NOTE: None of the following Coupon Codes, DDO Points, or VIP time extensions have yet been granted or made. We will provide more information in the coming days, probably early next week."

    The daily dice ARE doubled right now, just not in the way you might be thinking. If you look at the 1st tier of the silver dice, it would normally say "100xp". It now reads "200xp". I too thought that if I rolled say 500, it would count as 1000, bringing me to a higher reward tier, so I thought it wasn't working yet also. But what it actually means is double the xp points you would normally get from your roll. A nice dev named Coco patiently explained this to those of us who are new and confused via the Discord chat room when she/he was trying to ensure it was working on all the servers

  10. #150
    Community Member mistress_minx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iwant_DiabloThree View Post
    4 days was more than enough time for someone running the TR train to do a life and a half

    Ottos box.... sentiant XP....... If you're gonna press the.. Create out of thin air button..... at least create something useful to everyone
    Holy cow ! You can go from 1-30 and then from 1-15 again in 4 days ???? I've been on my 3rd life for 2 1/2 mths now, and just hit 24. My 2nd life took me abt 8 mths to complete. We'll not even discuss my 1st life, which took me something like a yr to get from 1-30.

    I've seen others post that if people don't like the items in the box, or don't run epic lvls so it's of no use to them, then they should just feed the item to their sentient. The problem with this is ... people who don't run epic lvls, and always TR at 20, won't tend to have sentient weapons to feed the items to.

    That said, having a new sentient jewel or sentient xp in the raiders box would be cool, but don't see it happening. We've already been told it will be the same box that's been around for yrs with no upgrades to it. Older players do not seem to be impressed, as they've received them many times before. Newer players do seem to be impressed, as they've never received one before. So yes, I think they should add extra new items for those who have been there, done that, with the raiders boxes.

    I for one am just grateful the game is back up and running, and appreciate that they are giving us anything at all. All they are really required to do is extend subscriptions for the days lost. They aren't required to give us xp pots, ddo points, or the raiders box, at all.

    I've never worked with computers or servers, but have read from many who do that unexpected things do happen that can cause lengthy delays. I've had to work on machines though where a 1 hr job has turned into a 6 hr job due to something going wrong during the process (piece breaking or the computer not recognizing the job is done). This has involved having to take the machine apart again to start from scratch, replacing pieces one at a time until I find the problem, trying to reset the computer system in the machine, etc. I feel badly for the IT crew who had to work on little sleep, and missed time with their families while trying to get us back up and running. Those who have said we shouldn't thank them for doing their jobs ..... have you honestly never said thank you to your mechanic, your dentist, your bus driver, your teacher, your cashier ?
    Last edited by mistress_minx; 03-11-2019 at 10:54 AM.

  11. #151
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    I'm sure you guys are busy w/ other things, but I thought you might want to throw the switch (again?) on the current sale...

    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    Last week's DDO Store sale has expired. This week's planned DDO Store sale is now live, and will be extended to last for the regular sales duration. Meanwhile, next week's sales will begin on Thursday as normal.

    The current sale:

    Honor Your Guild!
    Get 20% off:
    Astral Shards
    Guild Renown Elixirs
    50% off Guild Charters
    50% off Guild Airship Beacons
    None of the items seem to be reduced in price currently. All 4 advertised categories seem to be 100% normal price atm.

  12. #152
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    Default Cant see any sales in the DDO Store

    Decided I needed to get some Astral Shards whilst the sale is on but no sales being shown in the DDO store at the moment. I believe it should be …

    The current sale:

    Honor Your Guild!
    Get 20% off:
    Astral Shards
    Guild Renown Elixirs
    50% off Guild Charters
    50% off Guild Airship Beacons

  13. #153

  14. #154
    Community Member Niminae's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    Last week's DDO Store sale has expired. This week's planned DDO Store sale is now live, and will be extended to last for the regular sales duration. Meanwhile, next week's sales will begin on Thursday as normal.

    The current sale:

    Honor Your Guild!
    Get 20% off:
    Astral Shards
    Guild Renown Elixirs
    50% off Guild Charters
    50% off Guild Airship Beacons

    Nothing appears to be on sale at all in the store. The normal '% discount' tab is not present on the left side of the store interface, and a search for 'renown' shows all the available Guild Renown elixirs but none of them are discounted. I might be confusing "This week's planned DDO Store sale is now live" with "next week's sales will begin on Thursday," but the context of what you posted doesn't look that way to me.

    Thanks for the proposed goodies, this was unexpected given the historical response to extended difficulties after data center work.
    Quote Originally Posted by Annex View Post
    Yngvarr Stormedge: Aye, laddie. Aye. That be a mighty fine pooop deck.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    sometimes you just want to light the players on fire, yanno?

  15. #155
    Community Member Niminae's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mistress_minx View Post
    Holy cow ! You can go from 1-30 and then from 1-15 again in 4 days ????
    Just to clarify, the TR train is 1-20. So they are discussing going from 1-20 and then from 1-10 in 4 days time. This is still faster than I have ever done it, but I can see this being possible for people who play several hours a day and either already have a pile of past lives boosting their performance or just being a very experienced player who knows in advance which quests they are going to be running.
    Quote Originally Posted by Annex View Post
    Yngvarr Stormedge: Aye, laddie. Aye. That be a mighty fine pooop deck.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    sometimes you just want to light the players on fire, yanno?

  16. #156
    Community Manager
    Cordovan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niminae View Post
    Nothing appears to be on sale at all in the store. The normal '% discount' tab is not present on the left side of the store interface, and a search for 'renown' shows all the available Guild Renown elixirs but none of them are discounted. I might be confusing "This week's planned DDO Store sale is now live" with "next week's sales will begin on Thursday," but the context of what you posted doesn't look that way to me.

    Thanks for the proposed goodies, this was unexpected given the historical response to extended difficulties after data center work.
    We are investigating.
    Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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  17. #157
    Community Member Rogue_Trapper's Avatar
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    I seen the discount yesterday. I debated to buy astral shards or new PC.
    Last edited by Rogue_Trapper; 03-11-2019 at 04:11 PM.

  18. #158
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    Quote Originally Posted by mistress_minx View Post
    Holy cow ! You can go from 1-30 and then from 1-15 again in 4 days ???? I've been on my 3rd life for 2 1/2 mths now, and just hit 24. My 2nd life took me abt 8 mths to complete. We'll not even discuss my 1st life, which took me something like a yr to get from 1-30.

    I've seen others post that if people don't like the items in the box, or don't run epic lvls so it's of no use to them, then they should just feed the item to their sentient. The problem with this is ... people who don't run epic lvls, and always TR at 20, won't tend to have sentient weapons to feed the items to.

    That said, having a new sentient jewel or sentient xp in the raiders box would be cool, but don't see it happening. We've already been told it will be the same box that's been around for yrs with no upgrades to it. Older players do not seem to be impressed, as they've received them many times before. Newer players do seem to be impressed, as they've never received one before. So yes, I think they should add extra new items for those who have been there, done that, with the raiders boxes.

    I for one am just grateful the game is back up and running, and appreciate that they are giving us anything at all. All they are really required to do is extend subscriptions for the days lost. They aren't required to give us xp pots, ddo points, or the raiders box, at all.

    I've never worked with computers or servers, but have read from many who do that unexpected things do happen that can cause lengthy delays. I've had to work on machines though where a 1 hr job has turned into a 6 hr job due to something going wrong during the process (piece breaking or the computer not recognizing the job is done). This has involved having to take the machine apart again to start from scratch, replacing pieces one at a time until I find the problem, trying to reset the computer system in the machine, etc. I feel badly for the IT crew who had to work on little sleep, and missed time with their families while trying to get us back up and running. Those who have said we shouldn't thank them for doing their jobs ..... have you honestly never said thank you to your mechanic, your dentist, your bus driver, your teacher, your cashier ?

    I hit 20 late Saturday night. Went to 30 and was 1 again late last night. Remeber i did offer to bring you along for the run.
    My phones auto correct/swype failed grammar school.

  19. #159
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    Quote Originally Posted by OrodelaSol View Post

  20. #160
    Community Manager
    Cordovan's Avatar
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    We're continuing to work on finalizing our delivery plans for the points, VIP time, and coupon code, so stay tuned, but we're getting there. Maybe later this week? It may also be that we get, say, parts out before others, depending on timing.
    Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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