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  1. #81
    Community Member Clemeit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GramercyRiff View Post
    I don't quite get thanking people for doing mandatory work, but I can definitely empathize with SSG and this situation must've really sucked (understatement).
    Make sure not to thank your doctor if one ever saves your life.

  2. #82
    Community Member Hobgoblin's Avatar
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    Silly question, but is it one reward box only? And is it bound on char u redeem it on?

  3. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    This is exactly the original Raider's Reward Box, not the 10th Anniversary gift.
    I appreciate the sentiment. I really do. But... I already have a Raider's Reward Box sitting unopened in my TR cache. Any chance of sticking some more redemption options in the box? [::hint hint:: an upgraded Quiver of Alacrity would be a great way to help me make up the lost time!]

    Sadly I missed the 10th Anniversary Gift. At the time I was a little busy with a 3 month old and a 24th month old.
    My toon: Agthorr on Khyber

  4. #84
    Community Member AAH's Avatar
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    I understand the difficulties the team must be experiencing in this situation with the impact on service levels from the unpredictable outcome of the system. I hope a permanent and working solution can be forged from the dedicated, valued and hard working engineers that power SSG and further strengthen the unique and embracing relationship you have with those passionate and understanding customers. I feel that in going forward together the future will be harmonious and free of issues as I have faith in the excellent levels of competency that is SSG and I don't fully expect I will ever have to engage the support channel again.

  5. #85

    Default Not the 10th anniversary token, but the 7th anniversary Birthday Battle Box!

    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Himmlerr View Post
    extremely and maybe too generous. what type of raiders reward box will this be?
    i would hope this is not equivalent to the 10th anniversary token where you gave out quivers and seven fingered gloves. 3 excellent xp elixirs sounds great but giving away raid items is a hokey. too many people have been asking for a repeat of that 10th anniversary code. raiders reward boxes really bloats a sense of entitlement.
    on the other hand it might be the only opportunity to get a strahd covetous sentient jewel.
    This is exactly the original Raider's Reward Box, not the 10th Anniversary gift.
    I still think a Birthday Battle Box is a more appropriate option:
    Double-click it to open barter UI. You can select one of the following rewards:

    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    Now with real 100% closing.

  6. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snarglefrump View Post
    [::hint hint:: an upgraded Quiver of Alacrity would be a great way to help me make up the lost time!]
    I get why everyone wants a Quiver. I do too, I dont have one either and so I always have to slot for Striding. If they gave one out I'd absolutely love it.

    But I think its pretty clear what their answer to this conundrum already is: the Iconic Tiefling past life that gives a non-stacking 10% Striding per life. That's how they want us to address the problem of 30% Striding from L1.

    Whether or not you agree with that, it makes the likelihood of them also giving everyone a Quiver much much lower.

  7. #87
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    Question Regarding gold dice rolls

    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    Hello everyone!

    Once again, we do wish to apologize for the lengthy downtime we recently experienced. This message will serve as a singular location to learn more about where we sit for bonuses, events, sales, and more.

    First off, anyone with outstanding billing questions or in need of purchase and account assistance can contact Customer Support here:

    The Anniversary Event has been extended through March 20th.

    Last week's DDO Store sale has expired. This week's planned DDO Store sale is now live, and will be extended to last for the regular sales duration. Meanwhile, next week's sales will begin on Thursday as normal.

    The current sale:

    Honor Your Guild!
    Get 20% off:
    Astral Shards
    Guild Renown Elixirs
    50% off Guild Charters
    50% off Guild Airship Beacons

    Finally, we wanted to let you know that we are working to put together a package of things to say thank you for being patient with us as we've worked through various data center-related issues in recent days. NOTE: None of the following Coupon Codes, DDO Points, or VIP time extensions have yet been granted or made. We will provide more information in the coming days, probably early next week.

    All players will receive:

    +10% Heroic and Epic XP through Wednesday, March 13th
    Double Daily Dice through Wednesday, March 13th
    A Coupon Code for 3 Excellent Experience Elixirs and a Raider’s Reward Box

    Additionally, VIP players will receive:

    A VIP subscription time extension.
    250 DDO Points automatically granted to their account if they have logged in during the previous 30 days.

    Premium players who have logged in during the previous 30 days will receive:

    250 DDO Points

    Please be patient as we work to deliver these items. Thank you again for being here.
    These last days have been difficult for all. Some took it with good humor, giving many of us something to laugh at during this outage, and I appreciated them. Some seemed to be overly tense and angry with the situation. I admit that I was frustrated with the lack of information as the time got longer and longer. However, it is now over and DDO comes thru as always with a great compensation package. I thank you for that. It certainly sounds very generous. I do have one question/request. 1000 of us, I believe it was, bought a special package a few months ago which included a daily roll of the gold dice. This is something I make sure I do every day as it is often very beneficial and I really enjoy it. I believe the total cost of the package was something like 299? or something like that. For those of us that purchased that, I think it would be very fair to be given the 3 or 4 rolls of gold dice that we missed. I am not requesting anything in addition to what we would have gotten had the game been on line, just the opportunity to get those 3 or 4 rolls back. What say you? And, regardless, again, I really appreciate your generosity for giving us such a great recompensatory package. I knew you would do something very generous and sure enough, you are working on that. Thank you and happy gaming, everyone!

  8. #88
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    As long as I have played online games I have not seen any company do this over downtime. I am not going to lie, i´m one of those chuckling over hamster and pesimistic jokes while waiting for a server to come up again even though I fully understand that there is a struggle going on.

    I do not think this is a thing a company needs to do. I also think that it shows that you have some good characters over there. i hope it pays out over time.

  9. #89
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    Default Many MAny Thanks !!!!

    Once again my DDO addiction can be sated

  10. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shoemaker View Post
    I still think a Birthday Battle Box is a more appropriate option:
    Double-click it to open barter UI. You can select one of the following rewards:

    Agreed, that would be much better. CitW weapons are useless below Epic and also useless at cap. If someone is ERing enough through mid-Epic levels, I guess they could find use for them, but even then they're easy to do without. Something usable by anybody at any level would be more appropriate.

  11. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by Melissamae View Post
    These last days have been difficult for all. Some took it with good humor, giving many of us something to laugh at during this outage, and I appreciated them. Some seemed to be overly tense and angry with the situation. I admit that I was frustrated with the lack of information as the time got longer and longer. However, it is now over and DDO comes thru as always with a great compensation package. I thank you for that. It certainly sounds very generous. I do have one question/request. 1000 of us, I believe it was, bought a special package a few months ago which included a daily roll of the gold dice. This is something I make sure I do every day as it is often very beneficial and I really enjoy it. I believe the total cost of the package was something like 299? or something like that. For those of us that purchased that, I think it would be very fair to be given the 3 or 4 rolls of gold dice that we missed. I am not requesting anything in addition to what we would have gotten had the game been on line, just the opportunity to get those 3 or 4 rolls back. What say you? And, regardless, again, I really appreciate your generosity for giving us such a great recompensatory package. I knew you would do something very generous and sure enough, you are working on that. Thank you and happy gaming, everyone!
    Hopefully I come across as helpful, but I bet this is the exact reason they are making the dice double for the next few days at least.

  12. #92
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    I add my humble thanks to the Devs and SSG. I KNEW everything would work out as long as we were patient. I love this game and did find I was slightly suffering withdrawals from my nightly playing, ended up playing 2000 hands of solitaire, ugh. The compensation is excellent and I am sure we all are grateful. I was glad you provided some updates, however, perhaps in the future you could be more generalized about the ETA. So many ppl got so cranky. But at least we knew you all were still there, which helped. And thank you all for the game itself. IT stuff is the Devil's Playground and we all survived it.

  13. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sho-sa View Post
    Hopefully I come across as helpful, but I bet this is the exact reason they are making the dice double for the next few days at least.
    Yes, this was helpful as I did not translate the daily double dice correctly. Thanks.

  14. #94
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    Thank you SSG team for all the hard work and obviously stressful hours you've all had to go through. I love this game and like others experienced some withdrawal over the downtime, but kept myself amused catching up with the many hilarious comments made by other players. Thank you for compensating us I truly appreciate it, but all I really want is one of the Hamsters.

  15. #95
    Community Member toxynn's Avatar
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    Thanks guys been ruff on all parties im sure thank you for true rezzing our game
    We are the sons and daughters of the the phontom queen, the triple godess, the battle crow
    we are The Murder of The Morrigan

  16. #96
    Time Bandit
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    All players will receive:

    +10% Heroic and Epic XP through Wednesday, March 13th
    Double Daily Dice through Wednesday, March 13th
    A Coupon Code for 3 Excellent Experience Elixirs and a Raider’s Reward Box
    Don't want to be sarc, but still -- live and learn.

    Even though it's entirely unplanned, indeed the exact opposite of planned, that's more attractive for the Anniversary gifts than the actual Anniversary gifts.

    Consider adding a stack of 13 daily dice healing pots ?

  17. #97
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    Default appreciate the work to get things restored

    First thank you for the time and effort put in into getting the game back online. it is appreciated.

    I guess one thing I havent/dont understand and being here since the beginning of it all, main overall premise of DDO is life of the perpetual TR/grind of toons. This play style is almost required to progress in game, namely gets you best access to resetting first time xp for quests and reaper xp, character benefits, etc. Why are none of the major anniversary events, gifts, compensation for clients (any event you choose really) more around free life for a toon (via a token or heroic box, etc.) I would think since game is driven around heroic TR, epic TR, iconic, now racial, etc. would you not have something given out (other than store purchase of otto's) to lessen the grind. Maybe someone has a class or race they just dont want to run...I think this type of "prize", even if you could choose on the cake clickie, token for 1 heroic, racial, iconic, etc. or just a free otto's box, this would cover 95% of folks in game regardless of where they spend their time, and everyone happy (well almost everyone), personally this is more impactful of a "sorry" or reaching a milestone (game around for x number of years) congrats, etc. that basically follows the spirit of the game.

    Just my 2 cents. I would personally prefer less grind (ie quick life) over any other gift you can give, well maybe extra enhancements points, but that is basically a free life .

    Jadez - Completionist/epic completionist - 3 more racial lives // Jadex - heroic/epic/racial completionist - 30 Elf Sorc Installkill/cc //Sealfu Completionist/epic completionist PDK Monk // Sealls completionist/epic completionist 18 bard/2 Rogue PDK Swashbuckler
    Member of Synergia

  18. #98
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    Quiver would have been nice, I missed that birthday
    Still another raiders box in my growing collection is better than a kick in the teeth, cheers

    Thanks for the hard work getting things smoothed out.
    Oh and happy birthday ddo

  19. #99
    Community Member mistress_minx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    Additionally, VIP players will receive:

    A VIP subscription time extension.
    250 DDO Points automatically granted to their account if they have logged in during the previous 30 days.

    Premium players who have logged in during the previous 30 days will receive:

    250 DDO Points.
    I think VIP's should get more points than premium players, just my opinion. Maybe 100 or 150 for premium and 250 for vip. To become premium, all you have to do is spend $10 buying the lowest tier of ddo points and your acct is considered premium. That's a 1 time purchase to get that status forever. VIP's pay money every mth or yr for their statuses

  20. #100
    Community Member NemesisAlien's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    I want to say, data migration is the worst nightmare of IT sector, it's a lot of work (actually a lot of eye power), takes so **** long, the best part is if you do 1 thing wrong OR miss 1 itty bitty little thing, you got to do the whole **** thing AGAIN. From start.

    Did you guys go home devs? If not I suggest you invest in some air fresheners

    So, how many TP you guys got for this quest?

    Insert waggro comments.

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