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I see both sides, but it's not really about "the grind", so much as the game setup penalizes you for getting completionist at all. If I want that extra +1 stat bonus/DC/etc for my final build,
I can "only" have it if I relevel my character... TWICE .... everytime they add something, instead of just having an account-wide passive feat which would promote people playing alts, trying
new things, and not having to worry about getting "X class" stuffed up their arse everytime they think they're done.
Benefits of an "account" passive class completionist feat: They add a class, you get to make one, play it and TR, and not have to bork up your main/raiding character by TRing him into
the new class, then TRing him BACK into whatever you wanted him to be, and reflag everything, losing out on weeks (or more) of grouping, guild raids, and avoiding general frustration.
Secondly, this would give the players a choice. If they want the passive bonuses on a particular character, they can at least CHOOSE what character to TR, since it's account-related. I'd
be in favor of this, since people can do casting TRs on one person, melee on another, etc, and work towards an account class completion (special feat), and enjoy alts at their own pace.
Other games have several "account" flags and benefits, and are very successful doing so. I would LOVE to play some of the classes more, but TBH everytime I have to grind something
out by force, I just plug through it with no enjoyment just to get it over with.