So I was l looking to use my sentient jewel for my shuri thrower....
My first mistake was forgetting that I can not put the jewel into my drow shortword, as then I can not use it in my off hand. OK so that cost me a few deconstructors and tools.
Then, I go ok, so what Shuri can I use with my Jewel. I go to Wiki, I find the below list. Only four items there and all higher level.
But wait, it is not correct as morning star's can not use sentient jewels either!
Obviously, Thunder forged can not, so that leaves Dawnbreaker, Spite and I guess the free Raven loft ones. Meaning no jewel for me until level 28 at a min. That is kinda crappy is it not?
Dawnbringer (level 28) ??* Shuriken 28 The Devil's Details
Spite, the Fractured Shards ??* Shuriken 29 Old Baba's Hut
The Morning Star (Level 25) ??* Shuriken 25 Friends in Low Places
The Morning Star (Level 26) ??* Shuriken 26 Friends in Low Places
So is this intended, are shuri builds too OP or am I missing another source?