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  1. #1
    DDOcast Host
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    pjstechie's Avatar
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    Default DDOCast 550 - 13th Anniversary

    Happy 13th birthday to DDO! Arkat and Cordovan join us this week to look at all of the festivities and celebrations as well as our first look at the upcoming expansion: Masterminds of Sharn

    Have thoughts on this show, ideas for round table topics, questions you’d like us to answer, or topics you’d like to see us debate? Leave us a comment, send us an email ( or give us a tweet (@ddocast)!

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    Game News - 2:35
    13th Anniversary - 12:22
    Masterminds of Sharn Preview - 1:02:09
    Community News - 1:28:20
    Lightning Post - 1:36:53

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    DDO 13th Anniversary

    13th Anniversary Livestream Interviews: Lynnabel
    13th Anniversary Livestream Interviews: Severlin
    13th Anniversary Livestream Interviews: Steelstar
    13th Anniversary Livestream Interviews: Knockback
    Universal Enhancement Tree: Inquisitive Preview
    Tiefling Preview
    Iconic Tiefling Scoundrel Preview
    DDO Chronicle 322
    DDO Chronicle 323
    Last edited by pjstechie; 03-03-2019 at 02:28 PM.
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  2. #2
    Community Member ZEMTEK's Avatar
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    Jun 2015

    Default Worst 13th Anniversary ever

    First off I would like to let you know I been playing DnD before many of you were even a sparkle in your parents eyes. I absolutely love DDO but I just really felt let down for the 13th Anniversary. I see the rose goggles went from 300 sentient exp to only 10. You would have at least thought it would be 13 and you would at least 13 party favors per run at level. If you do at higher level you should get more than 13. Also those cloaks they are really ugly, at least all the ones I have seen so far, I think the reaper cloaks are the coolest ones especially the green. How about giving us something we can actually use to improve our characters like in the past? I guess I am just really sad that DDO did not do more for a 13th Anniversary. You would think a game like this would have had something better for the number 13th. But I guess 13 can be viewed as bad luck and so far DDO definitely making 13 bad. Well I hope this gets out and people will agree and the game makers come up with something better before the 13th Anniversary is over.

  3. #3
    Community Member FuzzyDuck81's Avatar
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    Nov 2009


    It's kind of a shame we didn't get some uber loot like previously, but the cloaks are really nice & I went with Orien first because my niece loves unicorns

    Here's another idea for helping spell fight spell point limitations for casters... blood magic! Make it either a feat open to all casters or maybe an ability through a universal caster-focussed tree that gives eg. 10x or 15x character level as temp SP for 60sec, but also gives a stacking CON penalty until you rest, essentially an SP-version of frenzied berserker's blood tribute - it'd be useful as an emergency thing if you don't have or are unwilling to use potions, but not something you can rely on continuously without risk.

    Revamping older content I'd like to see Threnal get the 3bc treatment with a new epic quest line since we did just kind of leave that gateway to Xoriat just standing there, as well as some tweaks to the heroic version including adjusting the escort mechanics in there (not just Coyle, but Derpward too) & at the very least straightening out that wonky dialogue box issue that makes it really easy to accidentally retake the west line after turning it in.

    Inquisitive enhancement tree looks interesting & fun, time to go & run Threnal a couple of times to get myself a ratcatcher (ML8 with 1.5[1d8]+4 & expanded threat 17-20/x3 before improved critical), though yeah epic particularly really needs a few new named non-repeaters.

    I like the changes to this year's event, some good little hints about things to come in there & judging by Talbron's dialogue, we could see Jeets getting into another mess that he needs bailing out of. The new mithril medium armour has some nice effects for an eldritch knight or warpriest/soul as well a nice appearance too, less over the top fantasy silliness & more realistic & practical look.

    It's interesting that they've gone with the newer edition version of tiefling (iirc edition 3/3.5 it was +int & dex, -cha) but it looks good & their fire damage on-hit plus ability to remove fire immunity will be pretty fun, so I forsee tiefling fiend pact warlocks being pretty popular, as well as eldritch knights. The bard one looks nice too - did you ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?
    I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was, now what's it is weird and scary to me.

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