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  1. #1
    Community Member Ralmeth's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Default Please Alphabetize Quest List

    Developers, could you please properly alphabetize the quest list? Definite and indefinite articles such as, "A", "An", "The" should not be counted. It's always been a little frustrating to find certain quests in the quest list, unless you happen to remember it starts with one of these. This primarily becomes an issue when I'm running a group and we're jumping from one quest to the other and I would like to update the quest name to what we are actually running.

    As an example, what if you want to put up a LFM for Church in the Cult? Well, you need to look under "T" because the quest name is actually, "The Church and the Cult". What if you want to put up a LFM for Raven at the Door? Well, you need to look under "A" because the quest title technically starts with "A".

    If parsing these out is an issue, what about changing the quest names in the quest list to add a comma at the end of the description followed by the definite or indefinite article? For the examples I listed, the quest names would become, "Church and the Cult, The", and "Raven at the Door, A". Just a thought.

    Thanks for your consideration
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    "From a distance you thought this was a chocolate chip kookie. Now you're sad."

  2. #2


    I suggested this also
    Or just list them in both locations or something
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