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  1. #1
    Community Member Keylon's Avatar
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    Default Suggestion for improving FVS and Cleric

    So I've been playing my caster FVS and it's great but there's a few things I'd like to improve.
    - First off, FVS spell power is never gonna come close to Sorc spell power and that's mainly because of the +202 Enhancement Bonus from Ravenloft and +50 from Sentient Filigrees. These are things that just don't give light spell power
    - Secondly, FVS crowd control is never gonna come close to wizard's simply due to a lack of stationary CC spells. Wizards have dancing ball and web.
    - The best FVS CC spell is Greater Command and it doesn't help that so many creatures are immune to it. Soundburst is also good but suffers from the same problem.

    What I think would help FVS the most is if we got a stationary CC spell that can work on, among other creatures, Umber Hulks and wolves. The other thing that would really help FVS is an item or enhancement that increases spell power to be more on par with Sorcs.
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  2. #2
    Community Member Eryhn's Avatar
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    Jul 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Keylon View Post
    So I've been playing my caster FVS and it's great but there's a few things I'd like to improve.
    - First off, FVS spell power is never gonna come close to Sorc spell power and that's mainly because of the +202 Enhancement Bonus from Ravenloft and +50 from Sentient Filigrees. These are things that just don't give light spell power
    - Secondly, FVS crowd control is never gonna come close to wizard's simply due to a lack of stationary CC spells. Wizards have dancing ball and web.
    - The best FVS CC spell is Greater Command and it doesn't help that so many creatures are immune to it. Soundburst is also good but suffers from the same problem.

    What I think would help FVS the most is if we got a stationary CC spell that can work on, among other creatures, Umber Hulks and wolves. The other thing that would really help FVS is an item or enhancement that increases spell power to be more on par with Sorcs.

    running a fvs nuker with 2 fire domain splashed allows you to get the ravenloft fire belt to light spell power. if you gimp yourself a bit defense wise can also run robes with the ravenloft caster set. doing that im at 950 and a bit standing light/fire spellpower before metas and temp stacks from empyrean/scourge.

    getting something like 10-12k sunbolt crit, 13k divine wrath crit, 34k energy burst fire crit with this outside reaper...

    for tougher content i swap in heavy barovian though and forgo the setbonus...

    downside is it's rly not made for higher skulls as you hit DC issues sooner and nuking loses out to instakills more and more anyways ... its however a beast on EE to 2skulls for speedily clearing groups.

    as for CC, I feel being mindful of the cooldowns on the now available double cometfall helps a lot. it's not 100% viable but you can almost keep things dow continously if you alternate the cooldowns, the times stuff gets back up throw in a soundburst in the gap ...

    also, adding BoGW in CC rotation helps a lot ...

    oh and with that cleric splash and CHA based you get a nice energy burst dmg, too ...

    p.s. im running it on a sunelf atm as i wanted a starting at 15 iconic with arcanum in racial. if you have racial AP to spare, dragonborn with +30 fire would obviously be the most ideal choice. also, currently not twisting in additional fire spell power from crusader or draconic, but adding some of these you could arguably hit base 1k fire/light.

    anyways your points I mostly agree but i feel for low skulls you can build something that gets around the spellpower restriction fairly well. just gotta pay a bit in AC/PRR/MRR, gear well and be aware of your weaknesses (low saves, takes more dmg than heavy plate, lower DC)
    Last edited by Eryhn; 02-27-2019 at 07:09 AM.

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2017


    Thing is though you are mostly looking at what it's like at/near cap; we should be looking more at what it's like to level.

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