Everything seen on the preview server, Lamannia, is not final and is subject to change or removal before live release. Specific extra disclaimer on the current visual appearance of Tiefling and Tiefling Scoundrel.
First, if you haven't already been there please check out the U41.4 Preview 1 Main thread.
How to Access
You can access the Tiefling Scoundrel Iconic Eberron Race on the Preview server by speaking to Lord Poincelot in the center of the Test Dojo and then purchasing it in the Lamannia DDO Store.
The Tiefling Scoundrel is a new full Iconic Eberron race debuting soon, with its own past lives as well as horns and fully animated tails. Their tails are animated to interact with cloaks without clipping through them, so you'll be able to enjoy the many options for customization without worrying about intersections.The position of the horns on the head, just like Dragonborn, exclude them from the appearance of many helmets that cover their face or brow.
The Tiefling iconic race, the Scoundrel, is a melee focused Bard with an emphasis on Sonic and Fire damage. In addition to a different darkness specialization path than the heroic Tiefling race, the Tiefling Scoundrel iconic also features their own unique animations for Bardic Music that revolve around their Fiddle.
This Iconic Race involves many new animations for all of DDO's various weapon styles; please let us know where things don't look right.
Base Racial Trait
- Ability Scores
- +2 Charisma
- Feats
- Infernal Ancestry: You gain Fire Resistance equal to your Character Level. You gain +2 to the Balance skill, as well as a +2 bonus to Saves vs Spells. You have a +2 bonus to hit and damage against Lawful Outsiders and Good Outsiders. You are Immune to Fear.
- Fiendish Arpeggio: SLA: Enchant your fiddle to cast this spell, dealing 2d4 fire damage, plus 1 fire damage per 2 caster levels (max 2d4+10), to a target. The damage repeats itself every 2 seconds for 12 seconds. Passive: +18 Spell Points.
- Past Lives
- Passive: +1 Reflex Save per Stack of this Past Life (max 3).
- Toggle: Gain 10/20/30% Enhancement Bonus to Movement Speed (does not stack with Striding/Speed items or Haste).
- Where their Journey Begins
- Tiefling Scoundrel's begin with 1 level of Bard
- Tiefling Scoundrel's currently begin in the Wheloon tavern. This will not be their starting area when they are released on the live servers.
Enhancement Tree
- Cores
- Bloodsong Your weapon attacks add 1d4 Sonic damage to enemies under 75% HP. This damage scales with 100% Spell Power. Passive: +5 Fire and Sonic Spell Power.
- Charisma +1 Charisma
- Bloodsong Your weapon attacks add 1d6 Sonic damage to enemies under 50% HP. This damage scales with 100% Spell Power. Passive: +10 Fire and Sonic Spell Power.
- Charisma +1 Charisma
- Bloodsong Passive: +20 Fire and Sonic Spell Power. Your weapon attacks add 1d8 Sonic damage to enemies under 25% HP. This damage scales with 200% Spell Power.
- Tier 1
- Hellish Rebuke SLA: Enveloped in a cloak of infernal flame, you have a chance to deal fire damage to foes that strike you in melee range. Enemies have a chance to take 1d10 Fire Damage +1 per Caster Level. This damage scales with Fire Spell Power. 4 Minute Duration. 12 Second Cooldown.
- Scoundrel's Skills +1/2/3 Balance, Bluff, & Spellcraft
- Dashing Weapons You are trained in the art of fine weaponry. You have +1 to Hit and Damage with the following weapons: Shortsword, Rapier, Handaxe, Light Hammer, Light (non-repeating) Crossbow.
- Wand & Scroll Mastery +25%/50%/75% damage and healing of your wands, scrolls, and other items that cast spells. Adds +1/2/3 to the save DC's of your offensive wands.
- Obscuring Darkness SLA: You can channel your fiendish nature to manifest a zone of Obscuring Darkness at will. Creatures inside the darkness suffer a 20% chance of missing any attack they make due to concealment. This does not apply to attacking misted targets from outside. 10 SP. Lasts 30 seconds. 30 second cooldown.
- Tier 2
- Improved Fiendish Arpeggio The target of your Fiendish Arpeggio has their movement speed reduced by 50% for 12 seconds.
- Infernal Resistance Multiselector. Choose one of:
- Infernal Resistance (Acid): You gain Acid Resistance equal to your Character Level.
- Infernal Resistance (Cold): You gain Cold Resistance equal to your Character Level.
- Improved Dashing Weapons +1 to Hit and Damage with your Dashing Weapons.
- Traditionalist Caster +3/+6/+10 Universal Spell Power when wielding an Orb or Staff.
- Lasting Darkness Enemies that enter your Obscuring Darkness have a chance to be Blinded with no save.
- Tier 3
- Disarming Coda The target of your Fiendish Arpeggio has -4 Armor Class and -25% Fortification for 12 seconds.
- Infernal Resistance Multiselector. Choose one of:
- Infernal Resistance (Acid): You gain Acid Resistance equal to your Character Level.
- Infernal Resistance (Cold): You gain Cold Resistance equal to your Character Level.
- Scoundrel's Inspiration Your Inspire Courage adds an additional +1/2/3 to Attack and +0/0/1 to damage
- Greater Dashing Weapons +1 to Hit and Damage with your Dashing Weapons.
- Dance in Darkness While inside Obscuring Darkness, you gain +3 Saving Throws, +3 Magical Resistance Rating, and +15 to Magical Resistance Cap.
- Tier 4
- Grand Chord Works Enchant your fiddle to cast this spell. If the target is not under the effect of Fiendish Arpeggio, they must save or be put to sleep for 12 seconds (Will save vs. (1d20+Perform Skill)). If the target is under the effect of Fiendish Arpeggio (and made of flesh), they must save or be turned to stone (Will save vs. (1d20+Perform Skill)) as if they were subject to a Flesh to Stone spell. The Flesh to Stone lasts 60 seconds plus 10 seconds per character level, but the target has a chance to save again every 24 seconds. Spell Point Cost: 35. Cooldown: 20 seconds.
- Charm Hearts Enemies that attack you have a 10% chance to be subjugated to a Fascinate effect (Will Save vs 1d20 + Perform Skill negates).
- Dark Weapons +1 to Hit and Damage, as well as +1 Sneak Attack Die, with your Dashing Weapons.
- Magic of Melodies +1 Enchantment DC, +1 Caster Level and +1 Max Caster Level with Sonic Spells.
- Sonata of Darkness While inside Obscuring Darkness, you gain Displacement, +5% Dodge, +5 Dodge Cap, and +5 Max Dex Bonus.
Currently Known Bugs
- There are some work in progress animation issues scattered amongst the various weapon styles for male and female. If you find them, please let us know.
- There is an enhancement called "Infernal Songs" currently listed in Tier 3. This is both non-functional and not intended to be in the final version of the tree.
- Hellish Rebuke has been replaced with an erroneous copy of a skills boost enhancement from the Aasimar Tree.
- Bonuses granted while standing in the Obscuring Darkness cloud do not have their short duration reapplied unless you leave and reenter the darkness.
- Grand Chord Works is currently a passive enhancement that does nothing instead of the active enhancement it is meant to be.
- Tiefling Scoundrels currently begin their life in the Wheloon tavern Iconic starting area. This is not where they will begin when released on the live servers. As a result, Elminster is not set up to properly recognize a Tiefling Scoundrel and players are advised to seek training elsewhere (the Test Dojo perhaps).
- Tiefling Scoundrels currently select from Forgotten Realms deities when taking Divine class levels; they should, instead, select from Eberron deities.