I already have wizard past life. I wonder, how different this build would be if i choose to go as a sorcerer.
I already have wizard past life. I wonder, how different this build would be if i choose to go as a sorcerer.
Heyas Strimtom, I had a question about this build.
I really enjoyed the "Maverick Hunter" a lot, and I was thinking would be similar to that (tanky, reconstruct and nice buffs)
As far as the addy body goes and a shield...is ASF ever a problem?
I have 1 more WIZ life and 2 more Sor lives to go, and this looks super fun (in the video...I thought: "This is something I want to do!")
"Hireling" and "Hjealer"
Member of THACO on Ghallanda
Realize this thread hasn't had any activity in a while, but... Your build seem to indicate that spellsword damage procs on shield bashes, though not stated directly. Some of the responses also seem to indicate this. Was that how it used to be at some point, then was changed? Cause i get 0 procs on shield bashes or orb bashes atm (and yes I do hit, not just glancing)
I'm running an EK Inquisitive, does anybody know if the +3 Damage from Improved Knight's Transformation applies to ranged? (Although TBH it's looking like I'm going for Inquisitive T5/Capstone either way.)
"Ignorance killed the cat, sir; curiosity was framed."Tripoint, C.J. Cherryh
I have recently confirmed that the +3 damage does apply to ranged, at least according to my weapon info in my inventory, even though the wording of the enhancement says melee.
Incidentally, I am coming to the conclusion that the best possible spellsword damage is probably using repeating crossbow. (Average 3 * 320 Acid damage Per activation at level 20 with EK capstone, Fatesinger and Black Draconic acid spellpower twist of Fate, slightly over 600 acid spellpower.)
There may not be much advantage in running Inquisitive at all with EK, rather than Repeating crossbow with EK capstone.
Last edited by Zarkarion; 11-20-2020 at 07:16 AM.
It actually specifies melee for the crit multiplier, which is why I thought it would apply, but sometimes things are misleading. Thanks.
As for EK/capstone with repeater vs. Inq... 1) I don't have to spend a feat lol, and 2) I wanted to play with Inq, and 3) I'll be getting an 12d8 law and 6d10 elemental (and +6 base, so affected by crits) on two bolts, which *probably* makes up for not having three bolts with 10d12 elemental; not to mention +25 ranged power (affecting both the base damage and the law damage), and +15% doubleshot (which technically translates to +7.5% on a dual-wielder). Not really concerned about stuff from EDs since first life so twists are going to be not really much of a thing. Plus I was *struggling* to find 40 points of stuff in EK to get the capstone. So plenty of advantage from where I'm sitting.
"Ignorance killed the cat, sir; curiosity was framed."Tripoint, C.J. Cherryh
True, and in this case it is misleading because in fact it also gives the +1 crit multipler for Ranged.
Obviously that doesn't stack with Inquisitive True Seeing, but on my EK repeater build it can easily be demonstrated by clicking Knight's Transformation on and off.
Last edited by Zarkarion; 11-23-2020 at 01:17 PM.