Originally Posted by
Could you please provide more information what CS(client support I suppose) is, and how to contact it via PM here?
Yeah, CS is "Customer Support" (same diff).
There are several DDO-staff posters w/ "CS_..." starting their forum names - I PM'd CS_Alkaid, but there are others. Just send them a PM* on these forums. (And pro'ly the sooner, the better.)
(* Click your forum user-name (on right just below header, next to "Welcome," & "Notifications", and choose "Send Private Message" from list in left margin.)
Include all relevant info they might need from the in-game DDO Store (where you bought it) - log into game on that account, open store (from character selections screen or any character, either way); in the top-right corner is your Account Name w/ a dropdown menu - one of those options is "History" - you'll find everything you need (Date/Time/Details) there.