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  1. #1
    Community Member Martell's Avatar
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    Default Any way to "sell back" items bought from DDO store in error?

    I recently purchased the +1 AP tome from the DDO store. When I tried to consume it, it told me I already had the effect. Would have been nice to know that before I purchased it, but regardless, now I have this bound to character item I cannot use, sell, or do anything constructive with.

    Am I just out of luck, or can I get help with it?

    Thanks for any help provided.

  2. #2
    The Hatchery Enoach's Avatar
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    Nov 2006


    This may interest you if you have multiple characters and passing this to another would be an option

    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    The Racial Action Point Tomes available in the DDO Store are meant to be Bound to Account, and the new +2 and +1 to +2 Upgrade Tomes appear to be incorrectly set to Bound to Character on Acquire. We will be correcting this in the next game update, so please hang on to your tomes and they will be corrected.

    But I think there is a way to put in a ticket for "mistake" purchases.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Martell View Post
    I recently purchased the +1 AP tome from the DDO store. When I tried to consume it, it told me I already had the effect. Would have been nice to know that before I purchased it, but regardless, now I have this bound to character item I cannot use, sell, or do anything constructive with.

    Am I just out of luck, or can I get help with it?

    Thanks for any help provided.
    Cordovan said they'll be changing them to BtA with the next update, so you could wait and use in on another character.
    Or you can contact customer support and they might refund the points.

  4. #4
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    I thought I was buying extra pack space on my main Warlock, but I (cleverly ) ended up buying it on a similar-looking favor runner which was scheduled for deletion. I immediately contacted CS via PM (here via the forums), including the time, date, ID code, etc etc from the original purchase, and they were forgiving enough to refund the points.


  5. #5
    Community Member Martell's Avatar
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    I am trying to submit a trouble ticket.

    I don't know if it went through - it states that I need to verify an email?

    Why is customer service so hard with you guys? I am not given to hyperbole, but it really makes me not want to spend another nickel on this game.

    Please make customer service easier. You know what I mean, it is intentionally difficult to submit a ticket currently. It's obvious and off-putting. Like an impatient waiter.

  6. #6
    Community Member skorpeon's Avatar
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    I know I have made purchase errors (I am not sure if it was my error or not though, I was buying a collectable bag that was on sale, and I got an ingredients bag, I repeated the transaction and again got the wrong one. I then contacted a GM and they fixed the purchase by giving me the correct ones. I kept the old ones too. Now this was a while ago but I have generally been happy with customer service.

    Did you get the +1 tome when buying a pack recently? I see the price of the tome and think I better go buy WPM as I guess it was there that it was included.

    edit: So looks like the racial ap tomes were part of the RL ultimate bundle, i guess one day that will be on super sale and I can buy it for the extras. If I wait long enough things get real cheap, although by then they are not worth so much anymore. I think I am just looking for a reason to buy white plume mountain.
    Last edited by skorpeon; 02-09-2019 at 01:37 AM.
    Main characters, Tymout, Tymkul, Tymbom, Tymantha etc...

  7. #7
    Community Member xBunny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by C-Dog View Post
    I thought I was buying extra pack space on my main Warlock, but I (cleverly ) ended up buying it on a similar-looking favor runner which was scheduled for deletion. I immediately contacted CS via PM (here via the forums), including the time, date, ID code, etc etc from the original purchase, and they were forgiving enough to refund the points.

    Got exactly same issue today. Bought 2 pack space on wrong character. Just opened DDO shop while was logged in on my different char. Could you please provide more information what CS(client support I suppose) is, and how to contact it via PM here?
    I submitted one from here, but not sure if it is right place. Found this form, but not sure if it is right one, don't want to spam support team.
    Last edited by xBunny; 02-23-2019 at 01:57 PM.

  8. #8
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xBunny View Post
    Could you please provide more information what CS(client support I suppose) is, and how to contact it via PM here?
    Yeah, CS is "Customer Support" (same diff).

    There are several DDO-staff posters w/ "CS_..." starting their forum names - I PM'd CS_Alkaid, but there are others. Just send them a PM* on these forums. (And pro'ly the sooner, the better.)

    (* Click your forum user-name (on right just below header, next to "Welcome," & "Notifications", and choose "Send Private Message" from list in left margin.)

    Include all relevant info they might need from the in-game DDO Store (where you bought it) - log into game on that account, open store (from character selections screen or any character, either way); in the top-right corner is your Account Name w/ a dropdown menu - one of those options is "History" - you'll find everything you need (Date/Time/Details) there.


  9. #9
    Community Member xBunny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by C-Dog View Post
    Yeah, CS is "Customer Support" (same diff).
    Thanks for reply. Got my issue resolved with Standing Stone Games Help request in two days.

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