View Poll Results: How much did you participate in the Risia event?

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  • More than in prior year(s)

    6 8.70%
  • About the same as in prior year(s)

    15 21.74%
  • Less than in prior year(s)

    36 52.17%
  • I don't do events

    6 8.70%
  • Wanted to, but didn't or couldn't

    6 8.70%
  • Did not know about it

    0 0%
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  1. #1
    Community Member Nonesuch2008's Avatar
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    Default Risia Participation Interest

    Now that the event is winding down, I am curious how much interest there was in participation this year. From the comments that I have heard, Dev efforts of late have been focused on Sharn, the Anniversary Party, and fixing current issues, leaving Risia pretty much unchanged.

    Did you grind out just enough to make a few key items? Did you run the event start to finish? Or maybe you just ignored the event entirely & chose to do other things.

    Please post any information regarding how much & why you did/did not participate that you feel would be helpful. And if you would like to see improvements to the event (Midwinter too), by all means please add them here or in Saekee's dedicated thread:

    Suggestions for new Risia recipes

    "When asked if the developers hate the players, as they make so many challenging jumping puzzles, their response was that they have what they consider a “… normal amount of contempt for the players.” This is good. A dungeon master should always nurse a healthy contempt for his or her players."

  2. #2
    Community Member banjo174's Avatar
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    Default How long's it been since this event has been updated?

    Quote Originally Posted by Nonesuch2008 View Post
    Now that the event is winding down, I am curious how much interest there was in participation this year. From the comments that I have heard, Dev efforts of late have been focused on Sharn, the Anniversary Party, and fixing current issues, leaving Risia pretty much unchanged.

    Did you grind out just enough to make a few key items? Did you run the event start to finish? Or maybe you just ignored the event entirely & chose to do other things.

    Please post any information regarding how much & why you did/did not participate that you feel would be helpful. And if you would like to see improvements to the event (Midwinter too), by all means please add them here or in Saekee's dedicated thread:

    Suggestions for new Risia recipes


    My main gripe is, the event needs updated badly. I mean, anything that you can get from the event is like from 2010-2012 honestly. The rewards needs a major overhaul. Although I did discover that you can apparently get craftable trinkets from it now that are bound to account, thats the only thing that was worth anything, and I got that by just playing the game and turning in coins. So, I didn't even have to participate in the event.

  3. #3
    The Hatchery Enoach's Avatar
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    Your poll leaves out an option I would actually identify with.

    I've don't enjoy this event, but I do enjoy other events. So I don't participate in this one other then sending all the coins I collect in questing to friends who do enjoy participating in this event.

  4. #4
    Community Member Nonesuch2008's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enoach View Post
    Your poll leaves out an option I would actually identify with.

    I've don't enjoy this event, but I do enjoy other events. So I don't participate in this one other then sending all the coins I collect in questing to friends who do enjoy participating in this event.
    Too selective on my part, but alas I cannot revise it. Thanks for the input though.
    "When asked if the developers hate the players, as they make so many challenging jumping puzzles, their response was that they have what they consider a “… normal amount of contempt for the players.” This is good. A dungeon master should always nurse a healthy contempt for his or her players."

  5. #5
    Community Member skorpeon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enoach View Post
    Your poll leaves out an option I would actually identify with.

    I've don't enjoy this event, but I do enjoy other events. So I don't participate in this one other then sending all the coins I collect in questing to friends who do enjoy participating in this event.
    Yep this is one event I do not really spend anytime on. Yesterday I jumped at a couple of low hanging coins on the way to a quest. That is about it for me

    I never buy skates (well not in a long time...)
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  6. #6
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    Much outdatedness, unfortunately unlike some of the other events Risia carries no gear that can be updated to scale, and the resists/glaciation are beyond redemption. I just leap for the purple coin once in a while for the heck of it still, I guess. Which is even more sad considering I have the store skates ever since release.
    Very much like my favourite weapon, the quarterstaff, I am a blunt instrument, as are my words.
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  7. #7
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    It's dumb and boring, and the rewards are mostly garbage, with (mostly) the exception of IBKs, which turn out to be exorbitantly expensive if you're either unlucky or don't want to run this.

    And that's coming from somebody who typically likes events far more than most, I'd wager. Not a lot of teamwork in this one...

    Make some Icy bonus augments. That'll get people doing it. Or just fix it.

  8. #8
    Community Member AbyssalMage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nonesuch2008 View Post
    Now that the event is winding down, I am curious how much interest there was in participation this year. From the comments that I have heard, Dev efforts of late have been focused on Sharn, the Anniversary Party, and fixing current issues, leaving Risia pretty much unchanged.

    Did you grind out just enough to make a few key items? Did you run the event start to finish? Or maybe you just ignored the event entirely & chose to do other things.

    Please post any information regarding how much & why you did/did not participate that you feel would be helpful. And if you would like to see improvements to the event (Midwinter too), by all means please add them here or in Saekee's dedicated thread:

    Suggestions for new Risia recipes

    I've been playing since 2010. I have never actually participated in the event. I'll collect the coins from killing "fire based NPC's" while I am adventuring but have made no attempt to seek them out. After 9 years I finally turned them in (which wasn't that many because I've never actually sought Fire NPC's). In the past I have purchased "Icy Burst Kits" from players but this year there was no one selling them in the Harbor or Market There were some kits in the Shard House for exorbitant prices

    It needs a complete revamp.
    • Possibly re-skin Tower of Frost and make it a challenge area. Cordovan can narrate the challenges with the other developers. They all put a lot of hours into the game and should be immortalized. Or maybe voice acting from some of the staff we haven't heard yet
    • I like the Icy Burst kits (they should NOT be removed). The Spell Power Kits need an overhaul (but not sure how honestly).
    • New consumables - Expand what is currently available, honestly. If you keep the consumable wands, make them required in the Adventure you create. We can spend PP or Festival Currency. Maybe casting "cold" spells on enemies "freezes" them (i.e. Hold Monster) for this event.
    • New Weapons - Honestly I am probably more against this than for it. But players like weapons. Cold Iron/Good or Adamantime(sp?)/Chaos to help with DR (in the adventure) + misc. effects. Maybe the weapons melt after the event is over (Drow weapons are supposed to disintegrate in Sunlight). Maybe these weapons do the same once the even is over and they are no longer effected by the correct planar alignment).

    Maybe the developers see this, maybe they don't. But honestly, this event has been "dead" for most players for many years. I agree a "grouping" element would be nice to incorporate.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    The release notes themselves are essentially the same as was seen on Lamannia most recently.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aelonwy View Post
    This^ in so many words is how you say time and feedback on Lammania are wasted.

  9. #9
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    I just did it enough to grind out the exclusive rewards I needed. And I did so by cheesing Zawabi, not doing the actual event content. I don't enjoy platformer twitch bs stuff like that. Other events I like actually doing - mabar, cove - but this one I only care about for craftable trinket.

  10. #10
    Community Member Annex's Avatar
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    This year, I spent a few hours jumping for Purple Coins, mostly the 'wrong' way, and about an hour each day skating in Eveningstar. I bartered for three Polar Bears** and 12 Trinkets.

    Before the event, I planned on adding Festival Fire Resist and Festival Cold Resist to all my Cosmetic Armors and Helms. Since Cordovan announced that is not working as intended, I left all those recipes unused.

    Using Cannith Crafting, I can make Glaciation of Ice Lore items with a Red Augment Slot at will. That renders the Glaciation recipes rather useless.

    I could make 14 Icy Burst weapons and 23 Snow Elemental Gems but have no need for such things.

    I dumped great gobs of cheap potions and wands on the Auction House. Hopefully, those helped some people.

    The event remains useful for Trinkets but it would take me about 4 hours to earn one jumping the 'right' way so I guess I am done with that.* I enjoy skating in Eveningstar but with nothing to use the recipes on, I doubt I will bother with it next year unless something dramatic happens.

    * Purple Coins per Trinket
    27, 8, 44, 48, 38, 21, 10, 28, 20, 5, 134, 24 = 33.9 average
    34 x 7 minutes = 238 minutes / 60 minutes = 3.97 hours per Trinket
    I estimate 7 minutes per Purple Coin jumping the 'right' way but since I often miss that number is probably low.

    ** I almost never use Animal Companions but the Polar Bears are cute and I have plenty of Motes.
    Last edited by Annex; 02-19-2019 at 03:18 AM.
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  11. #11
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    In previous years I have jumped for coins (blue ones only as I am hopeless at it) but then they moved first one ship and then another, so I have not bothered at all this year, just selling my old recipes on the AH.

    I have skated in Eveningstar every day, because I enjoy that far more than the frustrating coin jumping, but again, just to sell the recipes on the AH.

    It is disappointing all round really.


  12. #12
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    Here's what I don't like about Risia Ice Games:
    * I don't like the randomness. Let us gather coins and purchase stuff.
    * I don't like tons of recipes. Let's use coins.
    * I don't like the upgradefest. If I have a ML7 weapon, please give me level appropriate Glaciation or whatever. Maybe for level 28-30 items, allow going up to level 34 glaciation somehow. Or maybe exclude those levels, it's hard to compete with named items here anyway.
    * I don't like that the Wand binds to character.

    * Maybe go with level 1-10 recipes use white coins, levels 11-20 recipes use blue coins, and high end stuff use purple coins

    * Also the Cold Touch/Frost/Icy Burst stuff could be dumped in favor of level appropriate Xd6 cold damage.

    Here's what I would like:

    Augment-like mechanic for Glaciation / Festival Frost.
    1) You pay the price (coins) and the machine spits out an unbound augment thing with an explicit name and good description. (IE not "recipe #7", but "Permanent Festival Glaciation Enchantment for Weapons level 1-5")
    2) You sell it on AH/ASAH for good profit.
    3) To use, doubleclick the augment, this opens an interface, drag item to be frostificated onto it, and bam, augment is consumed and Glaciation is applied.

    Oh and to answer OP, I have not participated in the event for a couple years now. I would perhaps like to have some Icy Burst kit thing, but I am too lazy to look it up on the wiki.

  13. #13
    Community Member noinfo's Avatar
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    Its been junk for years. If you don't update it why bother?
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  14. #14
    Community Member K_9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nonesuch2008 View Post
    Now that the event is winding down, I am curious how much interest there was in participation this year. From the comments that I have heard, Dev efforts of late have been focused on Sharn, the Anniversary Party, and fixing current issues, leaving Risia pretty much unchanged.

    Did you grind out just enough to make a few key items? Did you run the event start to finish? Or maybe you just ignored the event entirely & chose to do other things.

    Please post any information regarding how much & why you did/did not participate that you feel would be helpful. And if you would like to see improvements to the event (Midwinter too), by all means please add them here or in Saekee's dedicated thread:

    Suggestions for new Risia recipes

    Missing choice; Didn't bother this time as rewards badly outdated and useless. Personally historically I have always enjoyed this event and have posted previously on how to improve it and make it relevant.

  15. #15
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    I don't farm for coins. At the end of the event I use the ones I have to try and get a trinket or two, but I am lucky if I get even one.

    I have no problem with such events, but they are not for me and the non-trinket items are not worth the effort.

  16. #16
    Cosmetic Guru Aelonwy's Avatar
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    Default Waning Interest

    I never liked the coin jump. I never had Mario skills. I probably have less than 10 items with festival icy burst. I have a half dozen or so trinkets, from previous years, a single wand, a few snow elemental gems and a couple stacks of snowballs for giggles. I enjoy the midwinter-races though. With concerted effort I have gathered enough motes to get myself and both my kids the polar bear cub, i have a few store bought cosmetics with festival resists if they nerf it so be it, and I like shadow cookies... also for giggles.

    Count me as one that would also like to see the Tower of Frost re-imagined as a winter challenge in conjunction with Risia with access to some new rewards and the Risia Festival/Midwinter Races have some adjustments. For the re-imagined version the Tower would live up to its name, I would have Theobald the Antiquarian be the quest giver. I would have the tower populated by nearly only cold subtype creatures - Ice mephits, Snow Elementals, Animated Snowmen, Ice Elementals, Frost Giants, Winter/Glacier wolves, Polar Bears?, Ice Spiders, Ice Flensers, and top it with a White Dragon or massive Frost Beholder. Bundle up or freeze your knickers off.

    Because I would have so much ice and snow on the inside of this quest, there would definitely be places where balance checks kept you upright or skates if you got them. Possibly skates would allow you to run the challenge faster than otherwise. Maybe places where you could turn on magical heaters to thaw each floor until you reached the top and destroyed/defeated whatever new nonsense Theobald thought was a good idea at the time.
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  17. #17


    thx for the shoutout & link!

    Did not really participate--posted a few hundred blue coins farmed from Zawabi. I bought an IBK for cheap plat from someone in the harbor to upgrade some vorpal handwraps.

    I am really disappointed at the way the devs dropped the ball on this event, again.

    That said, best part is seeing still the snowfall everywhere
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  18. #18
    Community Member kamimitsu's Avatar
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    I realize I'm in the minority, but I never do any of the events. Occasionally, a guildie will drag me in to one of them mostly against my will, but that's infrequent. I dislike anything overly repetitive or short-cycle grindy, so they're just not for me. Not to mention having to deal with the associated inventory management headache: stuff to collect, turn in, sift through and toss junk, etc. I don't craft for the same reason, inventory management in this game is a nightmare. I don't want to spend hours moving, sorting, and otherwise dealing with all the ingredients and minutiae involved... it's bad enough having to do it for normal weapons/armor/gear on a host of characters I play. I'm mostly here to murder kobolds in new and sundry ways, and that's enough for me.
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  19. #19
    Community Member HungarianRhapsody's Avatar
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    I made an ML20 Glaciation cape so that I can throw an occasional Polar Ray/Iceberg without needing to stress over putting in a Glaciation item in my slots. I didn't even run the ice track more than 8 times this year. I just used leftover stuff from prior years.

    I didn't touch the Harbor event at all since the ship mast isn't there anymore.
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  20. #20
    Community Member SpartanKiller13's Avatar
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    I'm apparently the only vote for "more than in prior years" because this was the first time I actually run it a bit. Previously I'd go for the ramp jumps etc to minor success, but this time I had an epic toon, so I swapped to EA and used Falconry Sprint boosts to farm the purple instead. After ~50 of them I'd managed to farm two craftable trinkets, so I'm quite happy with that (given around an hour of farming).

    The weird part is that I got Recipe 4/5 but not 3, so I couldn't make a Festival Icy Burst. Not terrible for me though, my early beaters are already Festival Light lol. Maybe next year.


    In future years I will likely continue to farm craftable trinkets, but that's really the only thing I want from Risia. Festival Icy Burst is nice, but Festival Light is better (or at least equal) especially on low-level vorpals which are the ideal target IMO. Festival Glaciation seems cool but AFAIK it doesn't stack? If it does, it might be useful. Same with the cosmetic bug thing, I don't need Fire/Ice resist 10 enough to care about it lol.
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    Quote Originally Posted by zehnvhex View Post
    Warlock is basically a ghetto Shiradi Sorc. You gives up some of the damage and self sustain for the ability to just hold down left click and yolo blast your way to victory.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    It's DDO. There are probably 6 different types of Evil damage.

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