Week 3....
This Friday (6/21/2019 @ 7 pm CST) we will be running
Vault of Night 5 & 6 Nude (EN/EH) Level 20+ (requires flagging)
Tempest Spine Nude (HE) Level 14+
Shroud (LN/LH) Level 24+ (requires flagging)

Saturday (6/22/2019 @ 10 am CST) we will be running
Tower of Despair (HE) Level 20+ (requires flagging)
Caught in the Web (EH/EE) Level 24+ (requires flagging)

If you would like to sign up for any of these raids please please please let us know and we will get you on the list.
Reserved LFM goes up 30 minutes before raid time and then opens up to anyone who didn't reserve a spot 10 minutes before raid time.

We looking forward to all the Munchkin fun this summer.