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  1. #1
    FreeDeeOh PsychoBlonde's Avatar
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    Feb 2010

    Default Damage resistance in reaper vs. weapon procs

    So, I've been playing around with a weird wizard Arcane Archer build that does almost all of its damage from weapon imbues, and I've noticed something really annoying in reaper difficulty. For some reason, when an enemy has even a TINY bit of energy resistance, the reaper damage reduction pretty much universally reduces the proc damage to 0. So, if I'm, say, fighting Orthons, who have some acid resistance, my 500 damage acid procs are being reduced to ZERO by their energy resistance unless I hit them with some kind of vulnerability like a hold spell.

    This calculation is screwy. If my acid SPELLS are doing 90% damage then my weapon imbues/procs should also be doing about 90% damage. Their resistance shouldn't go from 10% to VIRTUAL IMMUNITY by changing from Elite to Reaper 1. I mean, yeah, if my weapon procs were around 30 damage that'd be different, but they do 200-500 damage. That's well beyond the range where any resistance should reduce them to ZERO.

    Here's a video so you can see what I mean:

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  2. #2
    Community Member Questdoer's Avatar
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    May 2013


    That does seem frustrating, especially because that build looks really fun otherwise.

    Perhaps the reason why it works like this is because the resistances are for some reason being applied to each individual dice roll of the imbues?
    I don't know... Maybe its just bugged.

  3. #3
    FreeDeeOh PsychoBlonde's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Questdoer View Post
    That does seem frustrating, especially because that build looks really fun otherwise.

    Perhaps the reason why it works like this is because the resistances are for some reason being applied to each individual dice roll of the imbues?
    I don't know... Maybe its just bugged.
    I suspect it may have something to do with the order that it calculates things in.
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