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  1. #1
    Community Member Thrudh's Avatar
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    Default Tempest - One way to solo low reaper and keep solid DPS for high reaper PUGs

    Edit: This thread was started to show a tempest build that works for a semi-casual player. Good enough to solo R2-R3, and contribute in groups in R4-R8.

    So my main has always been a Dex-based TWF evasion character. Almost always with at least 6 levels of ranger.

    Since reaper came out, I've been messing around with various build ideas that will allow me to solo at least reaper 3, but also be able to contribute to high reaper PUGs.

    Max ranger DPS (aka Tempest 20 running LD) is best if you have a good guild or a static group with lots of CC and/or healing and/or tanks. But a max DPS Tempest is somewhat of a glass cannon when soloing. It's easy to get overwhelmed by a group of mobs on reaper, and your self-heals aren't enough to keep up with the incoming damage.

    So I kept experimenting with different trade-offs to give myself more defense and survivability, but not nerf the DPS output too much.

    Multi-classing means you lose the Tempest capstone, and maybe even the level 18 core

    First thing I tried for fun was adding some warlock levels. I played a 14/6 ranger/warlock for good amount of time. The warlock aura ticking off 150 temp hp or so every 4 seconds was hugely useful in low reaper. I also really liked Dark Delirium... a no-save single-target Daze Monster that lasted for 30+ seconds. It was a great way to shut down a dangerous champ or a reaper.

    But the MAIN advantage from the warlock levels was access to quickened Sleet Storm. This spell slows down enemies 50%, and gives you sneak attacks on them (I run with Scion of the Ethereal Plane, which is all about sneak attack damage). I found this hugely useful when soloing large packs of mobs (14 ranger can self-cast FoM so Sleet Storm doesn't affect you).

    But warlock levels aren't nearly as useful in high reaper PUGs. The 150 temp hp every 4 seconds just isn't enough to matter, and in groups it's harder to get people to use Sleet Storm. It COULD work with a tight group - you just have to make sure to cast FoM on everybody, and choose choke points together, but most PUGs are fast moving, and less likely to use enough teamwork for Sleet Storm to be useful.

    So although warlock levels did help with soloing low reaper, it wasn't very useful in high reaper PUGs.

    And then the Epic Defensive Fighting feat came out, which doesn't work with warlock Aura, so that made the warlock levels even less useful.

    One of my alts is a barbarian, and I really like Blood Tribute in reaper. It's very very good in low-to-mid levels heroics (150 temp hp), and pretty good at epic cap as well. 400 temp hp that you can spam every 3 seconds at cap does really help in a big fight, even in the higher level reapers.

    I thought maybe I could incorporate 2 levels of barbarian into my ranger character.

    For fun, I tried a 14/4/2 ranger/warlock/barb character. The warlock levels were ONLY for Sleet Storm, no aura, not a single AP spent in warlock enhancements. I got blood tribute from barbarian, which was (mostly) better than the warlock aura, plus I could use Epic Defensive fighting for more base hp.

    That build was successful as well. Just as good or even better soloing low reaper, and still decent in high reaper... but again, I wasn't using Sleet Storm in high reaper groups (so the warlock levels were wasted).

    So, for a while, I took Sleet Storm off my hotbar, and tried soloing without it. If I could solo without it, I could move up to a 18/2 ranger/barb build, and get a bit more DPS from that level 18 tempest core. In LD, soloing was fairly solid, but there would still be times I would overwhelmed.

    So then I added another twist. I switched to ShadowDancer ED, instead of LD... That seemed to do the trick when soloing... 25% incorporeal from Shadow Form adds a lot of defense (30% with the level 18 tempest core). Meld into Darkness is huge, 100% dodge for 15 seconds has saved my life many times. It's hard to calculate the DPS loss at cap using SD instead of LD... You get a lot of sneak attack bonuses in SD. Standing melee power is easier to deal with than Blitz. There are times when I mess up (or the group is too slow), and I lose Blitz. I have 42 more standing MP in SD than LD. When Blitz is fully active, I have 28 more MP in LD. But with the extra sneak attack in SD, I think DPS from Blitz melee power is a wash.

    The real difference in LD is Combat Brute (and 20 second cooldowns on Haste Boost). 50% more damage on helpless enemies is huge. But note that only applies to trash and not to bosses. Boss DPS is just as high or higher with ShadowDancer.

    So far, I've been pretty happy with SD. I can solo low reaper with very little chance of dying, contribute well in high reaper, and I'm durable enough to survive in high reaper even when on my own for a bit. I certainly can't solo high reaper, but I can take down a pack of mobs on my own if needed, and with CC or a tank, of course, I do a ton of damage.
    Last edited by Thrudh; 02-14-2019 at 12:00 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Eth View Post
    When you stop caring about xp/min this game becomes really fun. Trust me.
    Quote Originally Posted by TedSandyman View Post
    Some people brag about how fast they finished the game. I cant think of a stupider thing to brag about. Or in this game, going from level 1 to level 30 in two days, or however long it takes. I can't even begin to imagine what drives a person to think that is fun. You are ignoring all of the content and options and going for sheer speed. It is like going to a museum and bragging about how fast you made it through. Or bragging about how fast you finished a good steak.

  2. #2
    Community Member Thrudh's Avatar
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    Edit: This thread was started to show a tempest build that works for a semi-casual player. Good enough to solo R2-R3, and contribute in groups in R4-R8.

    Any race will work (although halfling and Elf would be best for Dex bonuses). No racial AP is required. The more reaper AP the better, but 17 or so reaper AP puts you a good spot. Everything after that is bonus. Gear is pretty easily obtained. All quest and Cannith-crafted. Raid weapons, of course, are highly recommended. As a dagger build, my guy uses Pain and Suffering.

    18/2 Ranger/Barbarian

    This is a dagger build (note you can use a dagger in your main hand, and a rapier or shortsword in your off-hand).

    I was playing around with Vistani when it first came out with morninglord daggers, and like it a lot, and I was lucky enough to get Pain and Suffering raid daggers, so I'm still currently a dagger build. I don't have Flow yet from the Strahd raid. When I get that, I may stop using daggers (which would free up Vistani AP). Or maybe I'll keep using Pain, and put Flow in my off-hand.

    This build could definitely be used with rapiers or other light weapons. It would give you 13 extra AP that you wouldn't have to use in Vistani.

    Free feats from Ranger:
    • Bow Strength
    • Rapid Shot
    • Die Hard
    • Precise Shot
    • Improved Precise Shot
    • Manyshot
    • Evasion

    Free feats from Vistani
    • Quick Draw

    Heroic Leveling:
    • 1. Ranger - Weapon Finesse
    • 2. Barbarian
    • 3. Barbarian - Precision
    • 4. Ranger
    • 5. Ranger
    • 6. Ranger - Maximize
    • 7. Ranger
    • 8. Ranger
    • 9. Ranger - IC: Piercing
    • 10. Ranger
    • 11. Ranger
    • 12. Ranger - Empower Healing
    • 13. Ranger
    • 14. Ranger
    • 15. Ranger - Quicken
    • 16. Ranger
    • 17. Ranger
    • 18. Ranger - IC: Ranged
    • 19. Ranger
    • 20. Ranger

    Epic Leveling:
    • 21 - Overwhelming Critical
    • 24 - Rogue Past Life - +30 to hide 3 times/1 minute
    • 26 - Perfect Two Weapon Fighting
    • 27 - Epic Reflexes
    • 28 - Doubleshot 10% or Tactician
    • 29 - Dire Charge
    • 30 - Blinding Speed and Scion of Ethereal Plane (Perm Blur, +4 to all skills, +1 sneak attack damage for every 3 points of hide)

    All stat level ups into Dexterity.

    Hide skill is around 160 at cap with Camouflage spell, high dex, Hide cloak from Silent Avenger set, maxed hide ranks, Shadow Form from Shadowdancer, etc. It's 190 when you activate the Rogue past-life. That's a TON of extra sneak attack damage. Exposing Strike (enhancement from Deepwood Sniper) lets you bluff a single target for 4 seconds every 6 seconds. This works on orange-names and bosses, so this is a lot of extra DPS. And a helpless mob (from Dire Charge or Balanced Attacks) also takes sneak attack damage.


    • 2 points into Falconry to get Favored Enemy: Animal
    • 36 points into Tempest (Dance of Death)
    • 21 points into Deepwood Sniper (for Improved Weapon Finesse and Exposing Strike, and +1 crit range)
    • 8 points into Frenzied Berzerker (for Blood Tribute and Cracking Attack - 20% reduction on fort for 20 seconds)
    • 13 points into Vistani (for free Quick Draw, 20% doublestrike from Rapid Slash, 5% doublestrike (main and off-hand) and +1(w) with daggers)

    Shadow Dancer Epic Destiny.

    • Sense Weakness (Tier 4)
    • Balanced Attacks (Tier 3)
    • Cocoon (Tier 1)
    • Extra Action Boost (Tier 1)
    • Legendary Tactics (Tier 1)

    Doublestrike calculations:
    • 9% 3 martial sphere Epic Past Lives
    • 17% Cannith-crafted gloves
    • 10% Lore-fueled Packbannner (Insight bonus)
    • 5% Knife Specialist (Vistani enhancement)
    • 5% Whirlwind (Tempest 18th level core enhancement)
    • 5% Perfect Two-weapon fighting (Epic Destiny Feat)
    • 15% Silent Avenger Set

    =66% passive (but my character sheet says 69.87% - not sure where I'm getting the extra 3.87%)

    20% Rapid Slash (Vistani enhancement, active attack, 10 sec duration, 10 sec cooldown)

    =86% (89.67%?) sustained Doublestrike (since duration matches cooldown, better than Killer from DWS)

    Melee Power calculations:
    • Shadowdancer cores - 60 MP
    • Ring of Prowess - 8 MP
    • Epic Power(10) - 30 MP
    • Misc. Equip Mythic - 2 MP
    • Sentient - 8 MP

    =108 passive (but my character sheet says 111 - again, not sure where the last 3 is coming from)

    +50 for Prowess MP boost when using an Action Boost

    End-game Gear

    Silent Avenger Set:
    Armor: Legendary Mist-Fallen Vestaments: 202 Fortification - 9 Parrying - PRR 50 - Profane +2 - Green slot (+2 Max Dex from Armor)
    Belt: Legendary Braided Cutcord: DEX +19 - Qual DEX +4 - Qual Dodge 4 - Blurry Green slot(+2 Luck)
    Cloak: Legendary Shadowhail Cloak: Hide +22, Move Silently +22, Deception +16, Ghostly - Green slot (Globe +1 EXC to all stats)

    Goggles: Epic Precision Lenses:Manslayer - Insightful STR +9 - Melee Alacrity 15% - 3 extra Action Boosts - Blue slot
    Wrist: Legendary Lore-Fueled Packbanner: Ins CON +9 - PRR 50 - Insightful Doublestrike +10 - Green slot (+8 STR)
    Ring: Legendary Ring of Prowess: +8 Melee and Ranged Power - +14 Deadly - +28 Accuracy - Green slot (250 SP)
    Ring: Slaver crafted: CON +17 - 185 Devotion - Stunning +20 - Quality CON +4
    Gloves: Cannith crafted: Doublestrike +17 - Healing Amp 61 - Insightful Dex +7 - Green slot (+40 hps false life)
    Necklace: Legendary Ward-Inscribed Pendant: Deadly +16 - CON +19, Natural Armor +19 Yellow slot (Deathblock)
    Trinket: Cannith crafted: 9% Doubleshot - +12 Resistance - Insightful Stunning +8
    Boots: Cannith crafted: Dodge 15 - Sheltering +38 (for the MRR) - Ins Dodge +7 Green slot(+8 CHA)
    Head:Legendary Executioner's Helm: +17 Seeker - Relentless Fury (5% more DPS) - +4 Quality Combat Mastery - Insightful Deception (more sneak attack damage) - Green slot (+8 WIS)

    Most of this gear is fairly easy to get (if you have enough crafting xp to craft all high-end Cannith stuff). Goggle slot somewhat open. I really just use it for the 3 extra Action Boosts, once those are gone, one can switch. If you don't go Vistani and daggers, you'd probably want to spend some AP in Harper, and get an INT goggle item.

    Dire Charge, even without Harper Know the Angles, is still fairly solid (in the 110 range with an 84 Dex), but Know the Angles would help DPS and increase your stun DC even further with a good INT goggles item.

    Necklace slot is also somewhat open since I have +17 CON on my old slavers ring, and deadly on my ring of prowess, so I'm not getting much out of the necklace except Natural Armor +19.
    Last edited by Thrudh; 04-19-2019 at 12:09 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Eth View Post
    When you stop caring about xp/min this game becomes really fun. Trust me.
    Quote Originally Posted by TedSandyman View Post
    Some people brag about how fast they finished the game. I cant think of a stupider thing to brag about. Or in this game, going from level 1 to level 30 in two days, or however long it takes. I can't even begin to imagine what drives a person to think that is fun. You are ignoring all of the content and options and going for sheer speed. It is like going to a museum and bragging about how fast you made it through. Or bragging about how fast you finished a good steak.

  3. #3
    Community Member Thrudh's Avatar
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    Racial Past Lives:
    • 3 Halfling
    • 3 Elf

    Epic Past Lives:
    • 7 Primal
    • 4 Divine
    • 4 Martial
    • 3 Arcane

    Heroic Past Lives:
    • 3 Fighter
    • 2 Ranger
    • 1 Rogue
    • 2 Paladin

    Reaper AP:
    • 33 currently - 34 is a sweet spot where one can get 4 extra Dex, 3 extra tactics, 4 extra CON, and 120 hp from the cores. Almost there.

    Ability Stats:

    Dex - 83
    • 20 starting Dex
    • 7 level ups
    • 8 tome
    • 19 item
    • 7 Insight item
    • 4 Quality item
    • 1 exceptional
    • 1 racial enhancement
    • 3 ranger enhancements
    • 2 Shadowdancer ED
    • 1 reaper core
    • 4 Filigree (requires 7 slots and 250 threads of fate so you can get prowess set, two +1 Dex Filigree, and a +2 Dex Filigree)
    • 2 Guild ship
    • 2 racial past-lives
    • 2 profane from armor

    In reaper, add 3 more.

    So 86 Dex in reaper. Subtract 3 if a non Dex-based race (lose 2 starting points and 1 racial enhancement)

    Can use Yugo pots and ability potions for 4 more. So 90 sustainable.

    CON - 61
    • 15 starting CON
    • 8 tome
    • 19 item
    • 9 Insight item
    • 4 Quality item
    • 1 exceptional
    • 1 reaper core
    • 2 Guild ship
    • 2 Profane from armor

    In reaper, add 3 more.

    Other Stats:
    • Dire Charge Stun DC - 110 or so, depending on Dex
    • PRR - 133 (slightly higher in reaper)
    • MRR - 68 (slightly higher in reaper)
    • Doublestrike - standing 90% (using daggers with Rapid Slash - 70% without Rapid Slash, but then Killer from DWS is an option, plus 30% Reaper DS boost)
    • Melee Power - 111
    • Reflex - 92 (over 100 in reaper)
    • AC - 127
    • Dodge - 27%
    • Incorporeal - 30%
    • Heal Amp - 101%
    • Positive Spell Power - 395/474 (if I swap trinket to a Insighful Devotion one - but then I lose 8 off Dire Charge)
    • Hit points - 1962
    • Hide around 160/190 boosted (depending on Dex)

    Alternate end-game gear.

    I was able to get the armor and cloak from Baba's raid that go with Silent Avenger set. It's really not that much of an upgrade, but I fit them in anyway.

    Lost Hide from the cloak, so crafted a LGS necklace.
    Lost Fort and Parrying from the armor, so I switched helmets to get Fort back, and crafted Parrying on my boots.

    Solipsism on the helm is a pretty sweet (chance to cause daze on a monster when I hit them), and the Vitality from the helm and the extra hp from the LGS necklace is always nice.

    Switching helms, I lost seeker, so I crafted some seeker googles with True Seeing as well, and I switch to them after using the first 3 action boosts I get from the Epic Precision Lenses.

    End-game Gear

    Silent Avenger Set:
    Armor: Vestaments of Ravenloft: Deathblock - Ghostly - PRR 52 - Profane +2 - Green slot (+8 Protection) - Blue slot (+2 Max Dex from Armor)
    Belt: Legendary Braided Cutcord: DEX +19 - Qual DEX +4 - Qual Dodge 4 - Blurry Green slot (+2 Luck)
    Cloak: The Invisible Cloak of Strahd: Deception +17 - MRR 52 - Nightmare Guard - Invisibility Guard - Green slot (+8 Natural Armor) - Blue slot (Globe +1 EXC to all stats)

    Wrist: Legendary Lore-Fueled Packbanner: Ins CON +9 - PRR 50 - Insightful Doublestrike +10 - Green slot (+8 STR)
    Ring: Legendary Ring of Prowess: +8 Melee and Ranged Power - +14 Deadly - +28 Accuracy - Green slot (250 SP)
    Ring: Slaver crafted: CON +17 - 185 Devotion - Stunning +20 - Quality CON +4
    Gloves: Cannith crafted: Doublestrike +17 - Healing Amp 61 - Insightful Dex +7 - Green slot (+40 hps false life)
    Necklace: Legendary Green-steel necklace: Dex skills (Hide) +22 - Dex skills insightful +11 - 56 extra hitpoints.
    Trinket: Cannith crafted: 57 hp false life - +12 Resistance - Insightful Stunning +8
    Boots: Cannith crafted: Dodge 15 - Parrying 7 - Ins Dodge +7 - Yellow slot slot (Feather Fall)
    Head: Legendary Unbreakable Stormreach Guardian's Helm: 67 Vitality - CON +19 - Fort save +16 - Fort 202% - Trace of Madness (Solipsism) - Green slot (+8 WIS)

    Goggles: Epic Precision Lenses:Manslayer - Insightful STR +9 - Melee Alacrity 15% - 3 extra Action Boosts - Blue slot
    Goggles: Cannith crafted: Seeker +17 - True Seeing - Ins Seeker +7 - Blue slot

    Notes from suggestions later in the thread -

    Might be possible to have Adherent of the Mists AND the Silent Avenger set

    If I got Molten Silver Gauntlets, that would give me 6 more doublestrike and Armor Piercing (which I don't have above)

    Gloves: Molten Silver Gauntlets: Doublestrike +23 - Armor Piercing +32 - Deadly +16 - Feat: Pierce Silver - Green slot (+40 hps false life) - Blue slot

    But I'd lose Heal Amp and Insightful Dex from my current gloves, but could craft them on a trinket instead.

    Trinket: Cannith crafted: Hide 22 - Healing Amp 61 - Insightful Dex +7

    But then I'd lose Resistance +12 and Insightful Stunning +8

    But could possibly use Van Richten's Googles (+20 Dex, +16 Reflex, 52 MRR, Doubleshot 12%) maybe a necklace like Fleetfoot (+20 Wisdom, +20 Natural Armor, Superior Reinforced Fists) and boots like Flightfoot (FOM, Nat Armor +19, Reflex +16)? Probably not worth it unless I was a wisdom based monk.

    A swashbuckling bard could get both Silent Avenger and Adherent using Van Richten's cane in his off-hand, and use the CHA boots and CHA necklace. Much better synergy there.

    End-game gear after Sharn:
    End-game Gear

    Part of the Family Set:
    Armor: Legendary Wildcard: Fort 214% - PRR 54 - Heal Amp 85 - False Life 81 - Green slot
    Necklace: Legendary Family Recruit Sigil: True Seeing - Armor Piercing 33 - Deadly 17 - Relentless Fury - Yellow slot
    Gloves: Legendary Hammerfist: Insightful Doublestrike 11 - Seeker 21 - Insightful Deadly 8 - Cannith Combat Infusion - Green slot (+8 Natural Armor) - Blue slot (Globe +1 EXC to all stats)

    (Set gives +15 Doublestrike - 25 Artifact Melee Power - 15% Artifact damage vs Helpless - 10% Fort bypass)

    Head: Legendary Umber Brim: Insightful Accuracy 16 - Insightful Deception 8 - Profane well-rounded - Improved Quelling Strikes - Green slot
    Goggles: Legendary Collective Sight: Dex 21 - Insight Dex 10 - Quality Resistance 4 - Blue slot

    Cloak: Legendary Cloak of the City's Champion: Parrying 10 - Insightful CON 10 - Quality PRR 13 - Green slot
    Belt: Legendary Bronze Dragonscale Belt: CON 21 - Heal Amp 85 - Insightful False Life 40 - Lifesealed 50 - Blue slot

    Wrist: Brand of Kalok Shash: STR 22 - Quality Accuracy 8 - Quality Deadly 5 - Fire Absorb 53% - Green slot - Blue slot - Yellow slot

    Ring: Legendary Celestial Ruby Ring: INT 21 - Stunning 23 - Accuracy 33 - Ghostly - Green slot
    Ring: Slaver crafted: Sheltering 45 (for the MRR) - 185 Devotion - Hide 22 - Quality DEX +4

    Trinket: Cannith crafted: Doublestrike 17 - Resistance 12 - Insightful Stunning +8
    Boots: Cannith crafted: Dodge 15 - ??? - Ins Seeker 7 - Yellow slot (Feather Fall)

    Ravenloft set comparison to Sharn set:
    Ghostly - Ghostly
    PRR 52 - PRR 54
    MRR 52 - MRR 45 (from Sheltering)
    Fort 202 - Fort 214

    Dex 19 - Dex 21
    Ins Dex 7 - Insight Dex 10
    Qual Dex 4 - Qual Dex 4

    CON 19 - CON 21
    Insight CON 9 - Insight CON 10
    Qual CON 4 - missing

    Profane 2 - Profane 2

    Heal Amp 61 - Heal Amp 85

    Doublestrike 17 - Doublestrike 17
    Insight Doublestrike 10 - Insight Doublestrike 11

    Deadly 14 - Deadly 17
    missing - Insight Deadly 8
    missing - Quality Deadly 5

    Accuracy 28 - Accuracy 33
    missing - Insight Accuracy 16
    missing - Quality Accuracy 8

    Seeker 17 - Seeker 21
    Insight Seeker 7 - Insight Seeker 7
    True Seeing - True Seeing

    Deception 17 - Deception 17 (on weapon)
    missing - Insight Deception 8

    Hide 33 - Hide 22

    Devotion 185 - Devotion 185

    Resistance 12 - Resistance 12
    Parrying 7 - Parrying 10

    Dodge 15 - Dodge 15
    Insight Dodge 7 - missing
    Quality Dodge 4 - missing

    False Life 57 - False Life 81
    missing - Insight False Life 40
    Vitality 67 - missing
    LGS hp 56 - missing

    Blurry - missing

    Stunning Blow 20 - Stunning Blow 23
    Insight Stun 8 - Insight Stun 8

    missing - Armor Piercing 33
    missing - Relentless Fury
    missing - Cannith Combat Infusion
    missing - Improved Quelling Strike
    missing - Fire Absorption 53%
    Last edited by Thrudh; 06-17-2019 at 11:07 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Eth View Post
    When you stop caring about xp/min this game becomes really fun. Trust me.
    Quote Originally Posted by TedSandyman View Post
    Some people brag about how fast they finished the game. I cant think of a stupider thing to brag about. Or in this game, going from level 1 to level 30 in two days, or however long it takes. I can't even begin to imagine what drives a person to think that is fun. You are ignoring all of the content and options and going for sheer speed. It is like going to a museum and bragging about how fast you made it through. Or bragging about how fast you finished a good steak.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thrudh View Post
    Necklace slot is also somewhat open since I have +17 CON on my old slavers ring, and deadly on my ring of prowess, so I'm not getting much out of the necklace except Natural Armor +19.

    Fleetfoot necklace

  5. #5
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    Unhappy Tempest - OR another way to solo mid reaper...

    I get sad when peeps on mobo suggest tempests should be anything but pure when trying to achieve max dps and be sustainable for mid-high reaper. So I take it upon myself to try to stop this dissemination from reaching those that truly want to experience a true sexy dexy tempest dps build. (FYI, dex may be in flux atm due to knights training; we'll see & who knows what Sharn will bring)

    1. Aasimar is the master race. The T4 stance is way too good. (Scourge is a trap, don't do that thing. I would just assume play Bladeforged over Scourge, neither are ideal)
    2. Pure ranger is the only way to go. Capstone is way too good to give up. No other argument should ever be entertained and should be forever banished to Hoboken, NJ.
    3. LD has everything you need to accomplish excellent, sustainable dps and some defenses to boot. Swaying from LD severely limits your ability to accomplish goals.
    4. Stay out of the Vistani tree. Great for rogue assassins, but you're a tempest. Sexy dexy needs scimmies, rapiers and light hammers. It just so happens that some of the highest performing weps are scimmies and rapiers. (Again, that may be in flux atm)
    5. The Falconry tree? Stay out of the Falconry tree...nuff said.
    6. R.I.N.O. = Ranger In Name Only; do not put points/feats/gear into ranged dps...tempests are called tempests. Leave the ranging to throwers and sorcs. (I don't think I even own a bow...)

    Tempest: Minimum 42 pts
    DWS: Maximum 26 pts
    Harper: Minimum 8 pts
    Aasimar: everything else up to T4 stance

    Drop the following; Maximize, Emp Heal, IC:Ranged, E. Reflexes, Doubleshot/Tactition, Blinding speed
    Pick up the following; IC: Slash, dodge, mobility, Adamantine(if not using Celestia), Completionist, Wep Foc or Toughness

    Metamagics should be sub'd with good Heal Amp. Dex tempest does not need more Reflex(maybe Will?). Blinding Speed is a waste and can be covered by gear. Say "NO" to ranged feats, "Bad ranged feats, stay out of the kitty litter!"

    Sense Weakness(Quests) OR Symetric Strikes(Raids) (4)
    Balanced Attack (3)
    Meld (3)
    Cacoon (1)

    Change out the following: Gogs - Van Richten, Slaver Ring - Nightfall, Gloves - Molten Silver; Necklace - Slavers(CON/CON/RES/STUN), CC Trinket - Dodge/I-DEX/H-AMP, Boots - Flightfoot Greaves

    This gear out allows you to pick up Adherent Mist set.

    I solo (no-hires) R5s with confidence and sometimes a hint of challenge in a zerg-type fashion with some strategery. If you are a "glass cannon", then you may not be maximizing the tempest rotations, wep sets, def clickies, or have a good control of mob. Try this; gather - boost - charge - DOD - M. Strike - 1000 Cuts/Reaper Strike and everything simply melts away on R5 (R1 is the new casual, R7 is the new elite, R10 is the true reaper setting). Have several situational wep swaps available: Affirmation, ReVigeration, light hammers; but mob wep set should be Nightshard/Flow. Boss beaters should be Nighshard/Nightshard or Vulks edge. Also; make use of Displacement, Meld, Dodge Helm, LoH

    I will readily drag a full cadre of pugs thru R6; and BC guildies run 8-10 with very little hic-ups. In Hi-Reaper, party makeup is key; CC and hjeals goes a long way. 2 tempests, CC caster and hjeals = no problems. Fill in the other 2 slots with whatever; except warlocks...dirty warlocks...
    A valuable Tempest should be clocking in at 10k DPS. A noticeable Tempest will clock in at 15k DPS. A true Sexy Dexy THOT will clock in at >20k DPS.

    Gearing/Enhancements/Auxiliary Perma-Buffs(filis/mythic/reaper) are not easy to come by on the Sexy Dexy Thot build, but it sure does turn heads.
    Last edited by Taxidiotis; 02-12-2019 at 10:01 AM.

  6. #6
    Community Member Thrudh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Taxidiotis View Post
    1. Aasimar is the master race. The T4 stance is way too good. (Scourge is a trap, don't do that thing. I would just assume play Bladeforged over Scourge, neither are ideal)
    2. Pure ranger is the only way to go. Capstone is way too good to give up. No other argument should ever be entertained and should be forever banished to Hoboken, NJ.
    3. LD has everything you need to accomplish excellent, sustainable dps and some defenses to boot. Swaying from LD severely limits your ability to accomplish goals.
    4. Stay out of the Vistani tree. Great for rogue assassins, but you're a tempest. Sexy dexy needs scimmies, rapiers and light hammers. It just so happens that some of the highest performing weps are scimmies and rapiers. (Again, that may be in flux atm)
    Obviously I disagree with some of your points.

    (1) I don't have that many racial TRs, so using Aasimar T4 stance means I'd have to take away AP (a lot of AP) from somewhere else. Your suggestions require 12 racial AP. I only have 4 (and that's with a +2 racial AP tome!). Also Fallen doesn't stack with Fetters, and the weapons I use already do stack Vulnerability.
    (2) Giving up the capstone is pretty big. I agree with you there. But it doesn't gimp a tempest.
    (3) I also agree that LD is the best ED for DPS, especially if you have CC in the group. However, when soloing, Shadowdancer can be better. But LD still could work when soloing. I agree with you. I've done both. Currently, I prefer SD. The nice thing, it's super easy to switch between EDs.
    (4) See below on weapons. I'm currently using daggers, so a small dip into Vistani works very well. The 20% doublestrike from Rapid Slash is far superior to Killer in DWS.

    mob wep set should be Nightshard/Flow. Boss beaters should be Nighshard/Nightshard or Vulks edge.
    I don't have those raid weapons yet.

    I do have Pain and Suffering. Right now, the dagger set does more damage than other weapons I own. When I get Flow, I will re-evaluate. That should be soon. Nightshard may take longer. Not of lot of KT PUGs.

    A valuable Tempest should be clocking in at 10k DPS. A noticeable Tempest will clock in at 15k DPS. A true Sexy Dexy THOT will clock in at >20k DPS.
    I'm definitely valuable and on the edge of noticeable.

    Tempests are very good at DPS. They can get overwhelmed by large groups of mobs, however, when soloing. With small changes to the build, I've got a good character now who can solo low-to-mid reaper when no groups are available, and can also contribute strongly in high reaper PUGs (talking R7-R8, there are no R10 PUGs except for Amber Temple)
    Last edited by Thrudh; 02-12-2019 at 01:24 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Eth View Post
    When you stop caring about xp/min this game becomes really fun. Trust me.
    Quote Originally Posted by TedSandyman View Post
    Some people brag about how fast they finished the game. I cant think of a stupider thing to brag about. Or in this game, going from level 1 to level 30 in two days, or however long it takes. I can't even begin to imagine what drives a person to think that is fun. You are ignoring all of the content and options and going for sheer speed. It is like going to a museum and bragging about how fast you made it through. Or bragging about how fast you finished a good steak.

  7. #7
    Community Member Thrudh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Taxidiotis View Post
    Change out the following: Gogs - Van Richten, Slaver Ring - Nightfall, Gloves - Molten Silver; Necklace - Slavers(CON/CON/RES/STUN), CC Trinket - Dodge/I-DEX/H-AMP, Boots - Flightfoot Greaves

    This gear out allows you to pick up Adherent Mist set.
    This is good advice on gear... Thanks... It does take two more raid gear items though.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Eth View Post
    When you stop caring about xp/min this game becomes really fun. Trust me.
    Quote Originally Posted by TedSandyman View Post
    Some people brag about how fast they finished the game. I cant think of a stupider thing to brag about. Or in this game, going from level 1 to level 30 in two days, or however long it takes. I can't even begin to imagine what drives a person to think that is fun. You are ignoring all of the content and options and going for sheer speed. It is like going to a museum and bragging about how fast you made it through. Or bragging about how fast you finished a good steak.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Taxidiotis View Post
    *gives nearly impeccable advice*
    Except the falconry wisdom part. Tactics/extraDMG/frog/extra helpless dmg over everything in DWS past Exposing Strike.

    Also Dust offhand for boss beater without question.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Emerge2012 View Post
    Except the falconry wisdom part. Tactics/extraDMG/frog/extra helpless dmg over everything in DWS past Exposing Strike.

    Also Dust offhand for boss beater without question.
    So I fully understand what you're pitching...
    Dropping KtA from Harper...(8pts)
    Spending 11pts (E.Strike) in DWS...(dropping 15pts)
    And take 23pts in Falconry (to get to Deadly Instinct)?
    Or spend 26pts in Falconry to get No Mercy and D. Instincts? Where did you drop other 3 points?

    Net Gain from Falconry (as I would spread 23 pts): (Primary phrasing there being "Net Gain")
    FE Animals - not too appealing
    P. Accuracy - Solid usefulness
    Sprint Boost - Can come in handy
    Perma True Seeing - (sub'd by a scroll)

    Possible Alternative pt spread in Falconry: that I did not choose
    Killer Instinct I/II - Not a WIS build
    Watch the Center - no Ass DCs
    Diving Shot - Requires Ass DCs
    M. Weapon - lmao
    Tear Flesh - DOTs are virtually worthless in reaper content
    S. for Eyes - Requires Ass DCs
    No Mercy - removes KtA and DI stance for 30% Helpless Dmg. Not sure there is a net positive there relative to sustained stance Dmg vs situational helpless Dmg. Best generation of helpless is D. Charge DC...and that is now gone...unless you spend 26 pts in falconry...which means more is leaked from DWS or Tempest. 42 being the ABSOLUTE minimum in Tempest tree, I would assume 3pts were taken from DWS...removing ...E. Strike and SA? Absolute blasphemy!

    Mmm...I really do not like giving up following from DWS/Harper: i.e. Net Loss
    A. Sneak Att - +1 Crit Threat range and SA die
    Killer - 20% DbStr (it is effectively charged throughout all encounters)
    KtA - (Same as D. Instinct, but with charges) With a swap-in cloak, I can effectively get INT higher than WIS (and it has no charges). OK OK you can slot in that Flightfoot WIS Neckie, but now you have to play gear tetris and ultimately you lose out on Ring of Prowess or a change out Cannith crafted items, etc. Don't do that thing! Or swap-in Flightfoot neckie for 20 WIS...but swap-in INT cloak offers 23 INT. I see KtA as a net gain over DI.

    After evaluating, I sincerely have no doubt in my mind that what would be picked up in Falconry would never substitute the losses in DWS; namely 20% DbSt, crit range and SA die. I understand the argument of requiring to charge Killer by most players...but be very should have zero issues charging and maintaining fully charged Killer in R10, even with the meanest clerics, casters and various other high DPS running around the board.

    That is not to say that Falconry would not work for other beginning tempest simply would not work for any Tier 1 tempest player...they have reputations to uphold. And the idea is to lift beginning players to Tier 1 greatness; not allowing them to squander and flounder about the dregs of DDO; giving them a sense of false self-importance, while being completely ignored, ridiculed and a punch line by the Tier 1 players.

    I 100% agree with using Dust/Ooze in offhand...or, ideally, dedicating a primary de-buffer in party to let the Tier 1s extend their DPS. This sounds like a perfect job for a warlock! They can finally contribute...positively, that is! However, I am sure Dust/Ooze will get nerfed before too long...c'est la vie warlocks. Back to the dregs with you!

    OP, I get's tough to amass that amount of static buffs (RAPs/Mythic/RXP/PLs/filis), but dedication is rewarded. The foundation of the build must be there in order for the statics to get full potential. Glad I could help with your gear-out. If you're on Gland, hit me up (Stratiotis) and together we will raid farm that gear for you.

  10. #10
    Community Member FuryFlash's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thrudh View Post
    So then I added another twist. I switched to ShadowDancer ED, instead of LD... That seemed to do the trick when soloing... 25% incorporeal from Shadow Form adds a lot of defense (30% with the level 18 tempest core). Meld into Darkness is huge, 100% dodge for 15 seconds has saved my life many times. It's hard to calculate the DPS loss at cap using SD instead of LD... You get a lot of sneak attack bonuses in SD. Standing melee power is easier to deal with than Blitz. There are times when I mess up (or the group is too slow), and I lose Blitz. I have 42 more standing MP in SD than LD. When Blitz is fully active, I have 28 more MP in LD. But with the extra sneak attack in SD, I think DPS from Blitz melee power is a wash.

    The real difference in LD is Combat Brute (and 20 second cooldowns on Haste Boost). 50% more damage on helpless enemies is huge. But note that only applies to trash and not to bosses. Boss DPS is just as high or higher with ShadowDancer.

    So far, I've been pretty happy with SD. I can solo low reaper with very little chance of dying, contribute well in high reaper, and I'm durable enough to survive in high reaper even when on my own for a bit. I certainly can't solo high reaper, but I can take down a pack of mobs on my own if needed, and with CC or a tank, of course, I do a ton of damage.
    While I don't have any interest in multi-classing my tempest, I can vouch for the power of Shadowdancer on this build. Sure, the overall DPS is less, but it also brings to the table:
    - 15% more incorporeality
    - Higher dodge/MDB and Meld
    - Higher passive MP/SA damage without having to deal with blitz
    - More dex for extra damage/defense/DCs
    - Instakills/Charm abilities
    - Utility (DD, stealth speed, shadow walk speed)

    Personally, I run Shadowdancer on my tempest for any questing, and switch to LD for raids, where the DPS is all that matters. I ran high reaper at endgame pretty much every day over the summer and found this to be a successful and strong setup for this content.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aelonwy View Post
    I'm not saying TRing isn't optional but its kind of optional in the way that defeating the waves in Devil Assault are optional.
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