Divine intervention
20 fvs
Of the silver flame
Str 8 0
Dex 16 6
Con 14 10
Int 12 4
Wis 18 16 +7
Cha 8 0
+8 tomes
+2 completionist
Umd, heal, Spellcraft
1 fvs PBS silver flame
2 fvs knowledge of battle
3 fvs rapid shot
6 fvs precise shot
7 fvs stout of heart
9 fvs manyshot
12 fvs quicken
15 fvs ips
18 fvs completionist
21 sf enchantment
24 combat archery
26 sp pos
27 ic ranged
28 doubleshot
29 mass frog
30 feywild
41 warsoul
11 (8) elf
28 elf aa
Destiny divine crusader
This is my contemplation
A pure fvs with aa. Elfie.
I'm thinking my third life elf for an ap, and divine past life.
Maybe for Sharn, tho it would be a support toon. But everybody loves a healer.
And it has implosion and mass frog, so bases covered.
Ya this is a theory craft. I have run aa cleric before. But that was prior to ravenloft. And this would be for Sharn. Don't know what kind of goodies for loot. But I will mock up gear in a later post.
More to follow...