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  1. #1
    Community Member Alcides's Avatar
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    Default Correct the ladders in Prove Your Worth

    The ladders in Prove Your Worth are buggy and do not respond as expected when you fall forward onto them trying to progress forward. In addition, having a 40 jump does not allow you to get from the top of 1 ladder the next. Finally, there is no indication about what is needed in order to get past the ladder part of this quest. This hampers the ability of new players to enjoy the game and not be aggravated by silly mario quests like this. There is no clear guidance about how to get past this obstacle. 3 other players and myself all gave up and had to wait while the one person in our party who barely made it to the top finished this quest as the rest of us just kept looking up trying to get to the top of these ladders. Sorry, but this is the most poorly designed quest in this game whatsoever and does not nothing to promote the spirit of team play and camaraderie nor does it engender a sense of fair play that should be one of the most basic, fundamental and guiding principles when designing quests for this game.
    Last edited by Alcides; 02-10-2019 at 11:49 AM.

  2. #2
    Hero JOTMON's Avatar
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    You dont jump up the gaps in the ladder on the same wall, you jump to the ladders on the other walls to progress up.

    Featherfall is your friend here..

    Develop those Mario skills, DDO doesn't factor in character/class ability when facing these obstacles, its all about the player dexterity behind the keyboard.
    Last edited by JOTMON; 02-10-2019 at 11:43 AM.
    Argo: Degenerate Matter - 200
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  3. #3
    Community Member TitusOvid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alcides View Post
    The ladders in Prove Your Worth are buggy and do not respond as expected when you fall forward onto them trying to progress forward. In addition, having a 40 jump does not allow you to get from the top of 1 ladder the next. Finally, there is no indication about what is needed in order to get past the ladder part of this quest. This hampers the ability of new players to enjoy the game and not be aggravated by silly mario quests like this. There is no clear guidance about how to get past this obstacle. 3 other players and myself all gave up and had to wait while the one person in our party who barely made it to the top finished this quest as the rest of us just kept looking up trying to get to the top of these ladders. Sorry, but this is the most poorly designed quest in this game whatsoever and does not nothing to promote the spirit of team play and camaraderie nor does it engender a sense of fair play that should be one of the most basic, fundamental and guiding principles when designing quests for this game.
    I feel so 2006.

    Maybe I would agree if there was no feather fall. But since there is I disagree on most parts.
    I am with you on the 40 jump. That should enable you for a direct jump to the ladder above. But, you know, cause ...
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  4. #4


    I remember in the my early days, that section of the quest made me really sweat when teamed with puggers. I did not want to be the one who could not do it. I am glad to learn that it still challenges players over the usual dps tests
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  5. #5
    Traveler of the Skies
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    Quote Originally Posted by JOTMON View Post
    You dont jump up the gaps in the ladder on the same wall, you jump to the ladders on the other walls to progress up.

    Featherfall is your friend here..

    Develop those Mario skills, DDO doesn't factor in character/class ability when facing these obstacles, its all about the player dexterity behind the keyboard.
    I remember how hard this was the first few times I did it. Using featherfall, I use mouse look (by holding down the right mouse button) to target the next ladder to jump to, then jump off and go forward to the next ladder. Even after figuring out how, it took me a few tries to be able to do it well and consistently.

    A very short and quick video of the quest is at - ladders start at 1:50. Or at 1:00 if you want to see him fall.

    In a later part of the quest, if you can't resist or evade the flames like in the video, there are levers in a few places to turn off the flame jets to get to the next lever.

  6. #6
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    It's even possible to do the ladders without featherfall. I kept forgetting to bring an item or scrolls and had to figure out how to do it because I didn't want to reset the quest. While climbing you go into first person mode, turn the camera away from the ladder, and use whatever key makes you run backwards to climb up the ladder. Once you reach the gap your character will enter an animation of climbing off the ladder (you can tell because the view on your screen moves a bit), when that animation begins you move forward and fall onto the next ladder. It requires some timing, but that part of the quest is doable even without featherfall, and if you brought a FF item you get way more leeway with the timing. It does take a bit of practice, but once you've got the basics down it's not very hard. The trick is really just to not jump but climb off the ladders instead.

  7. #7
    Community Member Fedora1's Avatar
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    Feather fall and mouse look mode.

    Climb up until the gap in the ladders.

    Spin your view until you are facing a ladder on a different wall, ensure that ladder has several feet of ladder below you - do not jump to another ladder that has the end right below you.

    Once you are facing the correct ladder (usually 180 degrees from you, but in one case it is the ladder 90 degrees away) point your view up (not down, not straight across) and then jump. Do NOT move your mouse or panic as you begin to fall, just continue to use your keyboard key that has you moving forward. In about 2-3 seconds of free-falling you will "catch" the ladder you were aiming for.

    Climb up again to the top rung of this ladder and repeat. Once at the top, make sure you go as high as possible before jumping off the ladder toward the top landing.

    Edit: Once you get the hang of it, it is like riding a bike. I, too, hate any Mario-based skills required in the game, but this is one I did learn.
    Last edited by Fedora1; 02-10-2019 at 01:08 PM.
    My take on "the grind":

    Ordinary humans have inhibitions that serve as a buffer against what we know is bad behavior.
    However, some people, by blaming others for their own bad behavior, develop a thought pattern that allows them to override self-control in order to achieve a selfish end.
    - My opinion on exploiters and cheaters blaming SSG for unfair punishment.

  8. #8
    Community Member DYWYPI's Avatar
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    The first time I attempted the quest: and the ladder: Agility Trial. I probably fell off the higher ladders several dozen times. It possibly took me over 20 minutes to climb all the ladders successfully the first time I ran the quest.

    Now I can climb them almost seamlessly; so maybe less than a minute or however long to reach to the top ladder, jump off, and pull the lever... If I fall from the ladders, which is extremely rare, it's likely due to server lag.

    The Epic version of 'Prove Your Worth' doesn't have ladders for that part of the quest: ;-)

    You certainly don't need: 40 Jump skill, my Assassins are DEX based (STR is dumped) and most likely have a 'Jump Skill' of less than 20 even with jump boosting items, when at the relevant Heroic level, etc. I do strongly recommend using Feather Fall for the "ladder hopping" if you are weak at jumping.

    Tips: What works for me when I reach the top rungs of a ladder: Hold down right hand mouse button. Make sure the ladder you want to jump to focused and targeted. Briefly Tap Spacebar, keep Forward arrow down and aimed at centre of target ladder. (Always keep Right hand mouse button down during jump). You'll automatically grab hold of the ladder rungs when you land assuming you have it targeted correctly, etc.

    Now that you know how high the hook and ladder goes, from the highest rung down to the lowest low.
    Last edited by DYWYPI; 02-10-2019 at 02:18 PM. Reason: Grammar.

  9. #9
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    Default Your value was proven....



    I failed in there a hellalotta times before I was deemed worthy enough to reap the rewards of Rackam's Trial.

    Once I figured out the mouse-lock targeting - I never had a problem again.
    I was really proud I overcame the obstacle - it being crazy difficult and non-intuitive made the success that much sweeter.....

    Then came the floor puzzle switches..... Talk about wanting to rage quit!!!

    In the end - I miss/dont miss the challenges that that little dungeon gave me over my first 3 lives - I was so aggravated that I couldn't complete the chain or the saga - that I made it my personal 3B mission to beat that thing - now, as 3bc is part of my heroic power leveling routine - I just blast right through it without a second thought - and it's a little sad/not sad.

    Endeavor To Persevere - Rackman isn't going to just hand you his treasure - you have to earn it.


  10. #10
    Community Member kilagan800's Avatar
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    A number of years ago I ran this on a cleric, the rest of the group was amazed how fast I climbed up. It has nothing to do with what character you play or your jump skill. All it takes is a little bit of practice but having a featherfall item does help out a lot. The only trouble I've had with these ladders was an invisible wall effect on one of them, but it's fairly easy to work around. And the only thing I dislike about the quest is the trial of wit. New players shouldn't have to look up ddo wiki to read instructions on how to pass. The game should be designed to keep the players immersed and solve the puzzle on their own. That's just my 2 cents.

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