C1: Archmage Specialization 1.
Description: Choose a school to specialize in, gaining a Spell Like Ability from that school.
In addition, each enhancement point spent in the Archmage tree grants +1 universal spellpower and +2 to your Maximum Spell points.

Choice 1: Abjuration, Resist Energies.
Description: You may cast Resist Energies as a spell like ability.
(Cost: 40 Spell Points. Cooldown: 2 seconds.)

Choice 2: Conjuration, Niac's Cold Ray.
Description: You may cast Niac's Cold Ray as a spell like ability.
(Cost: 4 Spell Points. Cooldown: 2 seconds.)

Choice 3: Enchantment, Hypnotism.
Description: You may cast Hypnotism as a spell like ability.
(Cost: 4 Spell Points. Cooldown: 2 seconds.)

Choice 4: Evocation, Magic Missile.
Description: You may cast Magic Missile as a spell like ability.
(Cost: 4 Spell Points. Cooldown: 2 seconds.)

Choice 5: Illusion, Invisibility.
Description: You may cast Invisibility as a spell like ability.
(Cost: 4 Spell Points. Cooldown: 2 seconds.)

Choice 6: Necromancy, Command Undead.
Description: You may cast Command Undead as a spell like ability.
(Cost: 8 Spell Points. Cooldown: 2 seconds.)

Choice 7: Transmutation, Jump.
Description: You may cast Jump as a spell like ability.
(Cost: 4 Spell Points. Cooldown: 2 seconds.)
C2: Archmage Specialization 2.
Description: You become even more adept within your specialized school.

Choice 1: Abjuration, Fire Trap.
Description: You may cast Fire Trap as a spell like ability.
(Cost: 8 Spell Points. Cooldown: 20 seconds.)
Passive: +1 to all saves.

Choice 2: Conjuration, Web.
Description: You may cast Web as a spell like ability.
(Cost: 8 Spell Points. Cooldown: 6 seconds.)
Passive: +5 universal spellpower.

Choice 3: Enchantment, Deep Slumber.
Description: You may cast Deep Slumber as a spell like ability.
(Cost: 8 Spell Points. Cooldown: 6 seconds.)
Passive: +1 Enchantment DC.

Choice 4: Evocation, Chain Missiles.
Description: You may cast Chain Missiles as a spell like ability.
(Cost: 8 Spell Points. Cooldown: 6 seconds.)
Passive: +2% universal spell crit chance.

Choice 5: Illusion, Mass Blur.
Description: You may cast Blur on all nearby allies as a spell like ability.
(Cost: 8 Spell Points. Cooldown: 6 seconds.)
Passive: +5% movement speed.

Choice 6: Necromancy, Halt Undead.
Description: You may cast Halt Undead as a spell like ability.
(Cost: 8 Spell Points. Cooldown: 3 seconds.)
Passive: +1 constitution.

Choice 7: Transmutation, Haste.
Description: You may cast Haste as a spell like ability.
(Cost: 8 Spell Points. Cooldown: 6 seconds.)
Passive: +50 spell points.
C3: Archmage Specialization 3.
Description: You become even more adept within your specialized school.

Choice 1: Abjuration, Protection from Elements Mass.
Description: You may cast Protection from Elements Mass as a spell like ability.
(Cost: 40 Spell Points. Cooldown: 6 seconds.)
Passive: -10% arcane spell failure.

Choice 2: Conjuration, Dimension Door.
Description: You may cast Dimension Door as a spell like ability.
(Cost: 0 Spell Points. Cooldown: 30 seconds.)
Passive: +5 acid spellpower.

Choice 3: Enchantment, Charm Monster.
Description: You may cast Charm Monster as a spell like ability.
(Cost: 12 Spell Points. Cooldown: 6 seconds.)
Passive: +1 spell penetration.

Choice 4: Evocation, Force Missiles.
Description: You may cast Force Missiles as a spell like ability.
(Cost: 8 Spell Points. Cooldown: 6 seconds.)
Passive: +5% spell critical damage.

Choice 5: Illusion, Displacement.
Description: You may cast Displacement as a spell like ability.
(Cost: 12 Spell Points. Cooldown: 6 seconds.)
Passive: -15% hate generation.

Choice 6: Necromancy, Burning Blood.
Description: You may cast Burning Blood as a spell like ability.
(Cost: 6 Spell Points. Cooldown: 6 seconds.)
Passive: Your weapons gain the vampirism effect while equipped.

Choice 7: Transmutation, Flesh to Stone.
Description: You may cast Flesh to Stone as a spell like ability.
(Cost: 12 Spell Points. Cooldown: 6 seconds.)
Passive: +1 all spell DCs.
C4: Archmage Specialization 4.
Description: You become so adept at your specialized school that you can prepare a contingency spell to protect you.

Choice 1: Abjuration, Inherit Stoneskin.
Description: When you are hit in combat there is a chance equal to your intelligence score that you will spontaneously cast the Stoneskin spell on yourself and all nearby allies.
This cannot happen more then once every 20 seconds.
Passive: +1 all saves.

Choice 2: Conjuration, Heart of Acid Rain.
Description: Toggle: When you are hit in combat there is a chance equal to your intelligence score that you will spontaneously cast the Acid Rain spell at your feet.
This cannot happen more then once every 20 seconds.
Passive: +5 universal spellpower.

Choice 3: Enchantment, Touch of Otto's Resistible Dance.
Description: When you are hit in combat there is a chance equal to your intelligence score that you will spontaneously cast Otto's Resistible Dance upon your attacker.
This cannot happen more then once every 6 seconds.
Passive: +1 Enchantment DC.

Choice 4: Evocation, Random Energy Shield.
Description: Toggle: When you are hit in combat your attacker is spontaneously dealt 2d20 damage of a random damage type.
Damage scales with its appropriate spell power, and can critically hit.
This cannot happen more then once every 6 seconds.
Passive: +2% universal spell crit chance.

Choice 5: Illusion, Fractal of Hypnotic Pattern.
Description: Toggle: You are surrounded by an invisible prism of deception.
Enemies that are exposed to you must make a will save or suffer the effects of the hypnotic Pattern spell.
Passive: +5% movement speed.

Choice 6: Necromancy, Effortless Cause Fear.
Description: Toggle: When you are hit in combat there is a chance equal to your intelligence score that you will spontaneously cast the Cause Fear spell upon your attacker.
This cannot happen more then once every 6 seconds.
Passive: +1 constitution.

Choice 7: Transmutation, Retaliatory Slow.
Description: Toggle: When you are hit in combat there is a chance equal to your intelligence score that you will spontaneously cast the Slow spell upon your attacker.
This cannot happen more then once every 6 seconds.
Passive: +200 spell points.
C5: Archmage Specialization 5.
Description: You become so adept at your specialized school that you can cast certain spells while performing other tasks or even casting other spells.

Choice 1: Abjuration, Casual Dismissal.
Description: Toggle: Every 6 seconds you spontaneously cast the Dismissal spell on one random nearby enemy.
(Costs 15 mana every 6 seconds)

Choice 2: Conjuration, Living Incendiary Cloud.
Description: Toggle: You are surrounded by roiling haze of smoke, shot through with white-hot embers.
Enemies that are exposed to you suffer as if under the effects of an Incendiary Cloud.
(Costs 6 mana every 4 seconds)

Choice 3: Enchantment, Hold Monster Aura.
Description: Toggle: Every 4 seconds you spontaneously cast the Hold Monster spell on one random nearby enemy.
(Costs 10 mana every 4 seconds)

Choice 4: Evocation, Prismatic Ray Storm.
Description: Toggle: Every 6 seconds you spontaneously cast the Prismatic Ray spell on one random nearby enemy.
(Costs 15 mana every 6 seconds)

Choice 5: Illusion, Pet Phantasmal Killer.
Description: Toggle: Every 6 seconds you spontaneously cast the Phantasmal Killer spell on one random nearby enemy.
(Costs 15 mana every 6 seconds)

Choice 6: Necromancy, Enervation Vortex.
Description: Toggle: Every 4 seconds you spontaneously cast the Enervation spell on one random nearby enemy.
(Costs 6 mana every 4 seconds)

Choice 7: Transmutation, Frivolous Disintegrate.
Description: Toggle: Every 6 seconds you spontaneously cast the Disintegrate spell on one random nearby enemy.
(Costs 15 mana every 6 seconds)
C6: Master of Magic.
Description: Through extensive training and countless hours of study, you have mastered the application of metamagic feats to your spells.
You gain +2 Intelligence, and +5 Spellcraft.
Maximize Spell costs 4 fewer spell point to use, Empower Spell, Enlarge Spell, and Quicken Spell costs 2 fewer spell point to use, and Heighten Spell costs 1 fewer spell point per level of heightening.
Tier 1
T1: Subtle Spellcasting. AP cost: 1. Ranks: 3.
Description: Your attacks and spells generate 20/30/40% less hate.
T1: Spell Critical 1. AP cost: 2. Ranks: 1.
Description: You gain +1% universal spell critical chance, as well as +2% force and untype specific spell critical chance.
T1: Energy of the Scholar. AP cost: 1. Ranks: 3.
Description: Your studies have increased your maximum Spell Points by an additional 30/60/100.
T1: Traditionalist Caster. AP cost: 1. Ranks: 3.
Description: You gain +3/+6/+10 Universal Spell Power when wielding an Orb or +6/+12/+20 Universal Spell Power when wielding a Staff.
T1: Wand and Scroll Mastery. AP cost: 1. Ranks: 3.
Description: +25%/+50%/+75% effectiveness from your wands, scrolls, and other items that cast spells, and +1/+2/+3 to the save DC of your offensive wands.
Tier 2
T2: Arcane Bolt. AP cost: 1. Ranks: 1.
Description: Spell Like Ability: You fire a bolt of raw energy from your finger that deals 1 to 6 hit points of force damage per caster level to a single target.
A successful Reflex save reduces the damage by half.
(Cost: 8/6/4 Spell Points. Cooldown: 15/10/5 seconds)
T2: Spell Critical 2. AP cost: 2. Ranks: 1. Requires: Spell Critical 1.
Description: You gain +1% universal spell critical chance, as well as +2% force and untype specific spell critical chance.
T2: Extra Efficient Metamagic. AP cost: 1. Ranks: 3. Requires: Efficient Metamagic.
Description: Choose another Metamagic feat.
Reduce the spell point cost of using that Metamagic.
T2: Efficient Metamagic. AP cost: 2. Ranks: 3.
Description: Choose a Metamagic feat. Reduce the spell point cost of using that Metamagic.

Choice 1: Efficient Empower.
Description: Using the Empower Spell Metamagic costs you 2/4/6 fewer Spell Points.

Choice 2: Efficient Enlarge.
Description: Using the Enlarge Spell Metamagic costs you 1/2/4 fewer Spell Points.

Choice 3: Efficient Maximize.
Description: Using the Maximize Spell Metamagic costs you 3/6/9 fewer Spell Points.

Choice 4: Efficient Quicken.
Description: Using the Quicken Spell Metamagic costs you 1/2/4 fewer Spell Points.
T2: Extra Efficient Metamagic. AP cost: 1. Ranks: 3. Requires: Efficient Metamagic.
Description: Choose another Metamagic feat.
Reduce the spell point cost of using that Metamagic.
Tier 3
T3: Tailored Bolt. AP cost: 1. Ranks: 3. Requires: Arcane Bolt.
Description: Your Arcane Bolt is augmented based on your chosen spell school.

Choice 1: Tailored Abjuration.
Description: Arcane Bolt has a 30/60/90% chance to prevent enemies hit from casting spells for 7 seconds on a failed reflex save.
Arcane Bolt is now considered an Abjuration spell.

Choice 2: Tailored Conjuration.
Description: Arcane Bolt imparts 2/4/6 stacks of vulnerability to enemies hit on a failed reflex save.
Arcane Bolt is now considered a Conjuration spell.

Choice 3: Tailored Enchantment.
Description: Arcane Bolt reduces the saves of enemies hit by 1/2/3 for 7 seconds on a failed will save.
Arcane Bolt is now considered an Enchantment spell.

Choice 4: Tailored Evocation.
Description: Arcane Bolt deals 1/2/3d6 additional damage of a random damage type.

Choice 5: Tailored Illusion.
Description: Enemies hit have a 20/40/60% chance to be blinded for 30 seconds on a failed will save.
Arcane Bolt is now considered an Illusion spell.

Choice 6: Tailored Necromancy.
Description: Enemies hit have their healing reduced by 20/40/60% for 7 seconds on a failed fortitude save.
Arcane Bolt is now considered a Necromancy spell.

Choice 7: Tailored Transmutation.
Description: 10/20/30% chance to transform enemies hit into some kind of harmless woodland animal on a failed fortitude save.
Arcane Bolt is now considered a Transmutation spell.
T3: Spell Critical 3. AP cost: 2. Ranks: 1. Requires: Spell Critical 2.
Description: You gain +2% universal spell critical chance, as well as +2% force and untype specific spell critical chance.
T3: Spell Penetration. AP cost: 1. Ranks: 3.
Description: You add +1/2/3 to your Caster Level check to overcome an enemy's Spell Resistance.
T3: Extra Efficient Metamagic. AP cost: 1. Ranks: 3. Requires: Efficient Metamagic.
Description: Choose another Metamagic feat.
Reduce the spell point cost of using that Metamagic.
T3: Intelligence. AP cost: 2. Ranks: 1.
Description: +1 Intelligence
Tier 4
T4: None
T4: Spell Critical 4. AP cost: 2. Ranks: 1. Requires: Spell Critical 3.
Description: You gain +2% universal spell critical chance, as well as +2% force and untype specific spell critical chance.
T4: School Mastery 1. AP cost: 2. Ranks: 1.
Description: You have attained mastery in the school of magic that you specialize in.
The DC of spells you cast from that school are increased by 1.
T4: Efficient Heighten. AP cost: 2. Ranks: 3. Requires: Extra Efficient Metamagic.
Description: Using the Heighten Spell Metamagic costs you 1/2/3 fewer Spell Points per heightened level.
T4: Intelligence. AP cost: 2. Ranks: 1.
Description: +1 Intelligence
Tier 5
T5: Tailored Blast. AP cost: 1. Ranks: 1. Requires: Tailored Bolt + Arcane Blast.
Description: Tailored Bolt now augments Arcane Blast as well.
T5: Arcane Blast. AP cost: 1. Ranks: 3.
Description: Spell Like Ability: You fire a ball of raw energy from your hand that explodes on contact with its target, dealing 1 to 6 hit points of force damage per caster level to all within its radius.
A successful Reflex save reduces the damage by half.
(Cost: 12/8/6 Spell Points. Cooldown: 18/12/6 seconds.)
T5: School Mastery 2. AP cost: 2. Ranks: 1. Requires: School Mastery 1.
Description: You have attained new levels of mastery in the school of magic that you specialize in.
The DC of spells you cast from that school are increased by an additional 1.
T5: Mastery of All. AP cost: 2. Ranks: 1. Requires: School Mastery 2.
Description: You have become so adept at the fundamental methodology of spell casting that even spells outside of your chosen school seem simple to you.
You gain +1 to the DCs of all spells, in addition to +1 to the DCs of all spells other than your chosen school.
T5: Arcane Supremacy. AP cost: 2. Ranks: 1.
Description: Your offensive spells gain a 10% chance to trigger Arcane Supremacy for 12 seconds.
Arcane Supremacy: +25% Spell Critical Chance, +100% Spell Critical Damage.
This effect may trigger only once every 90 seconds.