Added the display of the ranked quests for the characters. Unable to interact with them yet, but small steps, 
Character Level filters quests that you can see based upon the base level of the quest (normal difficulty, or casual if normal is not available).VIP status is used to determine packs are accessible, and overrides the "hardest difficulty" selection if set to yes.
Hardest Difficulty, if the character is not VIP, will filter out quests of a higher difficulty.
Ignore Heroic should work as worded.
Purchased Packs should allow the non-free to play quests to be included in the results, including expansion packs for VIP.
Things Still Missing (lots)
* Setting to ignore results above your character level
* Modifying the reported XP by available bonuses and penalties for the character
* Ability to mark result as "completed"
* Ability to see more details for the result
* See breakdown of XP modifications
* See details related to previous completions
* Quick access to "complete" the quest on any difficulty, in case the quest was ran on a different difficulty than the result
* Ability to optionally adjust the reported XP based upon quest duration, to influence the ranking
* Ability to include sagas in results, ranked with the quests, some how
* Ability to persist the character between app reloads
* Ability to create multiple characters
* Ability to copy settings from one character to another, on creation
* Ability to change selected character
* Ability to copy settings from one character to another, in settings
* Ability to save the characters to an external storage medium
* Ability to load characters from an external storage medium
And other things. So yeah, lots of plans, but definitely slow going at this point, ^_^