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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Dec 2018

    Default Pathfinder Kingmaker

    Woot, just read up on what will be my next MMO. I pretty much quit playing here awhile ago now but pop in once in awhile to try the new quests or raids. I keep trying to get back into it but I always lose interest after a few runs. I just read up on a new game coming out. Pathfinder Kingmaker has been so unbelievably successful that they are doing an MMO based off the game. It appears they are pretty far along already having developed it in coordination with the Kingmaker game and it's in beta testing already for those that bought the special edition (or whatever the most expensive one was) and for the big donors of the kickstarter. They developed Kingmaker and essentially left the features to make it an MMO turned off per se.

    It appears they've read up on Neverwinters and DDO's failures and will have housing and a "good" pvp something or other along with combat similar to ddo. They've watched from afar of others mistakes and are set to reap the benefits. Best of both worlds from the sounds of it. I also read somewhere in the ddo forums about Lynnabel leaving and now i'm wondering if it was to do work on this new game. Sounds like it will be awesome. Happy Gaming all.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Dec 2018

    Default Weird

    Musta been asleep dreaming about a good new game. Can't find the article i read to link it. Oh well such is life.

  3. #3
    Community Member Katalissa's Avatar
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    Oct 2016


    I read up on Kingmaker here.

    At first I thought THIS was the game you were talking about, but then I see it is single player, and you read about an MMO version... Oh well...

    Interestingly, it is based on the Pathfinder d20 rules, so I'd be curious to see how it plays, as DDO was originally the same 3.5 d20 ruleset which Pathfinder grew out of. There seems to be an idea that PnP D&D rules can't really work in a computer game, so I wonder how close they stuck to the d20 system, and how well it works.

  4. #4
    Founder Arianrhod's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Katalissa View Post
    I read up on Kingmaker here.

    At first I thought THIS was the game you were talking about, but then I see it is single player, and you read about an MMO version... Oh well...

    Interestingly, it is based on the Pathfinder d20 rules, so I'd be curious to see how it plays, as DDO was originally the same 3.5 d20 ruleset which Pathfinder grew out of. There seems to be an idea that PnP D&D rules can't really work in a computer game, so I wonder how close they stuck to the d20 system, and how well it works.
    There is a Pathfinder MMO (think it's just called Pathfinder Online), I tried it a few years ago and found it just wasn't to my taste - too much PvP focus and not enough "D&D 3.5 rules" focus. I think they shut down for a while due to funding troubles, but could be back up and running now. Here's a link, if you want to know more:
    Last edited by Arianrhod; 03-23-2019 at 10:05 AM.

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