Can't login to any server. but I don't see an announcement anywhere.
Can't login to any server. but I don't see an announcement anywhere.
All on Thelanis: Archenpaul Sixblade (Epic Triple Completionist), Archernicus Thornwood, Crestellin Moonwood, Gregorovic Redcloak, Jaklomeo Evermug, Jarladdin Nalfesne, Jonathraxius Kane, and Praetoreus Silvershield (Heroic Triple Completionist, Epic Triple Completionist.)
Leader of Guinness Knights (Level 165), which is (since June 2021) a two-man, father-son guild.
Cogito ergo summopere periculosus.
Aw, thanks!
haven't logged in on a Tuesday during the day in a while, thought this used to be on Wednesdays...then i went to service news and saw it was moved to Tuesdays.... uggg
Main toon - Galing (Sarlona)
Heroic Completionist x1 - 11/03/2016. Epic Completionist x1 - 12/04/2016
Current life #43 (14 Epic, 23 Heroic, 3 Iconic, 3 Racial): Warforge 20 Arti 10 Epic
Fixed it for you:
Jan 22: Is Weekly Maintenance Weekly?
I primarily play Zunzyne Siegemaker, and am the guild master of Ares Macrotechnology on Ghallanda.
Reaper Experience Calculator: (out of date as of U42.4, needs testing for new values)