View Poll Results: SSG please hire someone with the skills and time to fix this.

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  1. #61
    Community Member Paladin_of_Power's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tilomere View Post
    Code everything BTA, double the size or shared bank base and upgrades, get rid of TR cache entirely.

    Problem solved.

  2. #62
    Community Member Fedora1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Robbenklopper View Post
    Make new hook Point on airship in Cargo Hold: TR-Chest.
    Once whatever heart is given to reincarnationguy and message came "..log out ..blablabla", you immediately receive amentiy Thing for hook-Point TR-Chest. Space:´say 255 items e.g.
    Run to ship, summon chest, put stuff in TR-chest. log out, TR-button and pop goes the weasel!!

    TR-Chest ,ofc,will be "remove only" after you TR´d. Same System, just in a different way.
    That doesn't address the other issues such as losing all past lives, losing tomes, losing destiny xp, etc.
    My take on "the grind":

    Ordinary humans have inhibitions that serve as a buffer against what we know is bad behavior.
    However, some people, by blaming others for their own bad behavior, develop a thought pattern that allows them to override self-control in order to achieve a selfish end.
    - My opinion on exploiters and cheaters blaming SSG for unfair punishment.

  3. #63
    Community Member nokowi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MalkavianX View Post
    I agree that something needs to be done. anything really. But what I need to know, being as I'm ready to TR, is how prevalent is this bug? Does it happen every time? 1 in 10? Is it server specific? What steps can be taken to minimize the chance of it happening?

    Sorry for all the needy questions, but I've only recently come back to the game and I really want to play my TR character.
    Only SSG has that data and they don't consider us worthy of knowing.

    Less than 1% chance is the community guess.

  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by jskinner937 View Post
    First off, one of my characters was hit with TR cache bug during a recent IR.

    That being said, it was laggy. I attempted to logout several times and it did not appear the Process worked right. I then shut down the client and re-logged and it appeared to be working again. Ran a few quests in Kothos and then I realized my bank was completely empty. I still had all my PLs just no inventory. At any rate, put in a ticket and it was still open as of last week and this happened in ndecemeber I believe.

    I am convinced that the bug happens when you force a reset on the client or it crashes during the process. My main has never been hit with the bug and has almost every life completed and many of his racial TRs are recent (within last 4 mos). My point is TR when server lag is low for you, clear your dns and cache and do not force a reset if you have problems once you spend the heart and I believe all will be fine for you.

    And yes I prefer to see the TR cache go away. It is intended to be temporary storage not permanent free storage. That is not WAI for when it was developed. I am certain having tons of TR caches sitting somewhere on a server takes up resources. And there are many that have full TR caches that do not even play the game anymore. Do not invest people into fixing it, but I support a solution to end it.
    Well here is the thing. My ticket stayed open for a month. I never bothered complaining or sending tells to GMs, just left my ticket there. Alas I log in on that character yesterday and his TR cache reappeared. I do not believe complete but rarer items I was missing before I now have. Like all my green steel. So just maybe the GMs do not help, but a programmer looks at each of these tickets to see what they can do. In my case my ticket wasn’t closed, which is more of an FU to the player, without an explanation. The ticket is closed now however. Communication is still the best policy however.

    A suggestion for GMs in situations like these. Respond to the player as soon as possible. Let them know if you can or cannot resolve the problem directly. If not, let them know you are elevating your ticket to someone on the programming staff. And then someone on the programming staff, once assigned, should send a note to the player they received their information, along with a time table (even if it is weeks). Keeping the player informed shows progress and lets them know their concern or issue is valid. This is just as important, in my opinion, as the issue itself.

  5. #65
    Community Member Fedora1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jskinner937 View Post
    And then someone on the programming staff, once assigned, should send a note to the player they received their information, along with a time table (even if it is weeks). Keeping the player informed shows progress and lets them know their concern or issue is valid. This is just as important, in my opinion, as the issue itself.
    Exactly. If it happened to me and this is how it was handled, they could tell me they have a 6 week backlog and then they would help me, I'd be fine. I have alts, I have toons on other servers, I could deal with it. No communication means I'd give it a couple weeks and then leave the game forever.
    My take on "the grind":

    Ordinary humans have inhibitions that serve as a buffer against what we know is bad behavior.
    However, some people, by blaming others for their own bad behavior, develop a thought pattern that allows them to override self-control in order to achieve a selfish end.
    - My opinion on exploiters and cheaters blaming SSG for unfair punishment.

  6. #66
    Community Member Epicstorms's Avatar
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    I don't know how this all works and I didn't read everything here, but could it be a solution if they just added a line of code that makes a full back-up of your character if you TR?

    And that it gets saved somewhere for up to a week/month. If there's no ticket that claims an error has occured, the back-up is deleted?

  7. #67
    Community Member ThreadNecromancer's Avatar
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    Alternatively everyone could just not HOARD EVERYTHING they come across.

    When a first life barbarian rolls on the healing trinket from Strahd, the wisdom trinket from Killing Time, and the raven trinket from Baba in the SAME NIGHT, doesn't anyone think that MAYBE we already have enough storage space, we're just misusing it? One could make the argument that "maybe he's grabbing it now for a future life" and I'd make the response of "he won't get much use out of endgame gear while reincarnating" combined with some form of "his final life won't require three different endgame trinkets". How long it takes to get one of them is irrelevant with the rune system in place. Save the runes, pass the gear if you're not going to use it in your 'final form'. Don't know yet what your 'final form' is going to be? That's what the runes are for!

    I'd say the only reason we need the cache is because it's part of the TR system process. Remove it from the process and give everyone an extra character bank page or two. Also remove the sections where the reincarnation process interacts with the bank. House K favor rewards would also require changing, perhaps to a Haggle bonus, or... an increase on the number of simultaneous shard house auctions. Keep the extra bank pages from the DDO store so some people can still buy increases to their hoarding skill. Then have the players inventory (equipped items first) get dumped into the bank on reincarnation. Overflow gets deleted. Stop hoarding so much useless junk.

    A scroll case would be nice but might complicate how scrolls are used in weapon slots. It would have to be changed to resemble how arrows worked when loading from quivers. A scroll slot underneath your weapon slot? Amazing. Now you don't need to drop your weapon to fire off a Heal or Rez scroll. Or call it a Magical Device Slot and allow wands to go there too.

    I'd love to see a spell component bag of some kind, if only for organizational purposes. Hell, we still have soul bags and those are hardly used anymore. Or allow them to go into ingredient bags. Trap parts go in ingredient bags, why not spell parts?
    Last edited by ThreadNecromancer; 01-27-2019 at 04:33 PM.

  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by ThreadNecromancer View Post
    Alternatively everyone could just not HOARD EVERYTHING they come across.
    Look, I need that level 2 named gear from Irestone with the cute name!!

    But seriously, my storage is filled with epic crafted BS, or gear waiting for epic crafting that is a bit of a pain to pull - like Demon Queen items. Stuff that is useful for TRs, and BTC and a pain to get again and maybe will get updated sometime in the future. And an entire swath of items from level 20-25 that are ALL BtCE. Not to mention the @$!@#$!@ Shroud shard collection that for some reason doesn't go into crafting bags.

  9. #69
    Community Member Fedora1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ThreadNecromancer View Post
    Alternatively everyone could just not HOARD EVERYTHING they come across.
    Despite the impression you might get from the forums, not everyone raids every weekend and three times during the week, so as to obtain the LATEST GREATEST gear and no longer have need of all the "lesser" items out there. Likewise, I am still on the TR train, and so there is not any single gear set or level that applies to me. So yes, a little hoarding is done on my part. Here's something else; it's kind of strange for your solution to a problem suggests that it's up to the players "playing a certain way" as a work-around rather than expecting SSG to actually fix it.

    And at any rate, how would your "fix" keep players from losing past lives, tomes, and destinies?
    My take on "the grind":

    Ordinary humans have inhibitions that serve as a buffer against what we know is bad behavior.
    However, some people, by blaming others for their own bad behavior, develop a thought pattern that allows them to override self-control in order to achieve a selfish end.
    - My opinion on exploiters and cheaters blaming SSG for unfair punishment.

  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tilomere View Post
    Code everything BTA, double the size or shared bank base and upgrades, get rid of TR cache entirely.
    So much wisdom.

    BtC is archaic, no point in supporting it.

    A top level favor reward could also extend shared bank if one has access to it.

    I understand that "create a problem - solve a problem" is the basis for money generation in games, but there is a schema level conflict now when crossing it with the TR money generator.

  11. #71
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    I'm all for more storage, permanent favor unlocks and getting rid of the TR cache. The cache problem just goes away. Or as others have said, just make everything BTA, with raid runes even the raid argument for BTC is weak.

    But I did want to share some speculation on the recent losses. I've noticed everyone seems to be saying, "DC'd during TR, then logged back in and began the process over and lost everything." Not trying to blame the user here, just saying this could be the cause: First TR fails, ok it has a log... second TR is successful, and potentially destroys the original log. If this were to happen to me, I would contact CS before trying to go through with a second attempt.

  12. #72
    Pale Fox
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paladin_of_Power View Post

    Problem solved.
    Only those things that are now listed as Bound To Character!

    Anyway, not going to happen as it will nullify the need to run raids on alts and severely increase closed grouping, as in no more lfms (this is what the data says).

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