Quote Originally Posted by Torc View Post
Hey guys, just wanted to give you a quick heads up on a new martial feat that we’re introducing in the upcoming anniversary patch. It’s called…


Knight’s Training:

Description: You have undergone rigorous military training with the traditional weapons of war. These weapons receive one of the following morale bonuses in your hands.

Longsword critical multiplier is increased by 1
Battle Axes critical threat range is increased by 1. Increased by 2 if you have slashing improved critical
Heavy Maces, Morning Stars & War Hammers critical threat range is increased by 1

…………1. What about OTHER weapons? Depending on how this feat goes we will likely introduce other feats or enhancements that handle other sets of weapons.-Torc
Great Sword/Great Axe/Bastard Sword

1. Allow glances blows to scale with critical hits?

2. Allow glances blows to double-strike?

3. Allow glances blows on helpless damage?

4. Increase vorpal percentage and effectiveness?