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  1. #1
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    Default Eldrich Knight Arcane Archer, 18 Wizard 2 Rogue, Only 1 Racial Point Required.

    So I wanted to test out the feasibility of a Eldrich Knight Arcane Archer, Even though Eldrich Knight offers little befit to a ranged player, over all heroic plays as a caster, with bow support during cooldowns and when you run out of spell points, and is fairly strong. From 10-20 I was seeing arrows doing 300-500 damage, usually 2 or 3 shotting non boss mobs. Because the build focuses more on Spellpower (like the old AA shuri builds) then RP and Doubleshot, you dont lose out in spell damage at all, and was fairly consistently seeing my Chain lightnings hitting for 700-800 and critting for 1500-1700, usually 1 shotting things. For gearing from 10-20 I mostly used Ravenloft Gear, with helm and Neck Cannith crafted.
    DC's started lacking a bit at 18-20, but that was expected, since i dont have the past lives, and didnt take the DC feats or gear for evoking.
    Character name: Mornlock
    Classes: 18 Wizard, 10 Epic, 2 Rogue
    Race: Elf                  Alignment: Neutral Good
         Start Tome Final
    Str:    10    6    19      HP:        884      AC:    77
    Dex:    14    6    26      PRR:        80
    Con:    12    6    48      MRR:        10      +Healing Amp:    40
    Int:    18    6    70      Dodge:    5/31      -Healing Amp:    20
    Wis:     8    6    17      Fort:     217%      Repair Amp:      20
    Cha:     8    6    17      SR:          0      BAB:             30
    DR: 0\Cold Iron   1\-
    Immunities: Sleep, Freedom of Movement, Death Effects
    Class and Feat Selection
    Level Class            Feats
      1   Rogue(1)         Standard: Point Blank Shot
      2   Wizard(1)        Metamagic: Mental Toughness
      3   Wizard(2)        Standard: Precision
      4   Wizard(3)        Intelligence: +1 Level up
      5   Wizard(4)        
      6   Wizard(5)        Standard: Insightful Reflexes
                           Metamagic: Improved Mental Toughness
      7   Wizard(6)        
      8   Wizard(7)        Intelligence: +1 Level up
      9   Wizard(8)        Standard: Precise Shot
     10   Wizard(9)        
     11   Wizard(10)       Metamagic: Extend Spell
     12   Wizard(11)       Standard: Rapid Shot
                           Intelligence: +1 Level up
     13   Wizard(12)       
     14   Wizard(13)       
     15   Wizard(14)       Standard: Manyshot
     16   Wizard(15)       Metamagic: Eschew Materials
                           Intelligence: +1 Level up
     17   Wizard(16)       
     18   Wizard(17)       Standard: Improved Critical: Ranged Weapons
     19   Wizard(18)       
     20   Rogue(2)         Intelligence: +1 Level up
     21   Epic(1)          Epic Feat: Epic Mental Toughness
     22   Epic(2)          
     23   Epic(3)          
     24   Epic(4)          Epic Feat: Improved Precise Shot
                           Intelligence: +1 Level up
     25   Epic(5)          
     26   Epic(6)          Epic Destiny Feat: Epic Spell Power: Electric
     27   Epic(7)          Epic Feat: Blinding Speed
     28   Epic(8)          Epic Destiny Feat: Doubleshot
                           Intelligence: +1 Level up
     29   Epic(9)          Epic Destiny Feat: Arcane Warrior
     30   Epic(10)         Epic Feat: Overwhelming Critical
                           Legendary: Scion of the Plane of Air
    Skill Points     48  7  7  8  8  8  8  9  9  9  9 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 17
    Skill Name       01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20  Total Buffed
    Balance                                                                         0.0   27.0
    Bluff                                                                           0.0   17.0
    Concentration                                                                   0.0   33.0
    Diplomacy                                                                       0.0   17.0
    Disable Device    4  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1   23.0  106.0
    Haggle                                                                          0.0   22.0
    Heal                                                                            0.0   17.0
    Hide                                                                            0.0   22.0
    Intimidate                                                                      0.0   17.0
    Jump                                                                            0.0   18.0
    Listen                                                                          0.0   36.0
    Move Silently                                                                   0.0   22.0
    Open Lock         4        ½  ½           ½  ½  ½  ½  ½  ½  1  1  1  1  1 10   23.0   45.0
    Perform                                                                         0.0   17.0
    Repair                                                                          0.0   83.0
    Search            4  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1   23.0  119.0
    Spell Craft       2  2  2  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1   23.0  106.0
    Spot              4              ½     ½  ½  ½  ½  1  1  1  ½  1  1  1  1  2   16.0   47.0
    Swim                                                                            0.0   18.0
    Tumble                                                                          0.0   22.0
    Use Magic Device  4  ½  ½  1  1  1 1½ 1½  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1   23.0   40.0
    Available Points 24  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Enhancements: 80 APs and 1 Racial APs
    Elf - Points spent: 14
     1 Core  (1) Accuracy I
     2 Tier1 (1) Keen Senses
     3 Tier1 (1) Keen Senses
     4 Tier1 (1) Keen Senses
     5 Core  (2) Dexterity I
     6 Tier2 (2) Arcanum
     7 Tier2 (2) Arcanum
     8 Tier3 (4) Arcane Archer
    Arcane Archer (Elf) - Points spent: 32
     1 Core  (1) rcane Archer (Elf)
     2 Tier1 (2) Conjure Arrows
     3 Tier1 (1) True strike
     4 Tier1 (1) Energy of the Wild
     5 Tier1 (1) Energy of the Wild
     6 Tier1 (2) Elemental Arrows I: Shock Arrows
     7 Tier1 (1) Awareness
     8 Tier1 (1) Awareness
     9 Tier1 (1) Awareness
    10 Core  (1) Morphic Arrows
    11 Core  (1) Metalline Arrows
    12 Tier2 (2) Elemental Arrows II: Elemental Damage
    13 Tier2 (2) Force Arrows
    14 Tier2 (2) Force Arrows
    15 Tier2 (2) Force Arrows
    16 Tier2 (1) Inferno Shot
    17 Tier2 (1) Inferno Shot
    18 Tier2 (1) Inferno Shot
    19 Tier3 (1) Soul Magic
    20 Tier3 (2) Elemental Arrows III: Elemental Damage
    21 Core  (1) Aligned Arrows
    22 Tier4 (2) Elemental Arrows IV: Elemental Damage
    23 Tier5 (2) Improved Elemental Arrows: Elemental Damage
    Eldritch Knight (Wiz) - Points spent: 23
     1 Core  (1) Eldritch Strike
     2 Tier1 (1) Improved Mage Armor
     3 Tier1 (1) Improved Mage Armor
     4 Tier1 (1) Improved Mage Armor
     5 Tier1 (1) Toughness
     6 Core  (1) Spellsword
     7 Tier1 (1) Toughness
     8 Tier2 (1) Improved Shield
     9 Tier2 (1) Improved Shield
    10 Tier2 (1) Improved Shield
    11 Tier2 (1) Action Boost Spellpower
    12 Tier2 (1) Action Boost Spellpower
    13 Tier2 (1) Action Boost Spellpower
    14 Core  (1) Imbue the Blade
    15 Tier3 (2) Synergetic Magic
    16 Tier3 (2) Ability I: +1 Intelligence
    17 Tier3 (2) Eldritch Accuracy
    18 Tier4 (2) Knight's Transformation
    19 Core  (1) Subtle Force I
    Harper Agent - Points spent: 12
     1 Core  (1) Agent of Good I
     2 Tier1 (1) Traveller's Toughness
     3 Tier1 (1) Traveller's Toughness
     4 Tier1 (2) Harper Enchantment
     5 Tier2 (1) Know the Angles
     6 Tier2 (1) Know the Angles
     7 Tier2 (1) Know the Angles
     8 Core  (2) Harper Training I: +1 Intelligence
     9 Tier3 (2) Strategic Combat II
    Spell Power        Base    Critical Chance    Critical Multiplier.
    Acid                578      13%                 0
    Alignment           563      13%                 0
    Cold                780      42%                 0
    Earth               563      13%                 0
    Electric            911      42%                 0
    Fire                578      13%                 0
    Force               563      13%                 0
    Light               578      13%                 0
    Negative            489      13%                 0
    Physical            563      13%                 0
    Positive            563      42%                 0
    Repair              540      13%                 0
    Rust                540      13%                 0
    Sonic               489      13%                 0
    Untyped             563      13%                 0
    Water               563      13%                 0
    Equipped Gear Set : Standard
    Armor         Legendary Barovian Nobles' Regalia
                  +15 Enhancement Bonus
                  Exceptional Universal Spell Lore +10%
                  Exceptional Universal Spell Power +20
                  Fortification +202%
                  Shield +19
                  Beacon of Magic Set (Legendary)
    Belt          Legendary Thrummingspark Cord
                  Enhanced Magnetism +202
                  Enhanced Glaciation +202
                  Lightning Lore +29%
                  Ice Lore +29%
                  Beacon of Magic Set (Legendary)
    Boots         Legendary Flightfoot Greaves
                  Freedom of Movement
                  Speed XV
                  Natural Armor Bonus +19
                  Reflex Save +16
                  Adherent of the Mists Set (Legendary)
    Bracers       Legendary Greensteel Bracers
                  Equipment Tier 1: +22 Intelligence Skills, +151 Spell Points
                  Equipment Tier 2: +11 Intelligence Skills, +151 Spell Points
                  Equipment Tier 3: +6 Intelligence Skills, +75 Spell Points
    Cloak         Legendary Phase Cloak
                  Intelligence +19
                  Evocation Focus VIII
                  Quality Intelligence +4
                  Wizardry +412
                  Adherent of the Mists Set (Legendary)
    Gloves        Legendary Blurfingered Gloves
                  Feat - Quick Draw
                  Lesser Displacement
                  Efficient Metamagic - Maximize II
                  Mystic Diversion +31%
                  Beacon of Magic Set (Legendary)
    Goggles       Legendary Garstone's Lenses
                  Insightful Rune Arm Focus +4
                  Greater Auto-Repair
                  Magnetism +202
                  Devotion +202
                  Adherent of the Mists Set (Legendary)
    Helmet        Legendary Pansophic Circlet
                  Insightful Potency
                  Quality Potency
                  Magical Efficiency 10%
    Necklace      Legendary Ward-Inscribed Pendant
                  Quality Curse Resistance +3
                  Deadly +16
                  Constitution +19
                  Natural Armor Bonus +19
                  Crypt Raider Set (Legendary)
    Ring1         Legendary Deathwarden
                  Healing Lore +29%
                  Efficient Metamagic - Empower Healing II
                  Exceptional Devotion
                  Adherent of the Mists Set (Legendary)
    Ring2         Legendary Ring of Nightfall
                  Insightful Intelligence +9
                  Insightful Deadly +9
                  Reflex Save +16
                  Physical Sheltering +50
                  Adherent of the Mists Set (Legendary)
    Trinket       Legendary Symbol of the Slave Lords
                  True Seeing
                  Insightful Constitution +8
                  Lesser Displacement
                  Green: +2 Festive Intelligence
                  Blue: Globe of True Imperial Blood
    Weapon1       Chaosbow
                  Damage and Type 5[1d8+3] + 15 Pierce, Chaos, Magic
                  Critical Threat Range 20 x3
                  +15 Enhancement Bonus
                  Chaotic 9
                  Improved Destruction
                  Ranged Alacrity 25%
    +5 Dex tome is for IPS at 24, can move points at creation, or be a 34/36 point build to lessen this burden
    +6 Int tome helps alot with early game Skillpoints, but with just 18 int, you should be able to max Spellcraft, Search, Disable and some UMD.
    If you dont have the 1 Racial Point, you can either drop EK dice back to d6 or lose out on Int to Damage. Int to damage is 30 damage*Ranged power(42base-277full blitz+focus+RPboost)= 42-113 and 6d6 vs 6d8 is 27*spellpower(911-971KT+SPboost) minus 21*spellpower or 60-64 damage which may also be ignored or reduced due to enemy type. However the tome will be on the ddo store soon, so it'll be accessible for anyone soon(tm)

    If anyone sees anything I may have missed (that can be added without racial points, of course), feel free to let me know.
    Also, this build was done after lessering to correct mistakes I made in Leveing, so as such, the feat order may be out of wack, due to only caring about getting feats, and not when i get them.
    Last edited by IdontKare; 01-10-2019 at 08:59 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by FlimsyFirewood View Post
    That ship has sailed, came back, sailed again, got raided by pirates, became a pirate ship, got cursed to chase after the Flying Dutchman for three centuries, got exorcised to fight in the American Civil War, then got modernized to fight in both World Wars, participated in the D-Day landing and is a decommissioned museum/restaurant now in Key West, Florida.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Nov 2009


    The 2 rogue is really hurting your elemental damage. You miss so much more damage with it. I do see you took =T5 in AA, I think 20 wiz is better

    You lose:

    D12 vs D10 (6.5 vs 5.5 damage per die)

    +1 d12
    +2 int
    +2 con
    +10 SP

    Another option would be 6 ranger 12 wizard 2x
    Last edited by Stormraiser; 01-19-2019 at 12:55 AM.

  3. #3
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    Sep 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Stormraiser View Post
    The 2 rogue is really hurting your elemental damage. You miss so much more damage with it. I do see you took =T5 in AA, I think 20 wiz is better

    You lose:

    D12 vs D10 (6.5 vs 5.5 damage per die)

    +1 d12
    +2 int
    +2 con
    +10 SP
    Quote Originally Posted by Stormraiser View Post
    Another option would be 6 ranger 12 wizard 2x
    I simply don't have the ap to make that happen, id need to move the 18 ap out of AA to get the core 4 and 5 in EK, or, drop harper and lose KTA and Int to Dam for 12 ap and 6 AP from AA.

    In the First case I lose 4d8 to upgrade 6d8 to 6d12 or ~18 base AA damage to increase my base EK damage by ~ 12, so not a good trade.
    The Second case is even worse id be losing 45 Base damage, 1d8 AA, 1 Int, a +1 to my weapon and 10 hp.

    With that being said, Id definitely take the 4th core if i had the all the racial AP from PLs, still 4 ap shy of the 5th, so it might be possilbe to drop 2d8 from AA for the upgrade.(but probably not)
    I think the biggest problem most people miss is, AA is 9d8 while EK maxes at 6d12 or 40.5 average vs 39 average, which means maxing out on AA is better the maxing on EK, if only slightly.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stormraiser View Post
    Another option would be 6 ranger 12 wizard 2x
    6 Ranger would save me 14 AP, but would drop EK dice down to 4d8/10/12, which is a loss of 9/11/13 base elemental damage vs 18 wiz(assuming i could get the ap to increase to 10/12 of course).
    What I would get out of ranger would have to come from dws, which would be 2/3d6 SA damage and Sniper shot. which unfortunately, is still less damage
    6d6 SA (assuming i swap to DPS set from RL for 3 more SA) x 1.875 (1.5Ranged power 125) is 39.375
    2d8/10/12 EK x10.11(spellpower 911.) is 90.99/111.21/131.43 damage.
    Last edited by IdontKare; 01-25-2019 at 01:19 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by FlimsyFirewood View Post
    That ship has sailed, came back, sailed again, got raided by pirates, became a pirate ship, got cursed to chase after the Flying Dutchman for three centuries, got exorcised to fight in the American Civil War, then got modernized to fight in both World Wars, participated in the D-Day landing and is a decommissioned museum/restaurant now in Key West, Florida.

  4. #4
    Community Member Smokewolf's Avatar
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    Default Now that the Bow revamp is done…

    I’d like to see an updated version of this build focusing primarily on Horizon-Walker. Maybe with the right past lives this could turn out to be fairly powerful with a diverse set of abilities. (Ranged DPS, Trapper, viable spell DC’s and social skills)

    Ideal build would be…
    -Horizon T5, no capstone. (35 to 36 AP)
    -Arcane Archer to Tier 3 or 4, gaining Elemental Arrows, Metalline Arrows and Force Arrows. Keep in mind that Force Arrows can burst on critical and is largely unresisted by most mobs. (12 to 14 AP, plus 15 racial AP to unlock)
    -EK to Core 4 or 5, focusing on defensive abilities and the weapon imbues. Knights-Transformation and Forces-Point would be great to boost spell power but entirely optional. (20 to 25 AP)

    Obviously taking Harper Agent would be nice to have, if it were not for to lack of AP to provide Intel to Hit / DMG (12 AP). Thus taking Dex to Hit / DMG maybe the most efficient route until EK’s intel-to-hit kicks in. Alternatively, dropping Horizon, while taking Arcane-Archers capstone should allow for Harper but AA’s capstone is somewhat lack luster IMO. (Missing critical threat-range in tree)

    Side Note: I’ve tried something similar to this build (without the Racial lives) by going 2-Rogue, 6-Ranger, 12-Wizard. It was a blast to play and was very adept in Epic R10’s. Granted, it’s wasn’t for solo’ing nor did it have strong spell DC’s due to the 6-Ranger levels. Despite that, the weapon imbues, high spell-power and great survivability is an awesome combination!

    Last edited by Smokewolf; 01-11-2022 at 05:55 PM.

  5. #5
    Community Member Smokewolf's Avatar
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    Default My attempts at at Bow-Wizard

    Thus far I have two variants of the Bow-Wizard.

    1st Variant:
    2-Rogue, 6-Ranger, 12 Wizard. Max out Dexterity, while Intelligence and Constitution are secondary stats. This concept is primarily for the non-elf races and thus it’s spell-casting ability is limited to mostly self-buffs. (12 Wizard levels = poor DC’s) Especially considering that the Primary stat for the bow ability is Dexterity, not Intelligence.

    The Rogue levels, provide both trapping skills and “basic” evasion. While it’s six Ranger levels allows Arcane Archer to be relatively easy to setup, without the 14 AP Race tax associated with Elvin based AA. Per the usual, the standard ranged Feats should be taken that are not already provided by the Ranger levels…

    -Pointblank shot.
    -Improved Critical (Ranged)
    -Improved Precise Shot.

    The three bonus Wizard feats should be used on…

    -The last for what ever suits your needs.

    The magic that makes it all work together comes from the Enhancements. Here’s a quick run-down…

    -Arcane Archer (AA): Provides Morphic and Metalline arrows with Acid and Force Imbues. Keep in mind that Force Arrows do burst damage on critical hits and most always do damage, regardless of a mobs immunities. Beyond this no other AA abilities should be taken as all we are wanting here is the ability to break a targets DR. (Approx 17 AP) I mostly keep Metalline and Force active for the majority of fights, while swapping to Morphic for skeletal Undead.

    -Eldritch Knight: Provides both multiple defensive abilities, Ghost-Touch, Quick-Draw and weapon elemental imbues. (up to core three should be taken) Mage Armor and Improved Shield are absolute must haves. (Approx 12 AP) Arcane Barrier would be nice to take if AP were avalible.

    -Horizon Walker: Is your Bread and Butter for breaking fortification. With its critical / threat range bonus, No-Missed-Step, Misty-Step, Power-Shot and Improved Archers Focus. Only up to Core 4 should be taken, with the following abilities to be avoided: Opening-Shot and Take-The-Opening (doesn’t scale well and often not worth using as mobs just die to fast), Corner / Banish the Quarry (Same as Opening Shot), Walkers Guidance (Bloody Useless), Scatter-Shot (Sounds nice but in game it’s hot garbage). Estimated AP 35.

    -Pale Master (Optional): Provides defensive abilities, spell power and a Skelly for situations where having a disposable lever puller is required. Take Lich / Wraith form, Negative Energy Conduit (3), Skelly (1) for 6 AP total. Note: Death Aura Regen is viable to keep you "topped off" in R10, but won't prevent you from being one shot.

    -Harper: It’s a waste of AP for intel to damage so don’t bother.

    -Deepwood Stalker: Getting Called-Shot costs 11 AP and between the first and the 10th AP there’s not much of real value other than three Sneak Attack dice. Thus I'm of the option that Called-Shot is not worth the 11 AP all on its own. Furthermore the bluff effects duration is much less than 4 seconds described, which makes it far less useful in higher Reaper settings. I’ve even seen trash-mobs “instantly” do a 360, pretty much negating the bluff effect altogether. However if you have the AP to spare, go for it as that +2 threat / multi can be devastating.

    Enhancement List

    Enhancements: 80 APs, Racial 4, Universal 1 (Racials not needed)
    Elf - Points spent: 4
     1 Core ·(1) Accuracy I
     2 Tier1 (2) Weapon Training I: Aerenal Weapon Training
     3 Tier1 (1) Keen Senses
    Horizon Walker - Points spent: 35
     1 Core ·(1) Mark Target
     2 Tier1 (1) Eye for Accuracy
     3 Tier1 (1) Eye for Accuracy
     4 Tier1 (1) Eye for Accuracy
     5 Tier1 (1) Planar Dodge
     6 Core ·(1) Improved Marking
     7 Tier1 (1) Planar Dodge
     8 Tier1 (1) Planar Dodge
     9 Tier2 (1) Favored Enemy: Evil Outsider
    10 Tier2 (1) Walker Training I
    11 Core ·(1) Greater Marking
    12 Tier2 (1) Protection from Evil and Good
    13 Tier3 (1) No Step Missed
    14 Tier3 (1) No Step Missed
    15 Tier3 (1) No Step Missed
    16 Tier3 (2) Two Places At Once
    17 Tier3 (1) Hunter's Focus
    18 Tier3 (1) Tenacious Hunter
    19 Tier3 (1) Tenacious Hunter
    20 Tier3 (1) Tenacious Hunter
    21 Tier3 (2) Ability I: Dexterity
    22 Core ·(1) Dauntless Marking
    23 Tier4 (1) Walker Training II
    24 Tier4 (2) Ability II: Dexterity
    25 Tier2 (1) Skilled Navigator
    26 Tier2 (1) Skilled Navigator
    27 Tier2 (1) Skilled Navigator
    28 Tier5 (1) Feywild Attunement
    29 Tier5 (1) Misty Step
    30 Tier5 (1) Powershot
    31 Tier5 (2) Improved Archer's Focus
    Arcane Archer - Points spent: 17
     1 Core ·(1) rcane Archer
     2 Tier1 (2) Elemental Arrows I: Corrosive Arrows
     3 Tier1 (1) Awareness
     4 Tier1 (1) Awareness
     5 Core ·(1) Morphic Arrows
     6 Tier2 (2) Elemental Arrows II: Elemental Damage
     7 Tier2 (2) Force Arrows
     8 Tier2 (2) Force Arrows
     9 Tier2 (2) Force Arrows
    10 Core ·(1) Metalline Arrows
    11 Tier3 (2) Elemental Arrows III: Elemental Damage
    Eldritch Knight (Wiz) - Points spent: 12
     1 Core ·(1) Eldritch Strike
     2 Tier1 (1) Improved Mage Armor
     3 Tier1 (1) Improved Mage Armor
     4 Tier1 (1) Improved Mage Armor
     5 Tier1 (1) Toughness
     6 Core ·(1) Spellsword
     7 Tier2 (1) Improved Shield
     8 Tier2 (1) Improved Shield
     9 Tier2 (1) Improved Shield
    10 Tier2 (1) Mystic Wards
    11 Core ·(1) Imbue the Blade
    12 Tier3 (1) Critical Mastery
    Deepwood Stalker - Points spent: 11
     1 Core ·(1) Far Shot
     2 Tier1 (1) Stealthy
     3 Tier1 (1) Stealthy
     4 Tier1 (1) Stealthy
     5 Tier1 (1) Favored Defense
     6 Core ·(1) Sneak Attack
     7 Tier2 (1) Faster Sneaking
     8 Tier2 (1) Faster Sneaking
     9 Tier2 (1) Faster Sneaking
    10 Tier1 (1) Favored Defense
    11 Core ·(1) Called Shot: Sniper Shot
    Pale Master - Points spent: 6
     1 Core ·(1) Dark Reaping
     2 Tier1 (1) Negative Energy Conduit
     3 Tier1 (1) Negative Energy Conduit
     4 Tier1 (1) Negative Energy Conduit
     5 Tier1 (1) Skeletal Knight
     6 Core ·(1) Pale Shroud: Pale Master: Shroud of the Wraith / Lich
    Game play strategy
    -Play / Gear up as you would a pure Ranger but with better self buffs, healing and CC.
    -As much as possible increase your Spell-Power, specifically Force and Acid. (It very easy to have over 500-600 spell power by 30th)
    -Keep your Archers-Focus stacks up between targets by tumbling every so often. I know this sounds stupid but it’s possible to keep your stacks at or near 25 (+250 Ranged Power).
    -Use the dual imbues to your advantage by tweaking them as needed to maximize your damage.
    -Between multi-shot bursts cast Chain-Lightning and Phantasmal / Finger (if you can get your DC’s up) or whatever best fits the situation.
    -Misty-Step is awesome! Use it to to keep mobs at a distance or to speed along with your parties advance.

    By level 30 with Legendary gear, critical hits approx 30-70k, a threat range of 17-20 is pretty easy to pull off. Best yet, you’ll be able to break most all DR and Fortification thus ensuring your damage will remain consistent from one target to the next.

    2nd Variant:
    2-Rogue, 18 Wizard for elvish races only, with Intelligence as the driving stat.
    *will finish this write up later*
    Last edited by Smokewolf; 01-18-2022 at 02:56 PM.

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