If anyone is looking to run racials or heroics or even epics.
I am currently running every night from 5pm to 11pm, currently working on racials and epics.
I usually take a break 7-8pm as a food break/mid-break.
Looking for more members to run higher reaper.
Currently running a 13 ranger that can handle R4+ (with a hire ai)
Will update the thread every few nights incase anyone would like to join.
Looking for the most reaper points possible to boost my endgame stats. Currently standing around a high amount. [60+]
New to the server.. just transferred.
(I use a customized heroic farming document to run quests for the most experience available.)
Make sure you have all the expansion packs.
Current Life:
Wood Elf > Ranger
Epic > Primal
Next Life:
Dragonborn > Sorcerer
Epic > Draconic Incarnation
Thanks to everyone for reading this, and joining if possible
