Omg I love that nuke meme. +1
I mean the goggles should be fixed---I'm not complaining---but that meme is golden.
Omg I love that nuke meme. +1
I mean the goggles should be fixed---I'm not complaining---but that meme is golden.
Sure, I get that it was a new system. But it doesn't take much to figure out that a system that rewards XP based off an item's quest level + an event that lets you turn in a low amount of favors for a MAX level item = amazing.
I have a job that sometimes gives me a lot of free time, and others almost none. I also have a personal life that is quite busy with an infant and a puppy. Last year I was not able to run the event as much as I wanted. It was all I could do to get the ACTUAL items I wanted, let alone farming Sentient XP. Had I known then that this was officially NOT WAI, and would be removed, I can assure you my priority order would have been reversed. I'd have used every favor I could on the sentient XP and waiting a year for the items. So, yeah, I have some sour grapes.
This is just another case of "get in early." If you wait around, you miss out. Those that were here and took part get to reap those rewards. Those of us that were not or did not have to grind out random drops for months on end.
Can't we meet in the middle? Maybe set a hard limit on how many times one can turn in for the glasses and otherwise leave em be? It's a once a year event. Have some fun with it!
I guess it's my fault for believing the rewards you all offered in an event created BY you all would be available during the next event. You know, like every other year...
Last edited by Xanthrawl; 01-07-2019 at 06:02 PM.
Well shoot...I guess I missed out last year![]()
The best part of the 10th Anniversary of DDO...the description on the Oatmeal Raisin Kookie,
"From a distance you thought this was a chocolate chip kookie. Now you're sad."
So now I won't lose 2 or 3 days of my life (and sanity) in a non-stop event-running cycle. My wife thanks you, I'm sure!
For the record: Last year we did a 2 minute, 7 second run with (6 people). My guildy, and the best runner on Argo, did the kobold gauntlet.
He took two days off of work and I had the time off as well. We ran at least 20-30 hours of the event. Our average rate of completion was 2 mins, 15 seconds with about 15 secs to regroup between runs getting us about 24 runs per hour. You can do the math for rewards. 2-man runs were only 10-15 secs behind the 2:15 averages. Pretty sweet and memorable.
PS: I'm sure when I went to bed at night that I was muttering "not coo-coo-coo-cool" and something about "needing a new rune arm" in my sleep.
This is more bad news for newbies and casuals.
Ex player. This game had it's peak fun in 2011. After that, 2018. The rest is nostalgia from these 2 eras. I'd be lying if I didn't say I had some fun with MotU and in eGH, thought.
DDO has been about grinding for hours/weeks for a modest upgrade in power for a very long time now. I mean if you hadn't caught on after the TR grind, the various rep grinds, crafting grinding, etc...etc...etc..
I mean DDO is the grind.
Building a Better DDO
Oh, had I known about it, I would have.
I'm obsessed with getting at least 7 slots in all my sentient jewels. I've gotten 8 in two of them and there's at least one or two more that I'd do the same with.
Running an event for the sure payoff is, imho, better than running WPM for 8 runs (ransack) per toon with no guarantees.
Everyone knew (or should have known) that what was happening last year was not intended. I know I did.
I consider what happened last year as an added anniversary gift. I didn't expect that gift to be given again this year.
Leader of Legion of Eberron on Cannith.
Characters: Loromir & Baldomir....among others.
But appreciate the heads up. Instead of full "Stick in the Eye" it's "Just the Tip" this time....
This is the most pointless nerf i've seen
I can ranack all r1 ravenlofts in 5 minutes or less for reaper gear or
Waste my time on that the only ones doing that are new players
Do you want new players to play or quit its your game
Damonz Cannith
These types of changes put the people who didn't get in early further behind those who did. I'm NOT saying this is an unreasonable change... just another in a long series of events (intentional or not) that leaves a larger gap between vets/new players and single-toons/alt-players.
This type of QOL fix would be easier to swallow if some of the other endless grind in the game were reduced or if the game moved more towards ACCOUNT progression vs CHARACTER progression.
Active Characters: Griglok (main), Fiergen, Greyhead, Havegun
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sorry, but that is no excuse, it's like the crystal cove armor with red slot (random example, cause crunching card is already talked enough)
a proper fix is a fix, clears all benefits gotten from before (like you did with retroactive changes), what you're doing here and in the example before is messing with "right players" who don't go mad after finding something that "maybe it's not right but well, let's exploit it like mad because it never happed anything to exploiters in ddo"
just saying, the only time i played cove was before last event/s (so yes, my gear needs to be updated yet roflmao) and i'm pretty confident i haven't run anniversary challenges since release, i just don't like the mechanic
but i like much less that "oh let's keep bad guys who happen to be whales doing what they want and screw newbies"
cause i really don't care if the goggle give 3000xp and take less than 5 mins to farm, i would run 1, 2 or 3 times at must, but others may find they need that xp more than other greedy bastards farmed til eyes bleed
if someone decides to pour their life in that challenges IT'S FAIR TO LEAVE THEM DO LIKE OTHERS DID BEFORE, cause saying "we didn't know blablabla" is just ********, saying you don't know where you can get xp is... loling? releasing sentience xp stones? hello?
same with red slotted armors in cove "oh sorry we're gonna fix them", it has been proven you can do retroactive changes so pls, don't lie, it's just ugly
saying it's WAI or not, it doesn't matter when you clearly know that people got more than 1 weapon in that event (lol poor guys, but if that's how they want to play DDO... xD) and then punish others cause they weren't greedy enough
what you (as group, not personal lol, as turbine/SSG) are promoting is the religion of ddo that has been staying for years and driving players away like nothing can do: EXPLOIT BEFORE IT GETS FIXED
which makes me sad, do you know how many times did i needed to post tickets, ingame and outside due to "using ED skills at heroic lvls" before getting fixed? or how many threads of VIDEOS with players farming orchard for renown? and yes, you're right, nothing happened in a long, long, loooooooooong time
that's what makes me (and not me alone XD) think that would be better saying "we're changing that because we wanted to" that giving weird excusers like WAI or not, when they're only aimed to punish new players (because whales don't get happy if someone catches them w/o spending that lot of money you know, envy it's called, number 1 in promoting nerfs in forum)
that's my opinion, on a really bad decision (if you find me touching these anniversary challenges lemme know, so you can call me hypocrite, good luck with it tho)
psykopeta is finally baconpletionist because there isn't anything to delay it more - thelanis, where the gimps claim to be pros and noobs claim to be pros, no newbies allowed(unless they claim to be pros), we have enough drama w/o them. PS: I post only in the latest thread shown in main page, in the weird case u want something from me, feel free to send pm
My sentient weapon objects to be fed anything "rose colored," "rose flavored," or "rose scented." So it's probably just as well.
"The imagination is not … the faculty for forming images of reality; it is the faculty for forming images which go beyond reality..." - Gaston Bachelard