Originally Posted by
Yep, it does work....kinda. At level 12, I just watched my PRR go from 24 to 36 after entering my EK stance Knight's Transformation, however note that this only kicked in AFTER relogging. Before doing a relog there was no PRR change, even after re-entering the stance multiple times.
However! This is still somewhat bugged, as I'm only getting twice my BAB as if the BAB is based on just being a Wizard at level 12. Entering Knight's Transformation should change by BAB to 12 (BAB equals character level) and thus add 24 PRR for a total of 48. I'll be submitting a bug report and if anyone else is getting this please do so as well, as it's a pretty big loss especially at higher levels. I'm also THF, though not sure if that'd play a roll.