Alas, despite investing thousands of hours into DDO, with each update I fall further and further behind. From the day Monster Champions were introduced, my ability to make progress was devastated. Reaper Mode left me completely in the dust. I intend to continue playing DDO, especially new dungeons, but am ready to move on to a game where I can actually make progress and am not relegated to third class citizen status.
I am not a gamer but really enjoy the energetic play of DDO. I very much enjoy a good story with strong role play elements. I hate games that force me to follow a set path, or play a particular character, or feature a story that messes with my character. Could any of you recommend something that fits that description? Old games and old graphics do not bother me. I would love to play a game with other people, one where I can actually contribute, but solo is fine. Any ideas?
Thank you!