Currently looking to form a static group that plays on a nightly basis or close to a nightly basis from 8 pm to 11 pm or somewhere close to that time. This would be in the eastern time zone.
Guild Name: Vagrant Wanderers
Server Location: Preferably low lag zone. Orien, Argonnessen, Wayfinder or Cannith.
In the static group. We plan to run everything on Elite or above, if necessary, Hard. I encourage any and all players to join as I am a very welcoming person into groups. These would be new characters. Everyone stays together in a group, nobody running ahead or zerging. You are allowed to use ability or skill tomes. Unless everyone can afford a Greater Tome of Learning, we will not use one.
We also offer advice to new players on builds, characters, races, etcetera.
It is currently just myself in the group but looking for players as I will be running by myself from 8 pm to 11 pm every night until someone is welcome to join. Going to be picking a server at random starting Saturday.
If most people have scheduling conflicts, I could make a workaround and set it to a stable time for most players to participate in this group event.
If you are willing to join and sacrifice your time, please respond below so I can obtain a way of contact.