My wife and I are looking for a guild that raids and does +1-+5 ish reapers often. We have been around but gone for awhile. I play a mech rogue and she plays a warlock. We both have 40 ish past lives but very little raid experience. My previous job (retired) allowed me to play from time to time but not on a set schedule, so I mainly focused on TR's. With that, we haven't really raided much since daemon queen/Titan era lol (done a few raids since but not enough to understand what was going on. We also have barely touched reaper other then +1's.
We are looking for a guild that have a pretty steady/reliable raid crew that doesn't mind some noobs learning quick (we are pro raiding gamers that just never really push raids in this game). We have a new addition to the family so my wife will be little less in attendance for the next few months (more attendance if a PST/MST night guild) but I will be able to make almost all raids. Our plan is to see the content we kinda been missing the past few years while waiting for Pantheon to be released (still 2-3 years away). Willing to transfer servers and open to any server as long as the guild is active with conversation (or discord) and isn't always canceling raids. We are older so prefer mature environment.
Currently on Thelanis. I dont play an alt and wife just dabbles in them, none raid ready. Can message me on here for best results. Thanks for the consideration.