Help me with a pure wizard Eldritch Failure build. Actually no, not help me, help others. I just really want to see a single viable EK build that isn't at the bottom of the barrel right from the start. Here's what i'm thinking..
21pm....(wraith form)
12harp..(KTA+Int to damage)
6racial.(sun elf is +4% to hit and 2int) I have no racial ap, those that do have good solid options
+2 dex tome needed, 36pt build
str 8
dex 15
con 16
int 19 (final around 84ish without completionist/racials/racial completionist/pots)
wis 8
cha 8
feats by lvl
1...Quicken, Two Weapon Fighting
3...Proficiency Khopesh
10..Spell Focus
12..Imp Two Weapon Fighting
15..Pick a Meta..(heighten/mental toughness/empower/maximize)
18..Improved Critical Slash
20..Pick a Meta
21..Greater Two Weapon Fighting
24..Overwhelming Critical
26..Perfect Two Weapon Fighting
28..Epic Acid Spellpower or Elusive Target
29..Spirit Blades, Arcane Warrior, or Dire Charge if you swap the 3rd slaver's aug for stunning 20
30..Insightful Reflexes (take earlier, I forgot to put this in)
30..Scion of Earth for more Acid damage - Shadowfell is also nicely rounded for this type of build
Weapon.........Calamity for vulnerable slotted with 138 force sp aug. Null swap for aura casts and maybe TOEE acid khopesh for element vulnerable if someone else has regular vulnerable covered
Weapon.........LGS acid khopesh for 150 enhancement/and LGS swaps (tier 1 and 2 LGS weapons are really cheap and easy to make)
Armor...SAset.Legendary Mist-Laden
Head......……...Leg Pansophic
Neck......……...Leg Rose Quartz Int19/qualCon4/qualPRR12/dw clickie
Bracer......…...Legendary Lore-Fueled Packbanner
Ring.........…...Ring of Nightfall
Ring.........…...Slavers 45sheltering/185acid/22spellcraft/qualint4
Gloves......…...Molten Silver Gauntlets
Boots......……..Blessed Travels from DoJ (dodge/2maxdex/speed15/freedom)
Belt...….SAset.Legendary Braided Cutcord
Cloak....SAset.Legendary Shadowhail Cloak or Cloak of Strahd
Trinket...……....CC con15/negamp61/insacc11
Goggles...….....CC seeker15/accuracy23/insseeker7
rough acid spellpower breakdown of 866 - 921 with ek action boost eldritch power running
185 item
65 ins
37 qual
37 exceptional
22 spellcraft item
23 skill
40 int bonus
130 ek
55 ek situational
15 palemaster
20 destiny feat
30 shadowfell
60 epic
150 enhancment LGS weapon
4 harper
48 implement
with 7 dice at lvl 20 this is about 440 acid per hit with stacks from enhancements
with 11 dice from Eldritch Power and action boost going this is about 730 acid per hit, and this has 50% uptime as long as you use the cleave whenever it's off cooldown
regular melee damage is going to be significantly weaker than normal but running in Dreadnought should still be good for 150-200 melee power or so when blitzing
regular melee hits with high intelligence and Know the Angles running (as geared) should still be 300 or more each hit, maybe 400-500 before crits
criticals with khopeshes will be 16-18/x4 and 19-20/x6. 22 seeker raises the crit value a lot.
neg heal amp should be a standing 100-120
neg spellpower should be about 400 or so without a Null/belt swap, closer to 700 with
30% incorporeal from wraith form/ek core
26% dodge from boots/belt/ship/mobility (with augment)
50% conceal from displacement
doublestrike should be just under 80% with the relevant past lives, offhand at 16%
retains Silent Avenger set so melee isn't complete trash
gear swaps for dc's (nightmother's scepter) make dancing ball/holds/wail all viable to at least low-mid reaper without using destiny twists to raise them
Gearing this type of character is almost impossible and every last little thing is of the utmost importance when the base build is already on the low end of viability. Couldn't fit in Adherents set without missing all sorts of stuff. Palemaster has obvious reaper issues but ideally the miss chance defenses at least get the build through the fight where it can turn back into normal form, accept some healing, and then back to wraith.
This is the best I can do I think. Can't see getting the dps any higher without utterly gimping everything else. Any ideas besides begging SSG to make EK a universal tree?