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  1. #1
    Community Member SoVeryBelgian's Avatar
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    Aug 2012

    Default Eberron Adventure Pack Idea #10 - Jorasco's Woes and The Farshifter's Blues

    Hello again all, Nonviolence from Argo here, I'm back from a 2 month break to posit yet another pack idea, centered around Eberron!

    This time, I thought I'd use the House d'Jorasco's Enclave's central building (the one by Delera's Graveyard) that you can go into, as a Quest Hub. There's nothing in it anymore, and it feels like unused space.

    The story hook goes like this, House d'Jorasco is under an exceptional amount of stress, dealing with the aftermath of the Age of Rage, The Undead in the Graveyard and the overuse of Healing facilities utilized by every mercenary and adventurer that passes through Stormreach. They are stretched thin at the moment, and require a great deal of help with unfinished and underfunded jobs from a number of important clients that need to be completed post-haste! You've not a minute to lose, so report to Ythiemnar d'Jorasco and prepare for things to get frantic.

    The idea behind this quest chain (that can be done out of order like WPM) is to port you to a number of key Khorvaire and Xen'Drik locations without having to create a new wilderness. This works in conjunction with the upcoming Sharn expansion.

    The Central NPC for the Chain is the Leader of the Enclave and head Cleric, Ythiemnar d'Jorasco, and the locations I have in mind are The Marsh of Desolation (Xen'Drik), The Eldeen Reaches, The Mror Holds and The Skyraker Claws (Xen'Drik).

    QUEST 1 - Eyes Glimmer in the Dark : Level 12 to 14 (Epic 24) Given by House Tharashk NPC Kanagar Uloom (Half Orc)

    Fearing the Incursion of Lizardfolk from Q'barra under the influence of the Cold Sun (Draconic Overlord / Lord of Dust) House d'Deneith and House d'Tharashk have requested a contingent of Healers to accompany them to the Southerly marshes on the Eastern tip of Xen'Drik where Explorers and Scouts heard tell of a gathering of Lizardfolk in the Swamps. It's up to you to accompany and defend the healers, and ensure that at least 1 mercenary survives.
    This quest would be a standard 'clean out the enemy' scenario, but it starts and unfolds as you collect information on the Lizardfolk and by extension the Lords of Dust followers who are organizing them. A good way to introduce Blackscale Lizardfolk (Since we already have the Green models) and Yuan-Ti in Xen'Drik. Their apparent goal is revealed to be the Heart of Siberys, and their benefactors include Rakshasa and a Black Dragon. Other Mobs I'd definitely be keen on would be Swampstone Elementals, Vine Horrors, Water Elementals, Yuan-Ti Anathemas, Wisps, and Kelpies.

    QUEST 2 - House Broken : Level 14 to 16 (Epic 26) Given by House Vadalis NPC Oberigar Greenheart (Human)

    Something has gone awry in the Greenheart. The Animals are restless and many have escaped, and even those of House d'Vadalis, known for the taming of nearly every animal, are mystified as to what is happening. House Jorasco has been roped into providing care for the numerous injured beasts, and their equally injured trainers. However, issues still remain unresolved, meaning it will be up to you to get to the root of this matter and retrieve the missing animal companions.
    This quest would be like The Prisoner (VON2) where you need to collect several items, only instead you track down the missing animals in the Towering Wood (Like an Owlbear, a Razorcat, a Wolf and a Hawk etc) while simultaneously uncovering leads to a cave wherein the dark rites of Ashbound Druids and Cultists from the Dragon Below are disrupting the forest and setting off the creatures who live there. Mobs in here would probably be Bandits, Poachers (Elf, Human, Halfling), Khyber Cultists, Druids, Dryads, Elementals of various types, Wood Woads, Wolves/Bears/Lionesses, and Flesh Renders.

    QUEST 3 - Unwelcome Visitors : Level 16 to 18 (Epic 28) Given by Mror Holds Liason NPC Thealeh Auryath (Human, the lady on the start at level 4/7 ship)

    The Lower City of Van'Vaurgh in the Dwarven Homeland is dealing with a remarkably frustrating home invasion by Duergar, Rust Monsters and Umber Hulks, burrowing up through the earth and disrupting the tunnels used by House Kundarak coinpurses and Mror Holds mining residents, completely crippling trade in the Southern Mountains. The sheer number of Casualties and Injuries are building up, and House Jorasco has decided to contract their Xen'Drik branch into bringing healers and mercenaries to clear and seal the tunnels, thwart the infestation and save as many citizens and soldiery as possible.
    This quest would be very similar to 'Assault on Summerfield' from the Lordsmarch Chain. You go around a battered underground city, rescuing guards, workers, soldiers and casters while clearing out the encroaching enemy forces. Mobs in here would probably be an Assortment of Duergar, Charmed Dwarves, Zombies (Juju!), Dwarf Skeletons, Umber Hulks, Bats, Rust Monsters, Elementals, Oozes, Beholders, Ogres and a Lich.

    QUEST 4 - Manic Magic Manifestation : Level 18 to 20 (Epic 30) Given by House Lyrandar Farshifter NPC Zemennis Cloudparter (Half-Elf)

    Banditry! Shamanism! Whirling, Whipping, Westerly Winds! All words to describe the sprawling crags north of Menechtarun, the dry spires of the Skyraker Claws. It was here that a shipment of magical devices, wands, scrolls and cannons was waylaid by a Gnollish raiding party wielding the desert winds as a means to knock airships out of the sky. But the worst news is the loss of an enchanted pendant owned by the Archmage Nedirian the Farseer, an implement liable to disrupt the means by which a farshifter guarantees the safety of their charges and the reliability to land where intended. In fact, spells in general become chaotic and wild magics in the presence of the misused Pendant, and things are bound to get worse as time progresses! You are tasked with the retrieval of the Pendant and the extermination of the Bandit Camp.
    This quest would start with you being 'ported to the wrong place, rather than outside the bandit camp in the mountains, you land right in the middle of the camp, having to fight your way to along perilous cliffs and winding wind-swept tunnels to the Inner Halls, where the hoards of assorted magical doohickery is malfunctioning and producing rather random effects. The boss would be the Gnoll High Shaman, his Djinni and Air-Elemental bodyguards and a contingent of Ogres. Magical effects caused by the stolen items would create effects on the map (like a Wand of Sticks to Snakes turning kindling into Yuan-ti, or a Wand of Alter Size making a bridge out of a Giant Broom). Mobs in here would be various Gnolls, Ogres, Elf Pirates, Bugbears, Air / Fire Elementals, Efreet, Djinni, Worgs, Lions, with Animated Objects and Living Spells (Chain Lightning, Cloudkill, Fireball).


    Quest 1 - ML 12
    Lichen-Crusted Browbeater / Morningstar / Profile 1.50[1d8] + 5 (19-20 x3) / Adamantine
    Ribcracker VI
    Combat Mastery + 6
    Bludgeon Damage 3d6
    Caustic Damage 3d6
    Red Augment Slot

    Swampstone Slasher / Scimitar / Profile 2[2d4] + 4 (18-20 x3) / Stone, Magic
    Maiming VI
    +Bludgeon as Damage Type
    Stone Prison DC 33
    Caustic Damage 3d6
    Red Augment Slot

    Yuan-Ti Warstaff / Qstaff / Profile 1.50[1d10] + 5 (18-20 x2) / Darkwood
    Ribcracker VI
    +Pierce as Damage Type
    Piercing Damage 3d6
    Doublestrike 8%
    Red Augment Slot

    Blackscale Hide / Light Armor / +15 AC, 10% ASF, +7 MDB / Leather
    Fortification 100%
    Dodge +7
    Greater Nimbleness
    Parrying +4
    Blue Augment Slot

    Symbol of Dust / Trinket / Silver
    Insightful Charisma +2
    Spellsight +15
    Fervor (Chance on being struck, Proc +25 Spell power for 10 sec)

    Quest 2 - ML 14
    Dire Beast Whistle / Necklace / Densewood
    Dexterity +7
    Insightful Dexterity +3
    Cacophonic Guard
    Call Dire Animal Companion (Summon a CR 35 Dire Wolf to your side)

    Ashbound Spellbranch / Club / Darkwood
    Insightful Wisdom +3
    Spellsight + 17
    Fury of Flame and Thunder +90 Fire and Electric Spellpower
    Purple Augment Slot
    Red Augment Slot

    Desecrator's Medium / Club / Darkwood
    Wisdom +7
    Insightful Spellsight + 10
    Fury of Frost and Acid +90 Ice and Acid Spellpower
    Purple Augment Slot
    Red Augment Slot

    Quest 3 - ML 16
    Aberration Robes / Cloth Armor / Chitin, Leather Crafted from a Rust Monster's Carapace
    Sheltering +20
    Natural Armor +8
    Vitality +30
    Corrosive Defenses (Enemies who strike you become afflicted by Armor Destruction)
    Blue Augment Slot

    Missing Mandible / Shortsword / Profile 2[1d8] + 6 (17-20 x2) / Chitin Crafted from an Umber Hulk's Jaw
    Stun Attack DC 33
    Slashing Damage 4d6
    Caustic Damage 4d6
    Orange Augment Slot

    Close Quarters / Dagger / Profile 2[2d4] + 6 (17-20 x2) / Metalline
    Piercing Damage 4d6
    Slashing Damage 4d6
    Orange Augment Slot

    Quest 4 - ML 18
    Wind Enchanted Plate Armor / Heavy Armor / +23 AC, -5 ACP, 30%ASF, +3 MDB/ Mithril
    Sheltering +25
    Spell Resistance +20
    Vitality +35
    Burst of Speed (Activate to gain 50% Run Speed for 30 sec) 3 Uses
    Green Augment Slot

    Spelltrap Boltlauncher / Great Crossbow / Profile 2.25[2d8] + 7 (15-20 x2) / Aligned *ALSO an Equivalent Longbow (Arrowflinger)
    Bolt Chaos (2d6 Fire, 2d6 Force, 2d6 Sonic On-Crit, Scales with 75% Spellpower)
    Area of Effects (5% Chance to cause a magic discharge at the point of impact hitting all units in a small Radius with Sonic, Fire, or Force Damage)
    Truly Vicious (Vorpal hits add 5 stacks of 1% Vulnerability to the Target)
    Purple Augment Slot

    Mixed Up Mask / Helmet / Cloth
    Quality Intelligence +3
    Positive Spellpower +105
    Negative Spellpower +105
    Otto's dance Guard

    Concentrated Chaos / Belt / Feathers
    Djinni's Wind (All weapons currently equipped get a 5% chance to knock down enemies On-Hit)
    Efreet's Fire Guard (Enemies that strike you take a dot causing 1d4 fire damage that stacks 20 times)
    Roc's Grand Strength +3 Quality Strength
    Call the Desert by Name (Summon a Sand Elemental --an earth elemental palette swap--)

    The Alleged Weapon / Khopesh / Profile 2.25[2d6] + 7 (18-20 x3) / Metalline
    Armor Piercing +15
    Accuracy +15
    Incite 30%
    Purple Augment Slot

    And that's it! HOO BOY, long winded that one. All feedback is welcome, please take a look and tell me what ye think :P

  2. #2
    Community Member Questdoer's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2013


    Sounds cool.

    It would be nice to see that weirdly important seeming, yet ultimately empty, building be used for something.


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