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Thread: Raid Flagging

  1. #1
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    Default Raid Flagging

    If you the devs truly care about promoting raiding (as this last raid pass suggests), please allow all raid flagging to persist through all forms of reincarnation. I understand flagging once to get familiar with the story arc, enemies, mechanics, etc. But many raids do not get run because most of us are busy TRing, etc and do not flag for the raids on every life. The same goes for other story quest flagging and entering sale Vale, Land of Barovia. We already know the story, we do not need to hear it again after the first time.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by jskinner937 View Post
    If you the devs truly care about promoting raiding (as this last raid pass suggests), please allow all raid flagging to persist through all forms of reincarnation. I understand flagging once to get familiar with the story arc, enemies, mechanics, etc. But many raids do not get run because most of us are busy TRing, etc and do not flag for the raids on every life. The same goes for other story quest flagging and entering sale Vale, Land of Barovia. We already know the story, we do not need to hear it again after the first time.
    One of the best QoL improvements made to this game to date is allowing us to skip ahead from the Korthos story line. Hint...hint. At least give us the option to flag again or not.

  3. #3
    FreeDeeOh PsychoBlonde's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jskinner937 View Post
    If you the devs truly care about promoting raiding (as this last raid pass suggests), please allow all raid flagging to persist through all forms of reincarnation. I understand flagging once to get familiar with the story arc, enemies, mechanics, etc. But many raids do not get run because most of us are busy TRing, etc and do not flag for the raids on every life. The same goes for other story quest flagging and entering sale Vale, Land of Barovia. We already know the story, we do not need to hear it again after the first time.
    Yeah, that ain't gonna happen. And even if they were to devote months to re-working how True Reincarnation works, the primary effect would be that you'd never get first time xp bonuses for running quests ever again, because you would have already run everything.

    True Reincarnation means that your game progress gets wiped. Favor, quest progress, flagging, everything.
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  4. #4
    Community Member SoVeryBelgian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PsychoBlonde View Post
    Yeah, that ain't gonna happen. And even if they were to devote months to re-working how True Reincarnation works, the primary effect would be that you'd never get first time xp bonuses for running quests ever again, because you would have already run everything.

    True Reincarnation means that your game progress gets wiped. Favor, quest progress, flagging, everything.

    What about a MacGuffin that comes thru Reincarnation with ye... like say... a Sigil of Lamannia for Shroud w/o Vale orrrrrrr a SPOOO~OOOKY COOOKIE for Strahd and Baba?

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by PsychoBlonde View Post
    Yeah, that ain't gonna happen. And even if they were to devote months to re-working how True Reincarnation works, the primary effect would be that you'd never get first time xp bonuses for running quests ever again, because you would have already run everything.

    True Reincarnation means that your game progress gets wiped. Favor, quest progress, flagging, everything.
    Not true. I have been playing this game for well over a decade. I know from experience that’s TRing is not a complete wipe of previous character progress. To give some examples, you unlock certain aspects of the game via favor and this does not wipe. You have tomes persist through reincarnation. Heck i remember when epic destinies came out, they had to institute certain measures so people weren’t running around at level 1 energy bursting through twists that persisted through TRing. Flagging mechanics would be no different than some of the above.

  6. #6


    A better way might be removing flagging mechanics itself.

    It's like anti-grouping mechanics.

    How many times did people leave the group, because they weren't flagged?
    Last edited by draven1; 12-18-2018 at 11:31 PM.
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by draven1 View Post
    A better way might be removing flagging mechanics itself.

    It's like anti-grouping mechanics.

    How many times did people leave the group, because they weren't flagged?
    Almost none, I expect.
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  8. #8
    Community Member Dulcimerist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlcoArgo View Post
    Almost none, I expect.
    I host public Abbot raid groups every Wednesday and Saturday, and it happens on a regular basis. However, it often gets Abbot flagging groups put together so they can run the raid next time. In this case, the flagging mechanic actually promotes grouping and working together to get everyone flagged.
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by jskinner937 View Post
    If you the devs truly care about promoting raiding (as this last raid pass suggests), please allow all raid flagging to persist through all forms of reincarnation. I understand flagging once to get familiar with the story arc, enemies, mechanics, etc. But many raids do not get run because most of us are busy TRing, etc and do not flag for the raids on every life. The same goes for other story quest flagging and entering sale Vale, Land of Barovia. We already know the story, we do not need to hear it again after the first time.

    Your point has merit, but I doubt many will support it. I don't

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dulcimerist View Post
    I host public Abbot raid groups every Wednesday and Saturday, and it happens on a regular basis. However, it often gets Abbot flagging groups put together so they can run the raid next time. In this case, the flagging mechanic actually promotes grouping and working together to get everyone flagged.
    What server are you on? And do you have room for a another regular? That's one raid i don't know very well and need to run it a bunch more times so i can confidently lead. If you got room i could roll up an iconic on tote server and gather up the sigil pieces.
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    Quote Originally Posted by PsychoBlonde View Post
    Yeah, that ain't gonna happen. And even if they were to devote months to re-working how True Reincarnation works, the primary effect would be that you'd never get first time xp bonuses for running quests ever again, because you would have already run everything.

    True Reincarnation means that your game progress gets wiped. Favor, quest progress, flagging, everything.
    They made it so litany flagging persists through tr. One of the best quality of life improvements for those of us that tr regularly.
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  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dulcimerist View Post
    I host public Abbot raid groups every Wednesday and Saturday, and it happens on a regular basis. However, it often gets Abbot flagging groups put together so they can run the raid next time. In this case, the flagging mechanic actually promotes grouping and working together to get everyone flagged.
    You are cherry picking your answer here. The Abbott raid is almost never fully flagged (and subsequently rarely run) because

    1) running all 4 LOTD - post XP, remember -side quests is a pain in the donkey, plus...

    2) There is only one good thing (quiver) that 95% of the people want so once they have it they never run it again, plus...

    3) it is heroic so running other quests for XP is much more efficient for leveling than the grind of flagging (even with a persistent sigil) so, in effect, almost nobody bothers unless they are farming for the quiver. Just about everyone will run LOTD once or twice for XP then move on, if that.

    All other raids people will only join if they are flagged. Only a player new to the game will try to join without flagging and that only happens once.
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  13. #13
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    I think that are some raids with a one time flagging.
    Like the one at restless islands.

    Other raids you could perform the quests and only flag them at a later life.
    Like the one at Demon sands.

    I personally, like the idea of having a key item to enter the raid.
    Having collected the key item allows you to enter the raid at any life.

    Also personally I do not mind flagging for raids or quests. But I do not like that you have to do chains in order.
    It is pretty often that you find a group playing a quest further in the chain and skip (red flag) that quest in order to group.

    I would like that when you red flag a chain quest, that the chain is updated. Meaning that I must still return and play the quests normally, but when I reach to the red flagged quest the chain progress without me needing to replay it.


  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlcoArgo View Post
    Almost none, I expect.
    I see people leave raids all the time.

    "whoops, thought this guy was flagged, sorry!"
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Eth View Post
    When you stop caring about xp/min this game becomes really fun. Trust me.
    Quote Originally Posted by TedSandyman View Post
    Some people brag about how fast they finished the game. I cant think of a stupider thing to brag about. Or in this game, going from level 1 to level 30 in two days, or however long it takes. I can't even begin to imagine what drives a person to think that is fun. You are ignoring all of the content and options and going for sheer speed. It is like going to a museum and bragging about how fast you made it through. Or bragging about how fast you finished a good steak.

  15. #15
    FreeDeeOh PsychoBlonde's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jskinner937 View Post
    To give some examples, you unlock certain aspects of the game via favor and this does not wipe. You have tomes persist through reincarnation.
    It's funny you bring up tomes, because when I started playing tomes did NOT persist through reincarnation. They "fixed" this problem by having tomes bestow a permanent feat that re-applies itself.

    Character stuff doesn't persist. It gets re-loaded and some things are re-applied. Server unlocks are a different thing--they are server-based, not character-based.
    Last edited by PsychoBlonde; 12-21-2018 at 06:13 PM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by spyder7723 View Post
    They made it so litany flagging persists through tr. One of the best quality of life improvements for those of us that tr regularly.
    By giving us a persistent ITEM that RE-FLAGS you when you turn it in. The flagging itself does not persist, you have to a.) get the item b.) have the item c.) turn it in to the NPC. Oh, and it only flags you for the pre-raid, not the raid itself.

    Saying "please give us items that re-flag us for raids" is not the same as saying "please make the flagging persist forever". And I'm pretty sure most people don't want to have to hang on to a huge stack of permanent items taking up one inventory slot per item. After all, you can already, say, hang on to the 3 dragon gems and 3 essences to flag for stealer of souls, and nobody does this. You can hang on to the 3 items to flag for DQ and nobody does this. Running a couple of fast quests on an easy difficulty is a lot less of a headache than keeping track of all that junk.
    Last edited by PsychoBlonde; 12-21-2018 at 05:03 PM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by PsychoBlonde View Post
    By giving us a persistent ITEM that RE-FLAGS you when you turn it in. The flagging itself does not persist, you have to a.) get the item b.) have the item c.) turn it in to the NPC. Oh, and it only flags you for the pre-raid, not the raid itself.

    Saying "please give us items that re-flag us for raids" is not the same as saying "please make the flagging persist forever". And I'm pretty sure most people don't want to have to hang on to a huge stack of permanent items taking up one inventory slot per item. After all, you can already, say, hang on to the 3 dragon gems and 3 essences to flag for stealer of souls, and nobody does this. You can hang on to the 3 items to flag for DQ and nobody does this. Running a couple of fast quests on an easy difficulty is a lot less of a headache than keeping track of all that junk.

    It accomplishes the exact same goal. I quoted a post that said it isn't possible to keep flagging through a tr and provided an example of how it has been done. Attempting to invalidate that statement because it's done with an item vs code flagging is just arguing semantics. That's what lawyers do and there is a reason everyone else thinks they are scumbags.
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  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by PsychoBlonde View Post
    By giving us a persistent ITEM that RE-FLAGS you when you turn it in. The flagging itself does not persist, you have to a.) get the item b.) have the item c.) turn it in to the NPC. Oh, and it only flags you for the pre-raid, not the raid itself.

    Saying "please give us items that re-flag us for raids" is not the same as saying "please make the flagging persist forever". And I'm pretty sure most people don't want to have to hang on to a huge stack of permanent items taking up one inventory slot per item. After all, you can already, say, hang on to the 3 dragon gems and 3 essences to flag for stealer of souls, and nobody does this. You can hang on to the 3 items to flag for DQ and nobody does this. Running a couple of fast quests on an easy difficulty is a lot less of a headache than keeping track of all that junk.
    Don't quote me on this and no promises but I'm probably going to just delete that entire flagging experience from DDO. Flagging for SoS is not fun and I hate players holding on to stuff that clutters their bags for no reason. I have a shelved experiment that just turns off the flagging (by breaking the quest flow in a bad way but it'll let you in) but if I get some more free time to make it less silly it's on my list of QOL I'd love to tackle. I'm glad people like the Litany change, btw
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  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    Don't quote me on this and no promises but I'm probably going to just delete that entire flagging experience from DDO. Flagging for SoS is not fun and I hate players holding on to stuff that clutters their bags for no reason. I have a shelved experiment that just turns off the flagging (by breaking the quest flow in a bad way but it'll let you in) but if I get some more free time to make it less silly it's on my list of QOL I'd love to tackle. I'm glad people like the Litany change, btw

    People LOVE the litany change.

    Removing or simplifying other quests with flagging (especially the 3 necro crypts) would get just as much love
    Last edited by spyder7723; 12-21-2018 at 11:49 PM.
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  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by PsychoBlonde View Post
    It's funny you bring up tomes, because when I started playing tomes did NOT persist through reincarnation. They "fixed" this problem by having tomes bestow a permanent feat that re-applies itself.

    Character stuff doesn't persist. It gets re-loaded and some things are re-applied. Server unlocks are a different thing--they are server-based, not character-based.
    Those feats are recent. Tomes persisted at least since heroic cap was raised to 20 and I am fairly certain before then. The Tr process is a deleted character but not a complete character wipe. Many things persist through, including your inventory, pl feats, ability times, EDs, karma, tomes of learning, past lives, etc. Despite the warnings, there is a copy of everything you do on a backup server somewhere. This explains why emptying your Tr cache takes too long because it involves coordination with that backup server. The feats only exist now because the memory leaks that exist throughout DDO and TRing could result in problems like lost tomes.

    At any rate, even if a feat was granted as the flagging mechanic that would be great stuff.

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