1)What is the stuff a ranged player have available to address mobs being immune to ranged attacks? A blaster caster should have at least three damage types available, a DC caster should know which mobs are affected by what spell, a melee should carry adamantine weapons, cold iron, silver, etc. What should a shooter do?

2)Is part of this swapping different ammo types? Like, adamantine bolts, chaos bolts, holy bolts? If that's the case, how does one do that quickly? The only way I know how to swap ammo is open inventory, open quiver, drag bolts out, and so on. Super slow.

3)I notice Action Boost: Power and Endless Fusilade share counters and a cooldown. I could see having points in AB:P until EF is available, but after you get 22 AP in Battle Engineer, is there any point in keeping points in AB:P? Is there ever a situation where AB:P is useful and EF isn't?