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  1. #1
    Community Member Peter_Principle's Avatar
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    Sep 2012

    Default Some Ranged-related Questions

    1)What is the stuff a ranged player have available to address mobs being immune to ranged attacks? A blaster caster should have at least three damage types available, a DC caster should know which mobs are affected by what spell, a melee should carry adamantine weapons, cold iron, silver, etc. What should a shooter do?

    2)Is part of this swapping different ammo types? Like, adamantine bolts, chaos bolts, holy bolts? If that's the case, how does one do that quickly? The only way I know how to swap ammo is open inventory, open quiver, drag bolts out, and so on. Super slow.

    3)I notice Action Boost: Power and Endless Fusilade share counters and a cooldown. I could see having points in AB:P until EF is available, but after you get 22 AP in Battle Engineer, is there any point in keeping points in AB:P? Is there ever a situation where AB:P is useful and EF isn't?
    FYI, when I summon an earth elemental, it's not a "he," it's a "she." And her name is Pebbles.

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Can't you hotbar arrows and bolts?

    For an arti it woukd be even simpler, just cast the spells.
    My phones auto correct/swype failed grammar school.

  3. #3
    Community Member ArgentMage's Avatar
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    Jun 2009


    The level 10 Barovian's bows from Ravenloft are Good and Silver, so those work against Vampires and Devils out of the box.
    An arti can add Cold Iron (with Good from the bow) for Devils as well as Adamantine or Byeshk via spell, or get the ammo from Deneith favor.
    There's the Silver Slinger/Bow of the Silver Flame for getting at skeletons, and Fatal Flaw for anything else alive. :-)

  4. #4
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2006


    3) No, the AB system is kinda set up so you pick one AB type. A second would only be useful if you're running out of charges on the first. I guess in theory, if a monster had really really high DR, to the point it was negating all your damage but just barely, then you'd want the extra ranged power (ie damage per shot) than the full-auto fire rate. But realistically, no, Fusillade is far and away the best AB in the game and you should use it as much as possible, especially since BE gets Extra ABs anyway.

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