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  1. #1
    Community Member bsquishwizzy's Avatar
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    Nov 2010

    Default Please, for the love of all that is holy...

    ...give us some sort of collectable trader.

    I need Crypmoss. Have to farm for Crypmoss. Yet...I've got nearly 200 ceramic bowls, sour darkcaps...I've got nearly 600 frickin Amulets of the Lost Empire!

    Please give me a system to trade these in, and churn out the ones I need for crafting. Either that, or start decreasing the collectable requirements for crafting. I used to have GOBS of them. Now? I'm reduced to mindless, repetitive farming. As a result, I've cut WAY back on the amount of crafting I used to do, mainly because of the expense in materials. I mean, I can build up a essences stash, because melting items only has one final output. But collectables? They are random. You get what the RNG tells you. And if the RNG doesn't like you, you get ANYTHING by the materials you need.

    This is especially true with the way heroic collectables are distributed. When you compare Tier 2 and Tier 3 collectables vs. their Epic counterparts, you end up having WAY more variety of what you'll get on a pull - 6 or more many instances - then on the same quest in epic (roughly 3). So you end up getting a ton of stuff you don't need, to get the few things that you do. These end up being the BULK of most of my crafting. There's a reason why I have the number of Sweet Whitecaps I do. It's insane!

    It's bad enough that attribute distributions were hosed in Cannith Crafting, the essences and collectables you need literally make it prohibitive (cue the chorus of the 'no it's not' crowd, convincing me to not believe my lying eyes).

    So please, for the love of all that is holy, do something to fix this! No more random gobblty gook that wastes my money, time, and patience. If you are going to fix it, do something with consistency...

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Apr 2013


    I agree collectables of the same tier and type should be exchangeable at a loss for others of the same tier.

    In this case, you'd be able to trade your Amulets (t3 cultural) for Small Planar Crystals (the other t3 cultural)

    The standard Cryptmoss are T2 Natural, which means if you were looking for those and finding Ceramic Bowls (t3 Arcane), you were hunting in quests that were slightly too high a level, and you weren't hunting specifically for those either, but looting adventurer's bags or another random collectable generator, instead of specifically hunting for Natural nodes in quests level 6-10.

    There's a nice thread on the forums for those times you really want to hunt down some specific collectables, but you can't just rely on feeding your crafting itch by just using the things you naturally encounter along the way.

    Edit: The thread in question: Collectable Farming in DDO

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Nov 2009


    I second the post above. Knowing what quests to farm cuts down the time invested by a ton. However, i would still like to see a trade in option. Maybe something like 10 commons for 1 rare?
    My phones auto correct/swype failed grammar school.

  4. #4
    Community Member Questdoer's Avatar
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    May 2013


    +1 from me

  5. #5
    Community Member SoVeryBelgian's Avatar
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    Aug 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Xgya View Post
    I agree collectables of the same tier and type should be exchangeable at a loss for others of the same tier.

    In this case, you'd be able to trade your Amulets (t3 cultural) for Small Planar Crystals (the other t3 cultural)

    The standard Cryptmoss are T2 Natural, which means if you were looking for those and finding Ceramic Bowls (t3 Arcane), you were hunting in quests that were slightly too high a level, and you weren't hunting specifically for those either, but looting adventurer's bags or another random collectable generator, instead of specifically hunting for Natural nodes in quests level 6-10.

    There's a nice thread on the forums for those times you really want to hunt down some specific collectables, but you can't just rely on feeding your crafting itch by just using the things you naturally encounter along the way.

    Edit: The thread in question: Collectable Farming in DDO

    I am in total agreement with this.

    I would also like for certain long-form quests to have more opportunities for collectibles, especially quests before 10 which have collectables that nearly every recipe uses (like Runic Parchments)

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