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  1. #1
    Community Member Drunkendex's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    Default Cripple, hamstring, etc. question

    I've tried finding how can you remove those debuffs, but failed to find any info that works. (haste, heal, etc)

    Am i missing some obvious remove mechanic, or is them being unremovable WAI? (not nice thought taking into account some effect can last full minute <- some generals in shroud like to cripple for 60 seconds)

    Any info on how to remove them faster than waiting for them to pass would be really appreciated.

  2. #2


    none although not sure if the Harper pin might do something (not a good use of it though if so)
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  3. #3
    Community Member Wh070aa's Avatar
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    Mar 2010


    Freedom of movement should prevent most of these effects, if cast before you get hit by it? That and some cleanse effects (Harper pin and bunch of capstones/feats no one uses). Not sure if immunity to slippery surfaces items help in some cases, but they might (dunno, they changed it and it's hella confusing, but it works for some stuff). You can also die and get raised from dead, but it's not really better than just waiting it out.

    Also maybe greater restoration is worth a try for some of the effects, but probably not. Should test out at some point, but I got FOM permanent potion for Mysterious fragment vendor, and so I haven't really tried it out.

    That said the effects are extremely inconsistent in what works, especially after they decided to nerf FoM, and rogues helpless counting effects. Pretty sure they broke entire system for applying conditions in those 2 passes, and maybe some of the epic stuff that makes conditions not work right on epic monsters/champions, since they use same things for players and mobs.

  4. #4
    Community Member Drunkendex's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2016


    Yeah, yeah...

    Thread necro, I know.

    But it's either necro or post same question.

    I still seek for way to remove mentioned effects.

    I've been recently playing my Barb alt and loving it, but those effects hitting him are major annoyance. (especially since most mobs that can apply them like to run around like headless chickens)

    So, if anyone knows how to remove them I'm all ears.

    Heal, restoration (all 3), harper pins (both) don't remove it and FoM is useless.

    SSG please tell me this is not WAI.

  5. #5
    Community Member Dulcimerist's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Does a bard's Song of Freedom remove these effects?
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