Tired of constantly feeling the need to TR to something better every time I come back from a break. Wanting to play endgame for a while on my main before girding myself for the TR grind again. I'll have to TR my current life into something else due to being gone a while again, and there's been so many changes I never caught up on that I'll need some assistance choosing a build.
My "needs" are:
1. Evasion. Preferably 2 Rogue path, but not against Monk. Just like to have trapping and lockpick when soloing, and UMD.
2. Melee TWF. It's what I started as and all of my gear is aimed towards it (with some choice Two Handers for early levels)
3. Probably not "Pure" 20. I've always found them boring
4. High DPS/High survivability. I'm not trying to be a glass cannon. Yes I want to kill things fast, but I'm not going for optimized speed kills.
5. Solo-play. I solo a lot, as high of difficulty as I can manage. I want to be able to handle Reaper 1 as a minimum, and EE when I get there.
And that's it! I'll have 36pt buy and a few PL feats to work with, but not Completionist. Thanks in advance.