Got an Heroic Otto' Irresistible Box I want to sell. Am interested in as many Astral Shards as possible and am not really in a hurry to sell. Just leave a post here or shoot me a pm.
Thanks in advance for any offer!
Got an Heroic Otto' Irresistible Box I want to sell. Am interested in as many Astral Shards as possible and am not really in a hurry to sell. Just leave a post here or shoot me a pm.
Thanks in advance for any offer!
Thought about that too of course. But as I still have to finish DOS2 with my static group before we start DDO it is really not that urgent to sell it fast. Furthermore I think the AS auction house cut was and still is way too high...
...actually there is one way, but only helpful if you want to buy a guild ship. Invite your buyer into guild, have them donate the full purchase amount of AS to the ship bank, then give over the Otto box. LOT of trust required there, and only good for purchasing a ship - no withdrawals from that fund.
I see. Suppose the only way beside the AS auction house would be the one saving for an airship. My guild could use a bigger one someday...
I looked up on the ddo store how much shards cost, and I found that you can buy 1000 shards for 5395 tp.
Otto's Boxes sell when available for 4996 tp.
So, if one gave 4995/5395 tp to your astral shard guild account that would be the equivalent amount.
EI 925 astral shards.
Not sure if one can donate odd amounts, went and looked and donations viable are
I would be willing to spot you a bit above the value and donate 1000 shards to your guild airship, if you are willing to make a deal.
It is actually 75 shards over full value.
If you are willing to make a deal, send a guild invite to Fawnbank on Khyber, and we will work from there.
Suggest you take screenshots of your astral guild bank, your otto's box, ect...
Sounds good to me. I will try to make screenshots. Name of the guild is "House of the Undying", guild leader is my former main char "Masdriirn Aleonath". I will try to upload some pictures. Am a bit clumsy with computer stuff, but suppose we will be able to get there
Well, screenshots were not that hard to take, but I do not see any option how to upload them at the forum...
Last edited by ChiefJustice; 12-13-2018 at 02:04 PM.
Just as long as you have the screenshots, that is all that matters...its just insurance for you, which you likely don't need since I am well known on Khyber.
Logged into Fawnbank, mail Fawnbank a guild invitation or invite me to your guild.
Friended you.
process to upload to dd
deviant art or some other website account that allows you to upload pictures
upload there
windows explorer (not edge) open picture up
right click
copy whole url address
post on ddo as such:
[img]paste clickboard here[/img]
guild invites = mailbox bottom right corner I believe labeled invite
Last edited by Silverleafeon; 12-13-2018 at 04:02 PM.
Did not work for whatever reason. Maybe just see you ingame?
Maybe just click the links instead?:
Anyway, sent you a guild invite a few ago...
Last edited by ChiefJustice; 12-14-2018 at 01:52 PM.
link worked fine,
Thank you for the guild invite, I took before and after screen shots of your balance increasing from 7 astral shards to 1007 astral shards.
If you could mail the Otto's Box to "Fawnbank" that would be appreciated.
If you are not comfortable mailing the box, please choose a daytime
hour (eastern standard time zone or list other time zone) for us to meet.
I have mailed Boxes before.
I am on and am able to stay on a while, so I could hand it over in game...
Edit: Might not be available every single minute while online due to supper, housework and so on...
Edit2: We will get there somehow as it is weekend now. Am CET though
Edit3: As you might have already thought I do not feel that confident mailing the box...
Last edited by ChiefJustice; 12-14-2018 at 04:29 PM.
You are 7 hours ahead of me.
Will try to log on at 8am your time, then at 4pm your time and look for you.
ChiefJustice, if you are in a solo guild, a guild chest can be used for the transfer if you can't be on together at the same time.
Guild I'm one of a kind, Khyber
Current Crew: Raika ~ Carolanne ~ Sulthania ~ Yasminne ~ Zazette
Semi-Active Crew: Rosanna ~ Venusia ~ Coriza
Retired Crew: Alexandra ~ Samara ~ Zaretta ~ Carelle ~ Katina ~ Nathalya ~ Kristina ~ Nausikaa ~ Carietta ~ Isabella ~ Zyvorra ~ Hetoff
Guild The Ashen, Khyber (Originally from Riedra)
Retired Crew: Zazumi
4pm my time should work today. As I got the cold and I can not sleep through which sucks a bit try my luck now too...
Edit: What is the name of your main you are normally on?
Last edited by ChiefJustice; 12-14-2018 at 10:40 PM.
Transaction finished. Thanks a lot!