The introduction of the upcoming raid currency in Llamma got me thinking about the current end game raid scheme.
I already run raids often (10 per week or so). I do not see how the new changes to raids on Llama will provide an incentive (for me) to run or lead additional raids with new/inexperienced people outside of the usual 3 or 4 raids we constantly run now within guild or raid channel. (usually always the newer 3 or 4 raids). This system will not change the raiding scene at endgame for me and likely not for anyone else, IMO. With the changes as outlined on Llama, I will still stick to running a select few raids and will stop running them when everyone in our group gets what they want. (until the next raid with new shinnies comes along

Lets face it, once a player gets what he/she wants from a raid, they usually stop running that raid.
If the goal is to have an incentive to run dead raids, grind raids in general, encourage more players to participate in raids, and make raids more inclusive, then have some kind of bonus for running and completing all the raids:
Raid Saga: a reward system for completing all (or most) of the raids (similar to existing saga rewards) that includes:
Just some random Raid Saga reward ideas: (keep in mind you only get these after completing 11? Raids, something that will likely take a week or more...)
1) Bonuses similar to ship bonuses (something like a guild buffs bonus multiplier that increases with Raid Saga completions on normal, hard, elite, R1, etc) that lasts for say, 1 month, (Additional Raid Saga completions stack the time). Or can be perpetual as long as X amount of raids are completed within X amount of time by X amount of guild members.
some ship cosmetics like the heads of raid-bosses to mount onto the airship? sure, as for more power creep? no thanks
2) Similar and larger rewards than existing saga style rewards for completing a Raid Saga.
like exp, skill tomes and guild renown? maybe....
3) Repeating the Raid Saga 3 or 4? times would give the ability to get any item from any raid (for any character you have?).
raid tokens do that, you get those from the raids themselves.
4) Short term (3 days or so) guild-wide bonuses that apply to the entire guild if all or most of the people who run the raid are in the same guild, same bonus also applies to individual non guild participants, but only to that individual.
no to more powercreep
5) use the proposed raid currency for adding mythic bonuses to ANY raid item or weapon (not just the white plume stuff as it is now on Llama).
the reason those bonuses are in there is because it's a crafted weapon, if you're lucky, you can get raid items to drop from reaper runs. also, no to power creep.
6) Some kind of Reaper Currency (reaper mysterious remnants?) That only drop when killing reapers in reaper level raids which can be used for applying reaper bonuses to raid items and weapons and/or make them a Raid Saga reward item.
only for more powercreep, reaper mode was intended as a challange, not a powercreep to be eased by store purchases.
7) Have large reaper XP stones as a reaper Raid Saga reward.
8) Sentient XP stones.
9) (as suggested by Chilldude): A way of earning the past life bonuses other players received through repetitively grinding easy content by staying at cap and running raids instead.
Something like this would likely make the current raiding scene FAR more popular, it would give incentives for experienced people to participate in content they normally do not participate in anymore, with people they normally do not raid with, AND give good reasons to grind raids beyond getting the item you want. Which will translate to more people playing the game, more players participating in Raids, and playing the game longer.
Please post additional ideas with the goal of making all the raids (new and old) desirable for all to play.
I will edit and add to this OP as ideas get posted or come to mind.