FYI, newbie on my first character, now at Level 17. I’m still running Gianthold at the moment to get my saga reward.
I find lately that negative levels are typically the most dangerous thing that I face with any regular frequency, running level 14'ish quests on Elite. I thought that I had this beat when I got my UMD up, but found out that when I’m hit with 4 negative levels my UMD plummets and Greater Restoration scrolls are not an option. I’ve been using my Gloomy potions of Restoration from Revels, but at this rate those won’t last much longer.
If I understand DDOwiki correctly, my options to prevent this are Death Ward and Negative Energy Absorption items.
Death Ward: There are no permanent Death Ward items. I have Potions of Gloomy Death Ward, but again those will run out quickly. I don’t have a Death Ward clickie, but I’m not sure if 7 minutes once per quest is going to be enough for me. As a first timer, I don’t know when I’m going to run into it, and I take a lot longer than 7 minutes to run a quest. I also have the option of getting a hireling to cast Death Ward on me over and over. Again, not ideal.
Negative Energy Absorption: I pulled a Death’s Locket from Prison of Planes. It has 5 charges per day. If I wear it, I will lose a Realistic 5 of Natural Armor 7 necklace, which is a LOT to give up IMHO. My lack of knowledge of the quests doesn’t allow me to switch in and out items for each quests or even within quest for different encounters. I try to optimize for anything that may come my way.
Is there something I can do to better defend against the negative levels full time, or is the real answer here that I simply won’t likely have anything close to full time protection? The truth may be that I must learn when it is needed by first running quests, and then in the future firing up a clickie or hireling Death Ward when I know what’s coming.
Thanks for your help.